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Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

The Hiddenness of God’s Workings

We are so often found looking for, praying for, expecting, some mighty, shattering intervention of God in our situation, something that is evidence and proof that God is with us, something we can lay hold of, to which we can point and on which we can report; and such does not happen.
Again and again when we have passed most critical points in our history and turned most serious corners, we have had to say, “How did we do it, how did it come to pass?” Well, it just happened. It undoubtedly involved very great power on the part of God, and there is no doubt that, if God had not done it, that there would have been disaster; yet it is done. But how?
We thought the Lord must come this way and that, and we were telling Him what He must do; but He never came by our way, never did it like that at all. It, so to speak, just happened. We are going on like that. It may be from time to time the Lord will show His hand.
He is the God of the sudden leap as much as He is the God of the long process, but normally the way of faith is this way. Silently, almost imperceptibly, without any power to detect that He is doing it, the needed thing is being done.
November, 1951

Lars Widerberg

 2004/1/22 23:32Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

Qualification for Serving the Lord’s Purposes
The Lord does really need men and women to serve His ends. . . His need may be very great, and yet He may not be able now to open the way for you to come in to serve Him in meeting it. . .
The Lord is waiting until your heart is broken over this whole situation, and it is such a heart-matter that you come to the place where you say, “Lord, the only justification of my life is that your interests are served.”

It must be a matter of heart-love for the Lord and for what is His, and not for the work, the ministry; not for anything but for your Lord and what is His. When you get there, and you are found upon your face before the Lord breaking your heart because you see He is not getting what He ought to have, when this becomes the travail of your soul, you will find the Lord will begin to do something. This is the necessary basis for the Lord to bring out His servants.
May, 1952

Lars Widerberg

 2004/1/23 10:26Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

Essentials for Fulness of Life
There are three things which are essential to an adequate life with God, to a fulness of the Christian life.
Firstly, the realization that God is concerned with the accomplishment of something worthy of Himself. We shall not get very far toward a full Christian life, or a life with God, until it breaks upon us and takes hold of us that God is really concerned with the accomplishment of something worthy of Himself.
The second thing is that people shall become aware of what that great something in the heart of God is, what it is that God is so concerned with, and then that they shall be moved to cooperate with Him in it. . .
And then, in the third place, that we recognize that this object in the heart of God and this cooperation with Him by His people involves very real conflict and cost, and that His people must face that and be ready to accept it.
September, 1953

Lars Widerberg

 2004/1/26 5:19Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

The Essence of Ministry

We have thought of the service of God as a matter of preaching and teaching and doing a multitude of things for the Lord. They may only be the framework; they may only be the outer casing, like the bark of a tree. The Lord may pour His life through such methods and means, or He may not let us do any preaching or teaching. In the case of some, He may have the greatest measure of fruit without ever any preaching being done at all.

Fruit is the spontaneous expression of a deep-rooted oneness with Christ, and there may be very much satisfaction and glory to God through people who are never allowed to preach or teach or do any of those things which we call Christian work. But to express Christ, to live Christ, to manifest Christ, to let everything around feel Christ and be touched by Christ through our presence-that certainly is to the glory of God and the satisfaction of His heart, and that is service.

For what is this fruit? It is the life of Christ manifested, and God help both the preachers and the teachers and the workers, and those to whom they preach, if there is not a manifestation of Christ coming through what they are saying and doing. The real heart of it is this deep union of life with the Lord, and it is this kind of service which satisfies God.
July, 1954

Lars Widerberg

 2004/2/9 22:52Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: Essentials for Fulness of Life

[u]Essentials for Fulness of Life[/u]

"There are three things which are essential to an adequate life with God, to a fulness of the Christian life.

Firstly, the realization that God is concerned with the accomplishment of something worthy of Himself. We shall not get very far toward a full Christian life, or a life with God, until it breaks upon us and takes hold of us that God is really concerned with the accomplishment of something worthy of Himself.

The second thing is that people shall become aware of what that great something in the heart of God is, what it is that God is so concerned with, and then that they shall be moved to cooperate with Him in it. . .

And then, in the third place, that we recognize that this object in the heart of God and this cooperation with Him by His people involves very real conflict and cost, and that His people must face that and be ready to accept it."

