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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Learning to discern between biblical and unbiblical preaching

This way either posted in another thread or forum but I ran across it and thought it was worth posting.

[b]Learning to discern between biblical and unbiblical preaching

Unbiblical preaching partners with Satan who aims to kill and destroy.
Biblical preaching partners with God who gives life.

Unbiblical preaching condemns.
Biblical preaching convicts.

Unbiblical preaching brings despair and confusion.
Biblical preaching brings hope.

Unbiblical preaching leaves its “victim” feeling degraded and despised.
Biblical preaching leaves its listener feeling valuable to God.

Unbiblical preaching flows form a self-righteous and haughty heart.
Biblical preaching flows from “level ground”.

Unbiblical preachers are far from the cross. They know little of God's mercy.
Biblical preachers stay close to the cross. They have experienced God's mercy, and know their need for God's mercy at all times.

Unbiblical preachers think they are obeying God.
Biblical preachers are obeying God.

Unbiblical preachers do not wait on the Lord.
Biblical preachers wait on the Lord.

Unbiblical preachers rely on their natural senses.
Biblical preachers rely on Sprit revelation (regarding sins, disclosure, etc)

Unbiblical preaching is controlling.
Biblical preaching respects the freedom of the sinner to choose and think.

Unbiblical preaching flows from hidden roots of bitterness.
Biblical preaching flows from a heart that has forgiven all their past offenders.

Unbiblical preaching has an abrasive tone.
Biblical preaching has a tender tone.

Unbiblical preachers seem against you. It feels like they are picking a fight.
Biblical preachers are for you – like they want to walk with you.

Unbiblical preaching flows from a calloused heart.
Biblical preaching flows from love at all times.

Love covers over a multitude of sins. It preserves dignity. It restores. It gently leads the sheep to the shepherd.

Unbiblical preaching is the method of Shem and Japeth: It mocks and ridicules sin and leaves it exposed.
Biblical preaching is like Ham who covered his father’s nakedness. (symbolic of Christ’s covering)

Those who treat the sins of others like Shem and Japeth will be cursed - those who ridicule sinners, put up degrading billboards about them, snicker among themselves about "those sinnners" (disgusting homos or whatever).

Unbiblical preachers cannot empathize with their ‘victim”. They preach AT sinners.
Biblical preaching flows from empathetic identification.

Unbiblical preachers do not weep.
Biblical preachers weep.

Unbiblical preachers “see” no wounds. Instead they shoot the wounded.
Biblical preachers sense the wounds hidden under the tough overlay. They promote healing.

Unbiblical preachers produce no fruit or bad fruit.
Biblical preachers cooperate with God in producing an eternal harvest.

Really, one’s message has far more to do with his/her heart condition than merely his words.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. May God raise more preachers who are like Ham.


SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/6/28 14:21Profile

 Re: Learning to discern between biblical and unbiblical preaching

Thank you for this

I think I will print off a copy of this and read it before I preach to help me stay focussed.

Thanks again

 2006/6/28 14:53


It is vitally important that we concern ourselves with having the right message. But I think even greater then that is that we concern ourselves with having the right heart!

 2006/6/28 15:31

Joined: 2005/10/18
Posts: 490


But I think even greater then that is that we concern ourselves with having the right heart!

If our heart is totally given over to Jesus, He is both willing and able to correct us but if we're fixated on being "right" that's often about ourselves and not Him.

What a mighty God we serve!

Ed Pugh

 2006/6/28 16:20Profile

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: We are living epistle

If our heart is totally given over to Jesus, He is both willing and able to correct us but if we're fixated on being "right" that's often about ourselves and not Him.

This statement resonates with convicting truth. Our penchant for being right can really be a mask for the idol of self-righteousness.

Here again, I am reminded that preaching is not the message nearly as much as the messenger. We are living epistles. Our lives speak louder than anything - and that, outside of any pulpit. We are always preaching a sermon - whether good or bad.

I used to pray prior to a church service, “Lord make me a good testimony today.” I don’t anymore. I can’t expect God to suddenly do it for me, if I haven’t been doing my part – of learning to live the GOSPEL in every aspect of my being.

Now... to learn what that implies is worth our consideration.



 2006/6/29 12:48Profile


yes, if your life is not a sermon you have no right at all to preach one!!

"How can they hear without a preacher?"

"Faith comes by hearing"

 2006/6/29 14:11

Joined: 2005/10/18
Posts: 490


I can’t expect God to suddenly do it for me, if I haven’t been doing my part – of learning to live the GOSPEL in every aspect of my being.

Amen Diane and what I'm discovering that as we walk this out, God is kind and loving, even in the midst of discipline which seems severe at the time. Look at the life of Abraham and how God taught him to walk with Him. I praise God that He is not a taskmaster. (1 John 5:3KJV) For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

I'll be quite honest about this. At one point, I wanted to give everything over to Jesus and then just let him deal with it. So I would pray, Lord I surrender all and than I would act like I didn't hear or understanding when the Holy Spirit would say I want your time, your money, your family, etc. There's a general surrender of self which leads into a deeper consecration. If I'm fully given over to Christ, it's not my car, my money, etc. there is more "my" anymore, it's all His.

I'm finding that the Holy Spirit will deal with my heart about a specific thing until it no longer belongs to me and it's fully given over to Christ.

We must continually consciously choose whether we will follow Jesus or follow Satan, particularly in all those little things. God is infinitely much more concerned about the details of my life than I am.
Now... to learn what that implies is worth our consideration.

Amen. It would be interesting to see posts from those closest to us saying what our lives reflect. Do they reflect Jesus or is our own reflection still seen when seen through the eyes of others? I'm convicted as I type this but am confident that is what Jesus wants to do in our hearts, as we submit to Him.

Ed Pugh

 2006/6/29 14:37Profile

Joined: 2006/4/13
Posts: 58
South Central Kentucky


Amen and Amen! We must live it and preach it! It isn't either/or, it is BOTH/AND! We must do both!

Kerrigan Skelly

 2006/6/29 14:37Profile

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