Poster | Thread |
| Re: | | MY brother, If someone said, "you will overcome when you fall in love with the Lord", or "you will be baptisd when you fall in love with Him", what would that mean to you and where then should the emphasis be placed if what they say is so? Right now, I'm the one saying it. :-D |
| 2006/6/22 15:49 | | irunbarefoot Member

Joined: 2006/6/15 Posts: 35
| Re: | | You know, I used to "try" to create and manufacture the death to self process within myself. The funny thing is, my motive was only so I could be a "super-christian" recognized by all. I had things totally warped. That's me.
I wanted to leave a mark on the world for Jesus the same size of a mark that Martin Luther left.
I wasn't even aware that I was pushing my own agenda onto God. Or worse, calling my own agenda the will of God. It wasn't until he killed me with his kindness (and He is still doing so) that I was able to gently rest and realize I don't need to be a revolutionary for Jesus, he will use me in any way that makes him happy.
There's no pressure anymore, I am dead. There's no self will, I am just a glove on the Lord's hand. I submit to him and let him be the "hand."
-Sean ____________ "All my music is free for download. E-mail me if you check it out, I love to meet new brothers in Christ." |
| 2006/6/22 19:12 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
irunbarefoot wrote: You know, I used to "try" to create and manufacture the death to self process within myself. The funny thing is, my motive was only so I could be a "super-christian" recognized by all. I had things totally warped. That's me.
I wanted to leave a mark on the world for Jesus the same size of a mark that Martin Luther left.
I wasn't even aware that I was pushing my own agenda onto God. Or worse, calling my own agenda the will of God. It wasn't until he killed me with his kindness (and He is still doing so) that I was able to gently rest and realize I don't need to be a revolutionary for Jesus, he will use me in any way that makes him happy.
There's no pressure anymore, I am dead. There's no self will, I am just a glove on the Lord's hand. I submit to him and let him be the "hand."
-Sean ____________ "All my music is free for download. E-mail me if you check it out, I love to meet new brothers in Christ."
Well, they are all nice words but condescending to those of us who know that a true love affair with Christ is the answer to being the "nice guy" one wants to be. You know abiding in Him and that sort of thing, in real time?
Tell me, what are you like when someone crosses you, you know, double deals you? Are you then able to "submit and be His hand? Just curious here, I wonder how many trips around the mountain you've completed ---- and still can't figure out why?
;-)rm |
| 2006/6/22 20:04 | | irunbarefoot Member

Joined: 2006/6/15 Posts: 35
| Re: | | I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you say "...trips around the moutain..." but I am pretty unexperienced if that is what you are getting at. I still have much to learn. I'm Sorry if I sounded condescending.
When someone double crosses me, and it has happened quite a bit, those are the times I learn the most about being dead to myself. When people falsely accuse me of things and betray me, I learn more about letting my pride and reputation go. The hurt and the pain are the primary tools God uses, at least for me. For me this is all part of the "Love affair" with Christ, which I could not have in full if I refused to be broken.
____________ "All my music is free for download. E-mail me if you check it out, I love to meet new brothers in Christ."
| 2006/6/23 0:38 | Profile |
| Re: | | Very good, Brother. They are the kind of words that make sense when speaking of self-denial. "Letting go and letting God" doesn't really help until it is explained as to what it really means. Nothing is 'automatic' in our walk with Him. Learning how is what I mean by 'trips around the mountain' --- as in the wilderness of the experience Israelites. When they learned they went to the next phase in God.
Orm |
| 2006/6/23 6:40 | | mamaluk Member

Joined: 2006/6/12 Posts: 524
| Re: | | Post deleted by post-er |
| 2006/6/23 11:02 | Profile |
| Re: | | Grace?? Its called walking in the light as He is in the light. Its also called abiding in the vine and being conformed to the image of Christ. But grace is needed to bring you through? Either you are or you are not in grace when the offense is there for you to deal with. Trying seeing His grace as being, the offense; offense[s] purposed by Him to bring you into closer union with Him.
"In weakness am I made strong", said Paul. But Why? And should I not ALREADY be in Him sufficiently to say: "I love Him more than this offense presented me, therefore I WILL..........."
:-(rm |
| 2006/6/23 11:23 | | Logic Member

Joined: 2005/7/17 Posts: 1791
| Re: | | Mr Hyde himself said, "Self must not only be dead, but buried out of sight, for the stench of the unburied self-life will frighten souls away from Jesus"
[b]Galatians 2:20[/b] [color=990000]I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live through faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself up to death on my behalf.... That I may know him, [b]and the power of his resurrection,[/b] and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;[/color][b]Philippians 3:10[/b]
If there is no death to self, there is no power!
If there is no death to self, fellowship with HIM. |
| 2006/6/23 12:38 | Profile | irunbarefoot Member

Joined: 2006/6/15 Posts: 35
| Re: | | Amen.
If there is no death to self, there is no power!
Until we are dead, only then can we live.
__________ "All music on my site is available for free download." |
| 2006/6/23 12:52 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
irunbarefoot wrote: Amen.
If there is no death to self, there is no power!
Until we are dead, only then can we live.
How is that done in real time?
__________ "All music on my site is available for free download."
:-( |
| 2006/6/23 14:52 | |