Poster | Thread | PreachParsly Member

Joined: 2005/1/14 Posts: 2164 Arkansas
| Thou Shall Not Judge | | I am working on a tract to hand out. Here is what I have wrote, now I am just going to work on designing it. Could you guys read over it and tell me if there is anything you feel I should change? Doctrinal to spelling/Grammer mistakes. Thanks.
Thou shall not judge. Many people quote this, but in actuality it isnt even in the Bible, nor will it work when you stand before the Judge of judges. Judgment is written on the mind of each person. Everyone has a sense of justice. Many times you can see people outranged at injustice such as a murder, rape, or some horrific crime. Has anyone ever wronged you? How did it make you feel? Happy, sad, mad, or indifferent? If you are like most people you were not pleased with the action. God, the lawgiver of all mankind, has emplaced inside you a law. This is called your conscience. The word conscience means with-knowledge. God has placed upon man morality i.e. certain laws governing what is right or wrong. Each person has knowledge of these laws. A few are: Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Everyone knows these things are wrong. Do you disagree? If you do, then how would you like to be lied to, stolen from, or have adultery committed against you? You wouldnt want that to happen to you, because you know it is wrong. But, sadly enough, many times man will try to justify his sinful desires and override what he/she knows it wrong. Just as you were not pleased when someone wronged you, neither is God Almighty.
Many times we imagine that we have only hurt ourselves or a dear friend. This is just not true. We have offended God. If you were to murder someone, yes you would hurt yourself, and the one you murdered, but that is not all. You have also provoked judgment and offense from the government by breaking the law. Eventually you would stand before the judge and give an account of what happened. Even if you hope to lie, the evidence is still against you. Your conscience will be the witness on your day in Gods courtroom. And often times it screams GUILTY! He did it! I was there! Even though he tried to cover my eyes, I saw it! God is the Judge you have offended. How mad is God? He is mad as Hell. Hell will be the prison for all offenders of God. The Great Judge of judges who sees all will judge you. Will you be guilty or innocent? You may say, Ah, but I have asked for pardon! That will not work with a judge here, nor will it work with God. Oh, but I confessed my crime! Wonderful, but that doesnt make you clean of the crime. If you were to confess guilty in the courtroom, you would still be guilty. I have done much good since my wild days. Yes, and so have many criminals after breaking the law. Just as if you may slow down after you see the blue lights behind you while driving, many try to do good works to cover their evil works. But it still stands GUILTY!
Many times an officer will issue warnings. The government also wants the people to know the laws, so they wont be incarcerated. God has done something similar. The warning God has issued is contained in the Bible. A few examples came from the very mouth of Jesus. Repent or perish! (Luke 13:3,5) and Repent and believe the Gospel. (Mark 1:15) In Gods loving-kindness, He has done more than sent a warning, but also a Deliverer. In Matt. 1:21, it says He shall save his people from their sins. Christ is a deliverer. He can set you free from death, hell, and all sin! All you must do is have faith in Jesus Christ. Believe that he died upon a cross and rose the third day. The question is, What is faith? The most basic explanation of saving faith is response to the Revelation of God. You must respond to what you know or your faith is dead (see James 2:20). What should your response be? Repent from your sin and obey Jesus. If all you do is believe and do not respond, you are not different than all the devils that are on their way to hell (James 2:9). To have forgiveness you must forsake sin. To have any chance of you going to hell obliterated you must be in obedience to Christ. When you make this response to Christs work and life, the Holy Spirit dwells within you. When that happens your whole life changes! All things have become new and the old has passed away (2Co 5:17). My plea with you is to turn to Christ and live, not to stay in sin. If you stay in sin, you have nothing to look forward to but death and hell. He is worthy to be worshipped, praised, and obeyed! Dont let Him die in vain! God is not willing that you should perish (2 Peter 3:9) and neither is the one that gave you this tract. _________________ Josh Parsley
| 2006/6/26 16:32 | Profile | Warrior4Jah Member

