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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Greatest Lesson Learned in Street Preaching?

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I read yesturday about one of Wesleys preachers, and also converts, named John Nelson. When John Nelson heard Wesley preach he said, "I thought his whole discourse was aimed at me."

Daniels, Wesleys biographer, said, "Nelson might well think this. For it was one of Wesley's peculiar characteristics to wind up his discourses and drive home the doctrine thereof with [b]the most pointed and personal exhortations.[/b] As such times he spoke as if he were addressing himself to an individual, so that everyone whoses condition he might describe felt as if he were singled out from all the rest, and the preachers words, like the eys of a portrait, seemed to look at every beholder.

"Who art [i]thou[/i], he cried, "that now feelest both thine inward and outward ungodliness? [i]Thou[/i] art the man! I want [i]thee[/i] for my Lord; I challenge [i]thee[/i] for a child of God by faith; the Lord hath need of [i]thee[/i]. [i]Thou[/i] who feelest that [i]thou[/i] art just fit for hell, art just fit to advance His glory - the glory of His free grace.

Look unto Jesus! There is the Lamb of God who taketh away [i]thy[/i] sins! Plead [i]thou[/i] no works, no righteousness of [i]thine[/i] own; that were in very deed to deny the Lord that bought [i]thee[/i]. No. Plead [i]thou[/i] singly the blood of the covenant, the ransom paid for [i]thy[/i] proud, stubborn, sinful soul."

 2006/6/26 15:05

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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