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Joined: 2006/5/5
Posts: 27


hello. I'm not to sure if this is in the right area of the forum or not. But anywho, I'm taking a research class right now in college and I've got a teacher who is part of a skeptics group in the community. In our class we share a lot about supernatural, ghosts, psychics, etc... I was wondering if anybody had any links or anything that could help me maybe pass along to him on some of these subjects which may show miracles, evidence and support. I was also interested if anybody knew of any good books maybe I could pass to him, I heard the case for christ is a pretty good one as well. He's pretty open-minded so he'll listen and receive anything. Thanks

 2006/6/28 16:06Profile

 Re: skeptics

A long time ago, I read 'Who Moved the Stone?' by Frank Morison, about the resurrection. I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing you're looking for, but, although it may not convince the reader, the author was convinced from a stand of not believing at all, to being unable to explain the resurrection unless it had actually happened.

 2006/6/28 17:10

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Re: skeptics

Hi Runoff. has a large question and answer section which might be helpfull to you. The articles could be printed out if you wanted to give him something to read.

I was also thinking about the testimony of Duncan Campbell concerning the revival on the Isle of Lewis which is available here

I don't know if the message itself would be appropriate for him; perhaps it would give you some things to discuss in class.

There are so many testimonies concerning the miraculous and supernatural in our life time, especially in eastern countires, such as India and China, though not exlusively there. I have read and heard quite a few stories of the miraculous through the ministry of Gospel for Asia, for instance.


Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2006/6/28 19:46Profile

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