Joined: 2005/7/5 Posts: 382 The Netherlands
| Re: Thou Shall Not Judge | | Hey Preachparsly
I'm not the best to correct on english spelling or grammar but I did see something:
Many times you can see people outranged at injustice such as a murder, rape, or some horrific crime.
Did you mean outraged?
Furthermore it's certainly true about immorality. But perhaps you need to state that 'not knowing God' is also sin and He died for us not only to take sin away but to make it possible for us to know God and have a relationship. The almighty Judge of the Earth will no longer be as a judge but as a Father to us! (and to correct, guide and shape us as a father would do) Without us having a relation with God we will not get right with Him. Perhaps you can do something with these comments. :P Otherwise just ignore it or feel free to correct me. :) _________________ Jonathan Veldhuis
| 2006/6/26 16:51 | Profile | irunbarefoot Member

Joined: 2006/6/15 Posts: 35
| Re: Thou Shall Not Judge | | I just wanna say that I think it is very cool writing your own tracts!
They are so personal this way, and it's more of an extension of yourself, and clues people in to what Jesus has shown you personally. If I were handed one, I would be much more apt to read it if I knew the one handing it to me wrote it.
Anyway, just wanted to say I think that it is very cool you doing that. I hope it catches on.
-Sean ___________________ "All my music is free for download." |
| 2006/6/26 19:11 | Profile |
| Re: | | Excellent writing... I agree tho, run spell check one more time.
May I suggest a book to read that may assist you as well? It is called "Who Are You To Judge?" by Erwin W. Lutzer. It is a fantastic book that addresses how we are actually commanded in scripture to judge everything against scripture. While we can not judge motives of the heart, or whether someone is saved... we are certainly commanded to judge doctrine, teachings, actions etc. Many in the church today reject this and yell "Thou shalt not judge!", and this is the reason why we have such rank heresy and worldliness in the church now.
I realize thats not the thrust of you tract... your tract is calling one to repentance, but I do recommend this book to perhaps help with your opening paragraph.
Anyway, just my suggestions... take them for what they are worth.
Krispy |
| 2006/6/27 8:13 | | roadsign Member

Joined: 2005/5/2 Posts: 3777
| Re: do test trials | | Good content, lots of relevant thoughts.
Why not run a few tracts and give to a variety unbelievers whom you know, and ask for their opinions? Does the title stir them to want to read more? Would it be better put into a question form: ex: "Is it right to judge?" .. or a different title all together?
Is the content too cumbersome or too wordy? or just right?
Maybe just email it to some and ask for feedback. It's a good way of showing respect to others: you value their opinion. Plus, you encourage them to think.
NB: Don't just send to church folk who are familiar with the jargon.
_________________ Diane
| 2006/6/27 8:31 | Profile | CJaKfOrEsT Member

Joined: 2004/3/31 Posts: 901 Melbourne, Australia
| Re: Thou Shall Not Judge | | May I recomend reading [url=]Judge Not[/url] by []J Jacob Prasch[/url]? Most Christian are shocked to learn that out of the six words Greek that are translated "judge", four of them we are actually [b]commanded[/b] to do. Perhaps not all that good for an evangelistic tract, put good to stow away for conversations with "false converts". ;-) _________________ Aaron Ireland
| 2006/6/27 8:40 | Profile | roadsign Member

Joined: 2005/5/2 Posts: 3777
| Re: the issue of judging | | "Judge carefully", "Do not judge", "Judge between your servants", "Stop passing judgment on one another", "Judge for yourself", "make a right judgment"
For references, and my attempt at explaining apparent contradictions see [url=]Judging[/url]
_________________ Diane
| 2006/6/27 9:22 | Profile | PreachParsly Member

Joined: 2005/1/14 Posts: 2164 Arkansas
| Re: | | Thank you very much for everyone's input. I'm going to look over it again and when I'm done I'll post it again.
I'm also wanting to write a tract on hypocrites also, since I'm in the "bible belt that holds up the pants of hypocrisy." Maybe I'll call it "Who's waring the pants in your house?" Or something similar :-D
Thanks again. _________________ Josh Parsley
| 2006/6/27 15:09 | Profile | PreachParsly Member

