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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Convicted of Worldness

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Joined: 2005/1/6
Posts: 2359
Hemel Hempstead

 Convicted of Worldness

Yesterday I went somewhere and one of Jesse Moriels sermons came into my head it was a leaving doo of one a few friends at the CU. I am a good dancer and got convicted of dancing by the Lord. I have so wanted to dance for Jesus.
I also yesterday saw the concequences of my sin. In church we have been talking about walking a sinless life and so I do want to walk a sinless life.
The damage sin does in me not only to me but to my language.
Jesus I need to repent I am woeing over my sins of worldness and my sins in general.
Jesus help me

Dominic Shiells

 2006/6/11 4:48Profile

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