My dad is in hospital and in serious pain, he is the main provider in this family and not only that there has been problems with me and my sister. I have found problems praying. Pray that he stays in hospital as are system they kick people out easily. It took alot of prayer to get him in thereMy Dad is in so much pain with his back that he can barely move , he finds it hard to roll over.We just need so much prayer at the moment so much has gone wrong.Jesus help Jesus help Dom
_________________Dominic Shiells
Dom,I pray that God in His Loving Kindness and Tender Mercy will reach down right now, to your Dad and all your Family.Try to just take it a minute at the time.I have found in my own experiences with my Mother in the Hospital, that God always showed up "Right on Time."Be assurred that He knows where you all are now, and He won't put more on you than you can bear.He is a Loving Father.God Bless and keep you in the Palm of His Hand.In Jesus NameNellie
God Bless you Dom, I will be praying. If its okay with you, please keep us informed on how he is doing.
_________________Matt Kroelinger