Joined: 2005/1/14 Posts: 2164 Arkansas
| Re: | | Here is the revised, with a few changes.
Thou shall not judge. Many people quote this, but in actuality it isnt even in the Bible, nor will it work when you stand before the Judge of judges. Judgment is written on the mind of each person. Everyone has a sense of justice. Many times you can see people outraged at injustice such as a murder, rape, or some horrific crime. Has anyone ever wronged you? How did it make you feel? Happy, sad, mad, or indifferent? If you are like most people you were not pleased with the action. God, the lawgiver of all mankind, has emplaced inside you a law. This is called your conscience. The word conscience means with-knowledge. God has placed upon man morality i.e. certain laws governing what is right or wrong. Each person has knowledge of these laws. A few are: Thou shall not lie. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not commit adultery. Everyone knows these things are wrong. Do you disagree? If you do, then how would you like to be lied to, stolen from, or have adultery committed against you? You wouldnt want that to happen to you, because you know it is wrong. But, sadly enough, many times man will try to justify his sinful desires and override what he/she knows it wrong. Just as you were not pleased when someone wronged you, neither is God Almighty.
Many times we imagine that we have only hurt ourselves or a dear friend. This is just not true. We have offended God. If you were to murder someone, yes you would hurt yourself, and the one you murdered, but that is not all. You have also provoked judgment and offense from the government by breaking the law. Eventually you would stand before the judge and give an account of what happened. Even if you hope to lie, the evidence is still against you. Your conscience will be the witness on your day in Gods courtroom. And often times it screams GUILTY! He did it! I was there! Even though he tried to cover my eyes, I saw it! God is the Judge you have offended. How offended is God? He is offended enough to create an eternal Hell. Hell will be the prison for all offenders of God. The Great Judge of judges who sees all will judge you. Will you be guilty or innocent? You may say, Ah, but I have asked for pardon! That will not work with a judge here, nor will it work with God. Oh, but I confessed my crime! Wonderful, but that doesnt make you clean of the crime. If you were to confess guilty in the courtroom, you would still be guilty. I have done much good since my wild days. Yes, and so have many criminals after breaking the law. Just as if you may slow down after you see the blue lights behind you while driving, many try to do good works to cover their evil works. But it still stands GUILTY!
Many times an officer will issue warnings. The government also wants the people to know the laws, so they wont be incarcerated. God has done something similar. The warning God has issued is contained in the Bible. A few examples came from the very mouth of Jesus. Repent or perish! (Luke 13:3, 5) and Repent and believe the Gospel. (Mark 1:15) In Gods loving-kindness, He has done more than sent a warning, but also a Deliverer. In Matt. 1:21, it says He shall save his people from their sins. Christ is a deliverer. He can set you free from death, hell, and all sin! Why can He do that? He took your death sentence on the cross. You must have faith in Him. Have faith in His death on the cross and resurrection. The question is,What is faith? The most basic explanation of saving faith is response to the Revelation of God. You must respond to what you know or your faith is dead (see James 2:20). What should your response be? Repent from your sin (forsake it) and obey Jesus. If all you do is believe and do not respond, you are not different than all the devils that are on their way to hell (James 2:9). To have forgiveness you must forsake sin. To have any chance of you going to hell obliterated you must be in obedience to Christ. When you make this response to Christs work and life, the Holy Spirit dwells within you. When that happens your whole life changes! You are born again. All things have become new and the old has passed away (2Co 5:17). My plea with you is to turn to Christ and live, not to stay in sin. If you stay in sin, you have nothing to look forward to but death and hell. He is worthy to be worshipped, praised, and obeyed! Dont let Him die in vain! God is not willing that you should perish (2 Peter 3:9) and neither is the one that gave you this tract.
_________________ Josh Parsley
| 2006/6/28 0:41 | Profile | PreachParsly Member

Joined: 2005/1/14 Posts: 2164 Arkansas
| Re: | | By the way thanks for the book recomendations. I'll try to read them. _________________ Josh Parsley
| 2006/6/28 0:48 | Profile |