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Joined: 2005/7/3
Posts: 96
Sydney Australia

 what do you give to further the kingdom of God and why?

just got a revelation about how much of a blessing life is and to have breath and to walk on earth, especially in these days where we know the end times are around the corner, this is kinda it-the make or break times where we're called to get a grip on the meaning of life and cling to the Godly meaning each of us were predestined with, as is written on our hearts,

i know for myself i give as much as i know how; to not only love God, but to wanna evangelise as much as possible, and in just living a Godly life i think we evangelise more than we realise, but each thing we give as a sacrifice or out of good habit as we chose to form, or even subconsciously, only choosing what seemed like a good idea at the time to further the kingdom of God and bring heaven to earth and in turn have a lotta earth coming to heaven... *cheers*

so we can give with finances, the blessing of the tool of trade passed onto you to be passed on to the next person... and we see generous hearts investing money into seeing buildings etc to facilitate Godly things and workings,

time, in taking a little of it when we were plucked from eternity, placed in time and have to choose carefully what we do with it as theres only so much, we are in limited supply of time... so it can be invested in the Godly

words, cos it says we will be judged for every idle word to come forth from our mouths... and yet our gift to humanity from out our lips, our toungues brandish evil... i wish my words were more Godly more often... but i really wanna hear specific ways you invest into kingdom purpose...

why do you give in each way you do.

i want to hear your conviction.


 2006/6/6 5:49Profile

 Re: what do you give to further the kingdom of God and why?

Hi Arb!

Questions: What is your understanding of the kingdom of God/Heaven and how does one enter it? Do you believe it to be a futuristic place or is it a here and now one? ... maybe both?


 2006/6/6 8:48

Joined: 2005/7/3
Posts: 96
Sydney Australia


the kingdom of God is and forever was and will be... enter as the spirit convicts you. stay with it as you live life not for the enemy but for God's sake. but the question is after the hearts after advancement of heaven on earth.


 2006/6/28 11:00Profile

Joined: 2005/7/3
Posts: 96
Sydney Australia


so, what if going by the verse 'where there is unity God commands a blessing' some of us were called to be echelons, the people on the forefront, the motivational speekers that bring about the awareness in people as they get caught up in the atmosphere of the battleground, that we stand united for one cause and that is for the living God more real than the keys you touch, the screen your eyes read from and the brick, concrete etc of the dwelling you call home. what im getting at is this: i sit and read disunity, bickering and factions amongst christians, i see it in various churches, people becoming offended just like paul, timothy, jesus etc. said they would, and over little things that in the longrun dont tell us that a person will see hell, they can judge right now if their in line with God becuase he will nudge them in the gut hard and convict them, and while they walk from the computer they will feel guilt at knowing they've mislead someone whether their pride cares to let them admit it to the other's responses or not. i'm a bit fed up with negativity in the church, so judge me if you like but i'm not being negative atm, i'm being sincere and upfront about something burdening me yes, but negativity doesnt take hold here, theres always the chance for growth after a rebuke, and i'm really growing to love correction tbh, i really am. i kinda wanted to prompt heartfelt obvious reactions that showed people after god's own heart. what i received instead was rejection. but thats ok. work in customer service/hospitality/people and after a time you get to realise that people do that... God says 'welcome to my world, rejected every day'

i have nothing to say to tangents. only that i want a straight answer not a beat around the bush....

what are you doing to further the kingdom of God. this question is not relative to what the kingdom of God is, its only relative to each person's calling.


 2006/6/28 11:21Profile



arbustum wrote:
so, what if going by the verse 'where there is unity God commands a blessing' some of us were called to be echelons, the people on the forefront, the motivational speekers that bring about the awareness in people as they get caught up in the atmosphere of the battleground, that we stand united for one cause and that is for the living God more real than the keys you touch, the screen your eyes read from and the brick, concrete etc of the dwelling you call home. what im getting at is this: i sit and read disunity, bickering and factions amongst christians, i see it in various churches, people becoming offended just like paul, timothy, jesus etc. said they would, and over little things that in the longrun dont tell us that a person will see hell, they can judge right now if their in line with God becuase he will nudge them in the gut hard and convict them, and while they walk from the computer they will feel guilt at knowing they've mislead someone whether their pride cares to let them admit it to the other's responses or not. i'm a bit fed up with negativity in the church, so judge me if you like but i'm not being negative atm, i'm being sincere and upfront about something burdening me yes, but negativity doesnt take hold here, theres always the chance for growth after a rebuke, and i'm really growing to love correction tbh, i really am. i kinda wanted to prompt heartfelt obvious reactions that showed people after god's own heart. what i received instead was rejection. but thats ok. work in customer service/hospitality/people and after a time you get to realise that people do that... God says 'welcome to my world, rejected every day'

i have nothing to say to tangents. only that i want a straight answer not a beat around the bush....

what are you doing to further the kingdom of God. this question is not relative to what the kingdom of God is, its only relative to each person's calling.

Simply put, you gotta mean, what am I doing for the sake of Christ, right?


 2006/6/28 11:31

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


Hi arbustum, how are you?

I can really relate to that feeling of be so greatfull to be alive and having the gift of life. In reading these posts I thought of that verse too which says we are redeemed to be...

...a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

Something I found out about not too long ago has been very special to me, that is writting letters to those who are in prison for their faith in Christ. I count it a privilege to share even a small token of solidarity with them. And too, the scripture says

Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body

Perhaps we can encourage each other in this thread

consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works


Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2006/6/28 12:23Profile

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