September, 1953

Yes, this is a repeat, worth repeating.
Thanks Lars

Mike Balog

 2004/2/10 2:23Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

Giving the Word of God Its Place
A spiritual person is first of all one who seeks to know the revealed will of God in His Word. You cannot be a spiritual person, after the kind of which we are speaking, and neglect or be careless about the Word of God.
You will be one who is really diligent in reading and searching the Word of God, with one object - to know what God wants where you are concerned. If there were more of that, there would be a different kind of Christian, stronger, purer, and far more satisfying to the Lord. . .
The Holy Spirit knows the Bible, He knows what He has written; and if the Spirit is in us, and we are seeking to live in the Spirit, we shall live in the Word. The Word is a living thing when that is so. Spiritual people are people of the Word, and consciously or unconsciously they are checked up by it.
March, 1956

Lars Widerberg

 2004/2/17 19:59Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

Truth Alive in Us
You see, we can be governed by objective truth. It can be ”the truth” - orthodox, sound, Bible truth. We can be governed by that simply because it is taught; we do it objectively. But, there is something more than that. There is such a thing as the Holy Spirit taking hold of the truth of God and making it something that lives in us. . .
Many Christians are just Christians: that is, after they are saved, after they are born again, their Christian life consists in doing as they are told by the minister or the Christian leader or the Bible class teacher, because it is presented to them as the thing they should do. It is what is in the Bible, and they do it so.
But there is a very much higher level of life than that. The thing is right, but it is altogether transformed when the Holy Spirit brings it home to us in an inward way, and adjusts us to it. We no longer do it just because it has got to be done; we do it because the Lord has done something in us, and shown us that that is the thing He wants done.
March, 1956

Lars Widerberg

 2004/2/19 3:09Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

Divine Discontent

While ”the Word of the Lord” may have come to Patriarchs, Prophets, Judges, Apostles, resulting in a commission and a mandate, it is very easy to discern that, either before or by that word, there was found in them an unrest, a dissatisfaction, a sense that there was something more in the intention of God.
Inwardly they were not settled and satisfied. Maybe they could not define or explain it. They did not know what they wanted. It was not just a discontented disposition or nature. It was not just criticism, or querulousness, or ”disgruntledness,” a spirit of being ”agin the government,” as of a malcontent.

God was not satisfied, and He was on the move. These sensitive spirits, like Abraham, and Moses, and Samuel, and Daniel, and Nehemiah, and a host of others in every age - Old Testament, New Testament, and since - have been God’s pioneers, because of an inward link with His Divine discontent.
Of course, this is one aspect of all spiritual progress, but it is very true of every new thing of God. . . If this discontent is a truly Divine activity, it will not be a matter of mere human frustration. It will have nothing to do with natural ambition or aggressiveness. It will resolve into a sheer issue of spiritual life or death. It will become a soul-travail. . . .
Do you see that ”churches” should not be just congregations, preaching places, or places for religious observances? They should be, in their inception, constitution, and continuation, the answer to God’s dissatisfaction; that which provides Him with the answer to His age-long quest in the hearts of all concerned.

January, 1959

Lars Widerberg

 2004/3/3 2:47Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA


They did not know what they wanted

If this discontent is a truly Divine activity, it will not be a matter of mere human frustration. It will have nothing to do with natural ambition or aggressiveness. It will resolve into a sheer issue of spiritual life or death. It will become a soul-travail. . . .

Your timing Lars...

Mike Balog

 2004/3/3 8:36Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Cuts and quotes

Something More Than Evangelical
We can be passionately evangelical or "fundamentalist"; we can be fastidiously jealous for correct doctrine and order, and yet - with all this - still not be spiritual men. There can be as wide a gap between a rabid funamentalist and a spiritual man as there is between a conservative and a liberal theologian. Failure to understand this difference results in a very great deal of confusion. . .

Good motive and intention may be quite right, but with that there must be spiritual understanding. Zeal, yes, indeed; but not zeal that is not according to knowledge. Let there be a desire to do God's will, but let the doing and the way of doing be governed by the Spirit of God, and not just by human judgment. God's way is as important as God's end.
January, 1963

Lars Widerberg

 2004/3/24 12:28Profile

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