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Whoa! Wait one! Who is doing the choosing in this and since all are called, and the called aren't the unsaved, but the saved, who of the called falls short of being chosen?

Hint:Matthew 22:11-12 (KJV)
And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.

Why was he speechless? He responded to the call. And why didn't he have on a wedding garment? Surely they were handed out at the door. I mean these people were fresh off the street perhaps ones who were living in cardboard shanty's..


 2006/6/26 10:12

Joined: 2006/6/12
Posts: 524



GOD of course..:)
The Bible couldn't be more clear with only a few of these quoted verses:

John 15:16
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you,

According as HE has chosen us in HIM before the foundation of the world,

Romans 8:29
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate....

Romans 9:15-16
..... I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
So then it is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy

2 Thessalonians 2:13
.... because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

Revelation 17:14
.. and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

Man, in the state of total depravity before conversion, could never, or would ever even want to choose the holy GOD. Choosing religion, however, is a different thing.

(Thank GOD for Luther's help in understanding a lttle from the "Bondage of Free Will")

In Christ,

 2006/6/26 10:44Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


now i just wonder...who is that guy who is thrown out? how did he get in in the first place? can someone share some knowlege whit me.

thank you.


 2006/6/26 10:47Profile


John 15:16
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you,

According as HE has chosen us in HIM before the foundation of the world,

Yes, I agree --- now explain who "US" is in that verse from Eph.

He chose from the called out ones; the ones who responded to the invitation to come to the wedding party. Why was one rejected upon entering the hall of honor and relationship? And what does the wearing of the wedding garment infer/symbolise by its title except, intimacy/relationship/born again experience AFTER you are called. I.e., to be a chosen one one must be .......... because ...........? [please fill in the reasons you believe God should choose you]

Hint: Jn 3.3;3,5

 2006/6/26 11:32

Joined: 2006/6/12
Posts: 524



Very concisely put!

Election has always been the toughest topic for me to share with others even though Scriptures are loud and clear about it,thanks,

 2006/6/26 11:39Profile

 Re: How did you know you were called?

Hi Ormly,

Both the quotes in your last post, are about the ones He chose. How can you say He chose [u]from among[/u] the 'called out ones'?

I mean, isn't [i][b]choosing[/b][/i] what calls anyone out from the general crowd? Are you really saying He does a [i][b]second round of choosing?[/i][/b]

Now, to your question about the robe, I would say that even a chosen one has to [u][b]choose Him, and to put on[/b] the garment[/u]. He won't do it for the person, even if He deeply desires to find them wearing the robe.

please fill in the reasons you believe God should choose you

Pass. :-?

 2006/6/26 11:56



dorcas wrote:

Hi Ormly,

Both the quotes in your last post, are about the ones He chose. How can you say He chose [u]from among[/u] the 'called out ones'?

I mean, isn't [i][b]choosing[/b][/i] what calls anyone out from the general crowd? Are you really saying He does a [i][b]second round of choosing?[/i][/b]

I don't believe so if you mean reprobate and elect. The calling of the elect are but those whom He foreknew would respond -- and they do/did, keeping in mind the parable. Try seeing them as those living with convictions as opposed to those without convictions ---- then Jesus came and set them free. His Blood alone does this for everyone.. Then He invites those [b]will[/b] to come to the banquet. "Come and dine the master said". "Take my yoke [my wedding garment] upon you and I will give you rest". And one of the replied: I won't put it on. I won't take your life into me.

Now, to your question about the robe, I would say that even a chosen one has to [u][b]choose Him, and to put on[/b] the garment[/u]. He won't do it for the person, even if He deeply desires to find them wearing the robe.

Indeed. And I find many born again deficient in the abiding in Him per the great commandment whereby Father can't choose them more specifically due to their lack of sensitiveness in hearing the "still small voice" of Himself... Consequently they are/become worthless for His kingdom.

Becareful here to not confuse choosing, with abiding.


 2006/6/26 12:15

 Re: How did you know you were called?

I find many born again [b]deficient in the choosing Him per the great commandment[/b] whereby Father can choose them more specifically.

Hi Ormly,

Could you please explain what you mean by 'choosing Him per the great commandment? Thanks.

Consequently they are/become worthless for His kingdom.

Hmmm. Can any one of us really say this of a fellow-believer?

But becareful to not confuse choosing, with abiding.

I don't think I'm confused, but, unless we keep choosing Him, we will stop abiding........ Right? ;-)

 2006/6/26 12:22


Please re-read my post.. I amended some of my wording. It may anser your inquiry. Thanks


 2006/6/26 12:26



dorcas wrote:

Consequently they are/become worthless for His kingdom.

Hmmm. Can any one of us really say this of a fellow-believer?

What do you think?

But becareful to not confuse choosing, with abiding.

I don't think I'm confused, but, unless we keep choosing Him, we will stop abiding........ Right? ;-)

Define choosing..... And when is would choosing be a problem except when one isn't abiding? What will abiding produce that God is after in us after we have responded to Him and He has chosen us to abide? In other words, what is abiding to be about?


 2006/6/26 12:34

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