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Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

The Money Trap
The writer of these messages, over a long period of years, has travelled in many parts of the world with one object: that is, the increase and strengthening of the spiritual life of the people of God. He has been repeatedly impressed with the fact that where the greater concern for, and engrossment with, business life to make money dominates, there it is so much more difficult to speak about the things of the Spirit.
This impression has been confirmed by the equally evident fact that where life is simpler or even difficult, there the outreach of heart to the fuller knowledge of the Lord is stronger and purer.
This. . . “ism” has strongly invaded Christianity, namely, “commercialism”, and is sapping and draining the spiritual life. Indeed, it is a definite menace to spirituality.
November, 1965

Lars Widerberg

 2004/3/28 14:18Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

The Sole Motive for Movement
How many spiritual tragedies we have known brought about by human selectiveness apart from the first and supreme interest of Christ. It might be the choice of residence, location, for instance, for reasons of convenience, pleasure, escape, or seeming necessity, as in the case of Abraham. . .
No less a question than having the Lord with us is bound up with such choices and decisions. We cannot move off the Lord's ground without the consequence of spiritual disaster. How costly it was in the case of Elimelech!
If Christ is the Way, the Directive, then He is the Example. How meticulously careful He was not to move, or be moved, by w any consideration but the directive of the Father! Ii Many motives were put to Him for action and movement, but t He abode in the Father, and, often at great cost, refused other considerations.
We must seek to know that we are where we are because God has put us there in the interests of His Son, and then it must be God Who just as definitely moves us when the time to move has come.
July, 1964

Lars Widerberg

 2004/3/31 5:16Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

The Possibility of Spiritual Tragedy
If the Cross and the nature of Resurrection-life do not go more than halfway into our natural constitution, while our "Fundamentalism" or "Evangelicalism," our personal faith and devotion to the Lord Jesus may be unquestionable, we may yet be a spiritual tragedy.
March, 1963

Lars Widerberg

 2004/4/11 1:55Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: TAS

We are taken out into a realm where we do not understand what the Lord is doing with us, and why the Lord takes certain courses with us. We are out of our depth; we are altogether baffled; and we are compelled - that is, if we are going on with God - to believe that God knows what He is doing: we have just to move with Him according to whatever light we may have, and believe that these dealings with us, so far beyond our understanding are somehow related to that purpose with which we are called, and that the explanation waits some distance ahead, and we will find it when we get there

Mike Balog

 2006/9/28 16:09Profile

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