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Joined: 2005/12/14
Posts: 440

 Ravenhill said there was a revival coming!

Ravenhill said there was a mighty revival coming before he passed on...

Are we or am I going to continue to read, preach, pray for revival for years & years....?

Whats it going to take? Psalm 74 gives me great encouragement for revival though.

Whats it going to take??


 2006/5/2 18:57Profile

Joined: 2005/7/20
Posts: 671
Los Angeles, California

 Re: Ravenhill said there was a revival coming!

Whats it going to take??


Patrick Ersig

 2006/5/2 19:16Profile

Joined: 2005/4/8
Posts: 220
New England USA


I totally agree Patrick. About a year ago the Lord began to show me some things coming to America. I had a tremendous burden and began to cry out to the Lord. I thought, how will people handle this?? Who will tell them, encourage them, stregnthen them durning these difficult times?? Look what happen durning 9/11/01 when people ran to their local churches, looking for hope, but only became more discouraged! So I began writing to a certain pastor to encourge him to go nation wide with his chruch's media coverage. I thought this was the answer and a practical way of spreading the gospel durning the difficult days ahead. But then the Lord got a hold of me and began to show me that His Holy Spirit is bigger than any modern day media venue!

He has a plan for the soon coming judgement. He is going to use every surrendered vessel for His Glory! He will have a voice and does not need the TV, radio or internet for it to be heard! He will raise up men and women durning this dark hour to radiate His light. I do believe we will experience a revival, but it's not what we're expecting. I think it will take most of us by surprise.

I experienced a personal revival in my life durning 9/11/01. That day as I watched in horror, I heard the Lord say to me, "This is a wake up call to my bride." Durning that time, I was backslidden and lukewarm. It was 9/11/01 and the Lord's mercy that caused me to consider my ways and turn fully to Him. I think the coming judgement will also cause many others to consider their ways and turn back to Him. This will be just the beginning of the revival to come.


 2006/5/2 22:22Profile

Joined: 2005/11/2
Posts: 3710


A Question brothers and sisters?

How many Christian, born again, Christ filled, Holy Spirit taught, know that the Person of Christ lives in them?

How many know what Paul said 146 times about Christ being in the believer?

Paul's greatest theme in all His epistles is Christ in you the Hope of Glory, with the life of Christ being our life, His Spirit now owning our spirit with Satan out. This is the direct revelation from Christ that no other person had understood or had this revelation that Christ was in him and he was a new creature, a literal son of God birthed by the Father.

WE all know about the Incorruptable Seed to be born again, right? Or do we. This is something that man could not understand for Paul was not called for fifteen years after Pentecost, and his soul purpose was to suffer for Christ sake and bring the truth of Christ being born again in the believer and Him being the new life. Peter walked with Christ and He did not even mention the Cross or new birth in any of His messages in Acts. Finally Peter began to see the truth of Paul's message, and still he said it was hard to understand.

This is what God is doing in the world today, revealing this truth to His Children and until the Church begins to teach this truth, religion will keep this truth from the Church. What do our Churches teach, religion not new life in Christ with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit all being in the believer and wanting from the inside knocking on the door of our hearts, wanting to get out. Christ is already in us, so the only place He wants us to open the door is from the inside out.

Religion believes unless it keeps it hold on the people and make the Church and its doctrines and all its ministries and healing services and making revival, all these and more are the most important thing man can do the further the Kingdom of God and be pleasing to God and keep his salvation. How many preachers would tell you that you have all your need to enter the Kingdom of God when you believed and received The Lord Jesus Christ as your life and faith and truth taught by the Holy Spirit all these new thing that Christ is to the believer and that you would not need to even come to church to be a good Christ One. They won't do it because the believe and are deceived in believing that if the believer does not need man to get to heaven what would they do. If they taught the truth of Christ in us, it would make us want to be in church all the time, learning this Christ and sharing and loving each other as Christ love us.

There will be a revival. It will be when Christ is sitting on the throne of David and the world will know the Truth. We will already be in our Fathers House ruling and reign with Christ and doing His bidding as son's of God and brothers and sisters to the Son and in Christ and each other. Wow what a family that will be.

In Christ: Phillip


 2006/5/3 5:19Profile

Joined: 2005/12/14
Posts: 440


Ravenhill told his son Paul that he was done preaching....he said they havent listened....shortly after he passed on.

If they didnt listen to him...why now?
Granted some did listen. I think of his powerful prayer packed preaching....

Then I think of how much more prayer it will take to see revival. What will it take?


 2006/5/3 12:24Profile

Joined: 2006/4/13
Posts: 129
Dallas, TX


Amen Brother Patrick!

Revival will come with Christ.


 2006/5/3 13:12Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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