[b]Shut up! [/b]Thomas Reade, "Christian Experience")They tell the prophets, "Shut up! We don't want any more of your reports." They say, "Don't tell us the truth. Tell us nice things. Tell us lies. Forget all this gloom. We have heard more than enough about your 'Holy One of Israel.' We are tired of listening to what He has to say." Isaiah 30:10-11O what a deluge of evil has sin brought upon the earth!The heart of man naturally revolts against the faithful exposure of its enormities.Our pride fondly shelters itself under the 'dignity of human nature'.We cannot bear to be told how wicked we are, how very far gone, even as far as possible, from original righteousness.But the Bible is no flatterer!It is a faithful mirror, in which we may clearly see, (if we have eyes to see) our real state, divested of all paint and covering.This offends our pride.We cannot endure the sight!Therefore we turn away with disgust from this Holy Book, and consider it our enemy, because it tells us the truth.They tell the prophets, "Shut up! We don't want any more of your reports." They say, "Don't tell us the truth. Tell us nice things. Tell us lies. Forget all this gloom. We have heard more than enough about your 'Holy One of Israel.' We are tired of listening to what He has to say." Isaiah 30:10-11from:https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=17499
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon