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Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer

O Lover of Thy People,

Thou hast placed my whole being in
the hands of Jesus,
my Redeemer, Commander,
Husband, Friend,
and carest for me in him.
Keep me holy, harmless, undefiled,
seperate from sinners;
May I not know the voice of strangers,
but go to him where he is, and follow
where he leads.
Thou hast bathed me once for all in the
sin-removing fountain,
cleanse me now from this day's defilement,
from its faults, deficiencies of virtue,
harmful extremes,
that I may exhibit a perfect character in Jesus.
O Master, who didst wash the disciples' feet,
be very patient with me,
be very condescending to my faults,
go on with me till thy great work in me
is completed.
I desire to conquer self in every respect,
to overcome the body with its affections and lusts,
to keep under my flesh,
to guard my manhood from all grosser sins,
to check the refined power of my natural mind,
to live entirely to thy glory,
to be deaf to unmerited censure and the praise
of men.
Nothing can hurt my new-born inner man,
it cannot be smitten or die;
Nothing can mar the dominion of thy Spirit
within me;
It is enough to have thy approbation and that of
my conscience.
Keep me humble, dependent, supremely joyful,
as calm and quiet as a sucking child,
yet earnest and active.
I wish not so much to do as to be,
and I long to be like Jesus;
If thou dost make me right I shall be right;
Lord, I belong to thee,
make me worthy of thyself.

[i]From The Valley of Vision, Puritan Prayers and Devotions[/i]

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2006/6/22 19:39Profile

Joined: 2006/6/15
Posts: 35

 Re: Evening Prayer

That was beautiful, some of the puritan literature is downright truth.

Here is a poem I wrote:

Rid me of myself
Let my words be ceased
Help me to be quiet
When I am on my knees

Keep my mind from wander
From passing thoughts of want
Help my requests be pleasing
When it is my knees that I am on

Restore a dimming fire
Add fuel on my flames I plead
Help me to be satisfied
When I am on my knees

Help my heart to be honest
No token ritual speech
Set my hair on fire
When I am on my knees

"All my music is free for downlaod."

 2006/6/23 15:11Profile

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


Hi Sean. I found some of my own struggles concerning prayer in your poem. One of them stood out and brought to mind something I read a while back that stuck with me...

The line was...

Keep my mind from wander

of which this, from [i]More than a Calvanist[/i] by John Newton, available here at SI came to mind...

What should we think of a person, who, being admitted into the king's presence, upon business of the greatest importance, should break off in the midst of his address, to pursue a butterfly?

I have been developing the practice of meditating upon scripture, and also some of the lines from the prayers in The Valley of Vision. I think it is a lovely practice.


Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2006/6/23 19:09Profile

Joined: 2006/6/15
Posts: 35


What should we think of a person, who, being admitted into the king's presence, upon business of the greatest importance, should break off in the midst of his address, to pursue a butterfly?

That is too cool. What a perfect illustration!

"All my music is available for free download."

 2006/6/24 2:43Profile

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