Poster | Thread | hmmhmm Member

Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| How did you know you were called? | | im just wondering, we are all the body and the body have different calls , some do this some do another thing and so on, now im still a "baby" in christ so i dont belive ive recived any calling yet exept the one to tell people about jesus, i think we all have that calling, but some get a call for street pretching, some get a call to go to africa or somewere else, how did you know? was it a feeling or just did you know? im just curios
gods peace christian
_________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2006/6/23 14:30 | Profile | irunbarefoot Member

Joined: 2006/6/15 Posts: 35
| Re: How did you know you were called? | | I know for everyone its different, but for me, whenever God is leading or calling me do to something, I always just "knew." Like when I met my wife for the first time, something in me just knew that she was the one.
However, I haven't always hit things on the money. Flesh gets involved sometimes and I magically feel called to do something I have always dreamed of doing. Also, for me, guilt has motivated me to do many things instead of the Lord. The cool thing about heavenly Dad is that when I "miss it," He's still right there. When I try to read his mind and jump the gun, he's always there with love waiting for me.
-Sean _______________ "All my music is free for download." |
| 2006/6/23 15:00 | Profile | hmmhmm Member

Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Re: | | well i know what you meen, but i know ive been at a meeting it was a witnessing meeting, but on this meeting they said averyone new can come witness, but since i knew i had given my testimony last time i was thinking to myself i dont have to this time, and most people here already heard my testimony, So we were praying and for some reason i looked up and i saw this man come in, he was a drugaddict i can tell becuse i used to be one, and i suddenly from nowere feelt this enormus feeling go tell!!! You go give your testimony now on what jesus did in your life, I started praying and my heart started beating faster my mouth got dry, i started to think is this from god? should i do it? then i started to think what people might think? maybe they would think something why is he going when they had said that the ones that havent testified should do it... so i got in a dilema, but i prayed and i came to the conclusion its better to go up and regret that i did it, then regret that i dident do it. so i did go up again,i shared my testimony about how jesus saved me how i was born again of god and everything was new in my life. and glory to god and the next meeting he and his wife came back and gave their life to jesus.
but i dont "feel" that so often, that feeling i got that time, but i dont belive that i should only do things when i feel like that? or should i ?
gods peace to you christian _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2006/6/23 15:16 | Profile | irunbarefoot Member

Joined: 2006/6/15 Posts: 35
| Re: | | That's an awesome story man! I love God for directing you and using you that way, its amazing.
The way I see it, God is training you and me how to hear his voice daily. Just like it says in John 10. We are his sheep, and we know his voice. There might be times when we make a mistake or two and move on our emotions, but its not the end of the world.
As long as you and I stay humble enough we can always react to God's lessons in the right way. But within you and I is the ability from God to know our shepherds voice, and that is amazing!
The beautiful thing to me about this real Christian life is that we can know God and really recognize his voice without any assistance from man.
-Sean ____________ "All music on my site is available for free download." |
| 2006/6/23 15:32 | Profile | myfirstLove Member

Joined: 2005/11/26 Posts: 496
| Re: | | "The beautiful thing to me about this real Christian life is that we can know God and really recognize his voice without any assistance from man."
1 John 2:27
27 But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will[a] abide in Him.
John 15:3-5
3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 ABIDE IN ME, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it ABIDES in the vine, neither can you, unless you ABIDE IN ME. 5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who ABIDES IN ME, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do NOTHING.
_________________ Lisa
| 2006/6/23 18:05 | Profile | Logic Member

Joined: 2005/7/17 Posts: 1791
| Re: How did you know you were called? | | hmmhmm wrote: Quote:
im just wondering, we are all the body and the body have different calls
Every one has the same call, that is to holyness and to become more like in the image of him who called us.
The questiopn is, What is your burden? True ministery comes from a burden that our father has given you or me. HE gives it to us that we might share in His sufferings with HIM. [b]Philippians 3:10[/b] [color=990000]That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;[/color]
[b]1Peter 4:13[/b] [color=990000] But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.[/color] |
| 2006/6/23 19:15 | Profile | myfirstLove Member

Joined: 2005/11/26 Posts: 496
| Re: | | good word, logic. _________________ Lisa
| 2006/6/24 0:27 | Profile | irunbarefoot Member

Joined: 2006/6/15 Posts: 35
| Re: | | I totally agree. We are all called to holiness in Christ, and he gives us each our seperate urgings, passions and directions. Very well said.
-Sean ______________ "All my music is free to download." |
| 2006/6/24 2:47 | Profile | hmmhmm Member

Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Re: | | well that clears some thoughts ive had, then i think about my burdens... what are they and for what and after thinking about i think i have a burden for everything that is not of christ.... first i was thinking of some people that i belive are decived...then on my family and then on drug addicts... but the sum is i have a burden for people who dont know christ... but shouldent we all have that burden? _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2006/6/24 6:07 | Profile | irunbarefoot Member

Joined: 2006/6/15 Posts: 35
| Re: | | Yes we should have a burden for people who are not followers, this is Jesus' burden too. However, I became so consumed with my plastic evangelism that I forgot that God wanted me focusing on my friendship with him.
PERSONAL STORY: When I was a bit younger,I used to feel pressure from certain folks in my church who kept insisting that I evangelize more. I was spending 3 days out of the week on the beaches handing out tracts and sharing Jesus with people, but the more I did, the more I beat myself up for not doing more. It was a endless cycle of guilt that just kept feeding itself. Not of Jesus.
Jesus has helped me out here now, I now see that he is very interested in me living the truth first. Also, when you live it, every day is an adventure, you'll meet someone new that you can share the Father's life with without even trying. God will set things up for you many occasions.
Anyway, I don't know much about anything at all, but I do know that church often times puts more pressure on gathering people into a pretty room, rather than letting God instigate real life evangelism for Jesus. Just follow God's burden.
"I wanna take your Word and shine it all around but first help me just to live it Lord." -Keith Green
-Sean ________ "All my music is free for download." |
| 2006/6/24 8:21 | Profile |