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My first impression of the song is, I enjoyed it. I like Don Moen to begin with, and I was singing the song one day and I couldn't get past the wording, "Unable to help me". It bothered me, than a verse that I haven't heard of or read in years popped into my mind, "the deceiver and the decieved are His". I said, "Yeah, thats right, You who are ABLE to send delusions is ABLE to undilute (if thats a word).

I am certain the singer is sincere in her writing, but that doesn't mean that I have to agree with it or sing it, to each his own. I am sharing with the body of Christ my objection to the lyrics as she has shared her song to the body of Christ.

I love most worship songs, songs that lift Christ up and some that lift the body of Christ up together with Him in heavenly places.

And I can assure you that there are vintage songs that are sung in church that bring down the body of Christ. For example;

This song "I am just a sinner saved by grace" would be sung during the service. At the end of the service this song would be sung, "I ain't no sinner now, yeah, I ain't no sinner now".

Ok, which is it, are you a sinner saved by grace, or are you an "ain't no sinner now"?


But of course many take the first stance, yet the latter part is more biblically accurate.


 2006/6/15 20:46

Joined: 2006/6/15
Posts: 1


Hey Karl,

I am sure that you have read the other postings. I believe that you may have been mistaken in your understanding of te song. It is a song of repentance for unbeliefe, and it reall does magnify God if you can understand that.

Also, be sure that, if the decived and the deciver are the Lords, then also you are the Lords my brother, because you were mistaken about this song. I hope you can see the sincere love in it. I can see the sincere love in you, though it was misdirected. God knows your heart, and you are only judged in light of your love for well as we all are. If you have believed in a lie, well then, tell God. Worship him and his divine revelation of truth, Jesus, and his word as it is revealed. That is what we all do. We go from glory to glory, from faith to faith, just like in this song. The song directly implies that God is able to help us, ad I hope that maybee this has helped you.


 2006/6/15 23:52Profile


Thanks Kevin for your kind words. I do not believe that the LORD is mistaken when He spoke to me about it. The song nagged at me, I was not against the song nor against the writer, I was singing like any normal believer. But it began to nag at my spirit that something was wrong with that one line, "You were unable to help me".

Basically, what I was hoping from this thread was not to bash this song, but rather was looking to see if any one else had either seen the same thing, or have experienced this in another song.

If you love the song, sing it with all your might, but I cannot not with all good conscience do it.

Thanks for your posting


 2006/6/16 6:15

Joined: 2004/7/29
Posts: 204
Jacksonville. Florida


Basically, what I was hoping from this thread was not to bash this song, but rather was looking to see if any one else had either seen the same thing, or have experienced this in another song.

I do not believe that the LORD is mistaken when He spoke to me about it.

So [u]basically[/u] you were unsure of the Lord's leading on this point and desired to see if others would/could validate your 'judgment' of the song writers intent in the words?' Do not be too quick to judge others intents and motives, unless you have stood under judgment yourself.

God Bless the lovers of the Truth: The others who were able to discern the writer's heart in the words written. They tried to show you that you had misinterpreted the song's line into a statement of present fact when it seems clear to the rest of us that the line you object to
You [i]were[/i]unable to help me

was a statement of past unbelief.

Thanks Kevin for your kind words. I do not believe that the LORD is mistaken when He spoke to me about it. The song nagged at me, I was not against the song nor against the writer, I was singing like any normal believer. But it began to nag at my spirit that something was wrong with that one line, "You were unable to help me".

What was wrong was your interpretation of the line in it's proper context. We all agree that God is able to help ALL in ALL circumstances and instances but many who do not know Him as we do have their doubts. We cannot point fingers or poke fun at those doubts as they are as real as the concrete they stand on at the is only in the light of Christ and the ministering of the Holy Spirit that we learn for ourselves what real truth is.

Songs are like sermons...what may simply encourage you the most might be a pretty poor example to the person sitting next to you BUT it is the clarion call of the Lord and eternal life itself to one who has prayed for the Lord to shine into their life and reveal himself to them.

They too are as Moody describes ...
[i]I have often said that if I had to convict men of sin, I would have given up the work long ago. [b]That[/b] is the work of the Holy Spirit[/i].

We singers lead worship and sing to worship God, we are not the path nor the destination ... we are simply the worn earth that is foot weary and compressed by those who have gone on before us. We merely indicate to those following the path that others have trod in this way.

