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Discussion Forum : General Topics : Thou Shall Not Judge

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Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


I've heard the "Don't Judge" heckle so many times, I can't even begin to tell you! People really think "Thou Shalt Not Judge," is one of the commandments! I've always explained that what they really mean to say is to not make a 'hypocritical' judgment, which I believe Jesus was refering to in Matthew 7.

But as far as making general judgments? We have to! We would have to let all the rapists and murderers out of jail if we didn't! You wouldn't be able to choose between which automobile to purchase. You wouldn't be able to give someone a compliment, or order from a menu. It's ironic that the same people who decry judgment on others are making judgments themselves in saying that one shouldn't make judgments! I just tell them that Jesus said to judge a "righteous" judgment in John 7:24. Then I point to John 7:7. That usually settles the whole thing - meaning the person will either walk away mad, or continue to heckle on some different topic.

Paul Frederick West

 2006/7/1 11:33Profile

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