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Joined: 2006/6/15
Posts: 343

 Opposition From Everyone

Hello everybody, I just registered today, so I'm a newbie. In any case...

I was curious as to whether anybody else has tried to proclaim our contemporary churches as spiritually dead ? And when proclaiming this truth, if everyone became your enemy, called you a blasphemer, shouted Grace, Mercy, Love at you until you could no longer stand it ?

I just recently got into an argument with my older brother who is an assistant Youth Pastor for his church. I told him not to take his youth kids to the mission field because his youth kids had no idea what it meant to be a Christian, and that they would only spread more false Christianity. My brother in turn yelled at me, and told me to get off my high horse.

I am no Christian. I have been yearning for repentance, but it seems as if God is avoiding me. I am merely a condemned man, wishing to reveal other condemned men. I'm a zombie (not born again) that knows he's a zombie (not born again), trying to tell other zombie's they're zombies (not born again).

Am I alone in this... or does anybody out there understand ?

God bless~


 2006/6/15 3:10Profile

Joined: 2005/1/11
Posts: 234
United Kingdom

 Re: Opposition From Everyone

Welcome to SermonIndex,

'I'm a zombie that knows he's a zombie, trying to tell other zombie's they're zombies.'

Interesting. I think that most here would substitute the word 'zombie' with 'sinner' I do not believe you are alone. One thing is for sure every single one of us on this forum is a zombie, if we replace the word 'zombie' with 'sinner' - 'there is non righteous no not one, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.'

The fact that you 'have been yearning for repentance' means you are under the conviction of the Holy Ghost, because you are not yet a true disciple of Jesus Christ yet - better expressed: you do not believe in Jesus Christ. Therefore God is most certainly NOT avoiding you.

The condemnation you speak of is actually mentioned in the Bible (Romans 8 verse 1 and 2) and as you read there you may understand that the condemnation can be taken away. This was accomplished by Christ's death on the cross, his burial and resurrection on the third day. (1 Corinthians 15 verse 3,4)

I would encourage you to follow the 'yearning for repentance' and lay off condemning the condemned and zombifying the zombyfied... in Christ you will find your own personal condemnation and zombie state... your sin dealt with.

Everything you are presently going for I am sure most of us have been through and so you are in good company, and will I am sure if God so wills it, find the salvation you seek; which is in Christ alone.


Eric John Sawyer

 2006/6/15 4:52Profile

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England

 Re: Opposition From Everyone

Scripture doesn't say much about zombies! Can't even think of one. However, it does say in Jer 29v13 ye shall seek Me and find Me when you seek for Me with all your heart. Again it says in Matt 7v7 Ask and it shall be given to you...see also verse 11. If our salvation was based on feelings, who would be saved? It is based on the word of God and His promise that a broken and contrite heart He will not despise. Trust and obey God's word. Just think, if some Christians trusted God like they trusted people they would be power houses for God. However, God's word is unchanging, man's isn't. He says one thing today and something else tomorrow. So, learn to know who to trust.

 2006/6/15 9:16Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: Opposition From Everyone

Hello IWantAnguish,

Interesting name there, sounds as if you have it already ... not necessarily a good or bad thing depending on where it stems from. What I mean is, the self-condemning aspect as you extrapolated here a bit.

I am no Christian. I have been yearning for repentance, but it seems as if God is avoiding me.

No need to listen to lies wherever their source is from, if you didn't care it might be of a concern, but don't neglect the possibility of false humiliation, it's a trap.

A little puzzling of what you mean by yearning for repentance. Repentance leads to a resolution not a particular ... acquirement if that is the right word there. Recognize there is a sort of 'lifestyle of repentance' as can be termed but I think the thought behind that is more along the lines of Jam 1:19,20 [i]Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.[/i] Quick to forgive, quick to keep short accounts with the Lord, quick to reconcille... Slow on the matters James address's.

To address your former question;
I was curious as to whether anybody else has tried to proclaim our contemporary churches as spiritually dead ?

A great deal so and little doubt that is predominantly the case. There is a saturation point though, a cursing the darkness without attempting a resolution. The motivation of the heart gets revealed in the manner of how we go about these things, doesn't it? It's a question I have to ask myself often enough. Can you see where your brother has a point there, even while you may have accurately diagnosed the situation?

Rom 8:1 [i] There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.[/i]

Some pretty good discussion around these things here, dig your heels in and explore, can promise it will alter your heart and mind in ways you never dreamed of. Welcome to the site brother.

Mike Balog

 2006/6/15 9:23Profile

Joined: 2006/6/12
Posts: 524

 Re: Opposition From Everyone

 2006/6/15 9:32Profile

 Re: Opposition From Everyone

I agree with another poster.

That you are a zombie in your view isnt of your own acknowledging, but prbably external.
The dead dont know that they are dead as they are incapable of even grasping that concept until the Spirit begins to show it to them.

You are not alone, most christians go thru a time of emptiness and despair before coming to Christ.
It is what draws us to Him, seeing we are dead inside.

If you yearn for repentance, simply do it.
Look to the skies and tell Him you repent, that youre sorry for every little offense in your life and ask HIm to come into your life and be your Lord so that you are the walking dead no longer.

