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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Real Revival by Denny Kenaston

This audio sermon: [url=]Real Revival by Denny Kenaston[/url] is quite intresting and worth the listen! :-o

It starts off with him telling about how He listened to this message by on a revival in the islands of hebrides ([url=]Revival On The Isle Of Lewis[/url] by Duncan Campbell) and his heart was really stirred in a powerful way. So he called alot of the church and had them to meet one night to listen to the tape in the church. As they were assembled and just starting to listen to the tape there was a stone thrown through the window of the church. They continued to listen to the tape and another and another. They saw a fellow going in the shadows of the corn and came out with a knife and a scowling face. He left but they never got to listen to the revival tape. The next day the pastor felt led and burdened to share this message himself to the congregation, its quite powerful and this message is worth listening to! actually both this message and the duncan campbell message also. enjoy ;-)

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/1/6 20:53Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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