Worship is in the heart of the worshipper. Some do so only on Sunday, in a building, from 11 to noon, some at others times during the day or week but we are to Worship God with our lives -every breath, every word, every motion of our bodies needs to be an expression of the love we feel for our God and bring Glory and Honor to only Him.

bill schnippert

 2006/6/16 9:58Profile


Songs are like sermons

Sorry, songs of worship should NEVER be sermons.---- Praying should NEVER be preaching.


 2006/6/16 10:24

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: Just wondering

I’d wonder what kind of songs would be written if no one got paid for their songs, nor the middleman,

....or if their wasn’t any TV.



 2006/6/16 10:25Profile

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: weeding out the phoney - can we?

Robert said:

am increasingly concerned that songs tell the people what they are doing, feeling, etc., than it being a legitimate expression of what the hearers feel. Like 'repeating prayers' they are ineffective often because the truths are not those who are reciting them. They do not originate in their hearts.

Is this really anything new? I think it’s always been an inclination of any religious group and the purpose of rituals and traditions.

Really, we couldn’t even recite the 23rd psalm or the Lord’s Prayer in church if we wanted to avoid false proclamations.

No wonder it’s easier for a pagan to convert to Christ than one who has been well-churched. Of course – persecution has a way of weeding out the phoney. Do we want that?


 2006/6/16 10:40Profile


Freed said;

So basically you were unsure of the Lord's leading on this point and desired to see if others would/could validate your 'judgment' of the song writers intent in the words

No, that is your assertion. I don't need to ask for confirmation from others by verbally speaking it out. I seek the LORD in my private time and He rewards me openly by confirming what He has spoken to me privately.

But at the same time, I enjoy sharing things with the body of Christ. In fact, when I wrote that last post that you replied to, I threw that in as I wanted to take the thread in another direction to see if others have experinced the same thing.

Pure and simple


 2006/6/16 12:38

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: Prayers for magic

One of the lines in the songs goes:

Heal my heart and show yourself strong

No one pointed out these words so far. Yet, I wonder, is this an acceptable expression of prayer?

Perhaps these words express the singers' preference for God to do something magical, while they remain a passive recipient. Perhaps they are failing to assume THEIR OWN God-given responsibily.

I fear that many of our prayers/songs express a plea for God to do domething for us, when we have been given the responsibility to bring it about ourselves. And so, as we sit back, waiting for the magical moment, we fail to see God's power revealed, we fail to see ourselves "healed", or our besitting sins lifted away. Yet our hearts remain plagued with unbelief, worldly values, idols, etc.

To a fair extent, God HAS already given us answers, and we failed to notice. He has already revealed his power, but perhaps it's not the power we want. He already has given us ALL WE NEED to live a Godly life, but perhaps we fail to walk in it. (1 Pet. 1:3)

Should we keep begging for what we already have been promised?



 2006/6/16 15:40Profile

Joined: 2005/11/8
Posts: 619

 Re: Questionable Song - Be Magnified

And I have believed in a lie,That you were unable to help me.

I don't think there is any question but that this song writer is saying is that the lie he beleived is that God was unable to help him. That is, God's inability is the lie he believed.

HE is saying that he had been believeing a lie. The Lie is that God is unable to help him. Now he see's that he was wrong and it was a lie.

This is proven by the next line which says,

"But now O Lord, I see my wrong
Heal my heart and show yourself strong"

I don't know about the rest of the song, but I cannot see in it what you find objectionable. I think you are reading it wrongly.

Perhaps these words express the singers' preference for God to do something magical, while they remain a passive recipient. Perhaps they are failing to assume THEIR OWN God-given responsibily.

Are we not nit picking here? Come on. It is not an extreamly deep song. But it is not a wrong song. "Show yourself stong on my behalf" is from the Psalms and is perfectly legitimate.

It suffers not from error but just from being a typical fairly shallow song seeking some personal healing or benifit, not wrong, not even inappropriate, but just not so deep.

Nothing of Christ, nothing of redemption, nothing of the cross, nothing of God's indwelling Life, nothing of "Christ in you, the hope of Glory", But nevertheless it is as legitimate as any Psalm which says, "Lord Help, Lord save, etc."

IT's great deficiency is that it is typical, me centered, and devoid of the realities of the New Testament, which is our union with Christ in spirit and His indwelling life. It rather sees God as "out there" looking down and offering to reach down and help. It is lookning for an outward demonstration of power but fails to realize God's indwelling Presnece and all the riches of Christ which we have in Him.

It is the cry of a creature to God, not the cry of a redeemed regenerated son of God to His Father in whom He has access in One Spirit through Jesus Christ.


 2006/6/16 15:58Profile

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