Dont look for lightning to strike when you repent, it doesnt happen like that for many. The experience is often unique for every new christian.

Just know in your heart that you did what HE requires to be His child, then pick up His word and begin to learn all about Him.....

the wife and I are praying for you...


IWantAnguish wrote:
Hello everybody, I just registered today, so I'm a newbie. In any case...

I was curious as to whether anybody else has tried to proclaim our contemporary churches as spiritually dead ? And when proclaiming this truth, if everyone became your enemy, called you a blasphemer, shouted Grace, Mercy, Love at you until you could no longer stand it ?

I just recently got into an argument with my older brother who is an assistant Youth Pastor for his church. I told him not to take his youth kids to the mission field because his youth kids had no idea what it meant to be a Christian, and that they would only spread more false Christianity. My brother in turn yelled at me, and told me to get off my high horse.

I am no Christian. I have been yearning for repentance, but it seems as if God is avoiding me. I am merely a condemned man, wishing to reveal other condemned men. I'm a zombie that knows he's a zombie, trying to tell other zombie's they're zombies.

Am I alone in this... or does anybody out there understand ?

God bless~

 2006/6/15 10:01

Joined: 2006/2/4
Posts: 352
Fort Frances, Ontario



I do know what you mean. Almost everywhere I look I see people that think they are children of God when they are living lifestyles in total opposition to his word. God is not avoiding us, we have been avoiding God.

I also struggle with living a life of repentance. I think it has a lot to do with trying to overcome my sinful nature without depending on Christ when I am tempted. I think we need to hide his word in our hearts, pray so that we will not fall into temptation, and to be led by the Holy Spirit.

Paul addresses how you are feeling in Romans "What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God -- through Jesus Christ our Lord!"

I know it may seem better not to send people out to evangelize when they are lost themselves. I have found my way through a lukewarm church, prosperity gospels and other false teachings. God is bigger than all these things. If we waited until missionaries had flawless doctrines, nobody would have made it onto the mission field yet.

I am reminded of the first chapter of Matthew, where Joseph hears from an angel of the Lord. The angel told Joseph that Jesus came to save his people from their sins. Now that is a mission statement. Thank God for Jesus.

We must repent and bear fruit.

Those that love Him, obey Him.


Murray Beninger

 2006/6/15 10:35Profile

Joined: 2005/11/8
Posts: 619


Scripture doesn't say much about zombies!

If one were to define zombie as "the walking dead' then one would have to say the scriptures speak volumes about zombies.

What we call "sinners" are those human beings, inclusive of all of us, who are born into this world spiritually dead and separated from the life (zoe) of God.

In all of history, the only one born into this world "alive" is the Lord Jesus Christ" of whom it is written, "in HIm was Life (zoe) and this life is the light of men.

How can we repent from being dead? By comming to the One in whom there is Life. The Life (zoe) of God.

John tells us, "this is the record, God has given us eternal Life (zoe), this Life is in His Son, He who has the Son has the Life. He who does not have the Son of God does not have the Life.

"As God has Life in Himself, so has He given to the Son to have Life in Himself".

If we whould have LIfe, we must turn to the One in whom is the Life. And we must be born of God, regenerated with His Life.

Though Adam never sinned, yet he did not posses the Life of God. To posses the Life of God he must eat of the Tree of Life which signifies God as Life in Christ as food.

Adam had only the natural created human Life. He did not have the etenal Life of God. AFter Adam sinned, he was barred from the Tree of Life lest he put forth his hand, take and eat and live forever.

Christ on the Cross has dealt with our sins, and our guilt, and in resurrection now as the Tree of Life imparts His eternal Divine Life into us making us children of God with the very Life (zoe) of God.

Christ in HIs redemptive death has opened the way to the Tree of Life and He Himself is this Tree (John 15). If we would have Life we must believe into the living, crucified, and resurrected Christ and eat Him as the Tree of Life.


 2006/6/15 11:25Profile

Joined: 2005/11/26
Posts: 496

 Re: Opposition From Everyone

hello iwantanguish,

"I told him not to take his youth kids to the mission field because his youth kids had no idea what it meant to be a Christian, and that they would only spread more false Christianity."

i very much agree with you. they will spread more lies about Christ, if they have no understanding of the cross, being a true deciple. this is a deep grievance. we all should be grieved at the many who are sent by man with no message or power from the Holy Spirit. but, you must know that you stand as a hypocrite and have no right to tell your brother this when you have admit that you need to repent too. you will be a better minister when you live the Life.

i am encouraged that a zombie like you have zeal for truth and are grieved for the right thing. many christians who say they walk in truth does not even grieve as you, a zombie. to show such concerned for His kingdom tells me that the kingdom of God is near you. draw near to Him, brother. He is close to you.

God bless,


 2006/6/15 12:05Profile

Joined: 2005/12/14
Posts: 440

 Re: Opposition From Everyone

I told him not to take his youth kids to the mission field because his youth kids had no idea what it meant to be a Christian,

I know what your saying...

I have come to the conclusion if you cant go across the street to witness, how can you go across the world to witness??


 2006/6/15 12:19Profile

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