Stever wrote:
I mainly use tongues as an individual prayer language
The gift of tongues is received at the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Both Clarkforest and Logic seem to be opposed to all forms of this gift.
When (the date and time) exactly did each of you receive this baptism of Fire, The Baptism of the Holy Ghost?
What were the circumstances of this baptism? Where did it take place, who was there, etc.
Since neither of you have received the gift of tongues, what other gifts have you received from this baptism, if you have received it?
Logic posted:I am baptised in the Spirit and did not speek ing tongues and still don't.Quote:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Both Clarkforest and Logic seem to be opposed to all forms of this gift.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don't, My friend prays in tonguse and I agree with him.He says its like being filled to the top almost running over in the Spirit the as you can't be filled any more, it is like over flowing of the Spirit and the he recievs the gift.Like a cup of water filled to the brim with water and you put an ice cube in it & then it over flows.My friend says he was praying in tonguse one day and then the gift lifted and he wanted to keep praying in tonges, so he did. The God said to him, "STOP THAT".He started doing it out of his flesh, from his own effort or will.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxStever's response:I have the same experience your friend has. I pray in tongues when I get the "unction" in my throat, and it just comes upon me. Also, when I am praying in the Spirit, in tongues, the "unction" comes to me again, after I have initiated the prayer myself.Of all of the people that I am associated with, that have this gift (about 100 people, male and female) all experience the use of this gift (tongues) in the same way that I have described it.I find your friends experience to be out of the norm from what I have read, as well as my own personal experience, and those that I know that have the gift of tongues.God bless,Stever :-D
Stever wrote:Both Clarkforest and Logic seem to be opposed to all forms of this gift.
_________________Aaron Ireland