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Joined: 2004/3/31
Posts: 901
Melbourne, Australia



W_D_J_D wrote:
every (AOG) church i have been to has been health & wealth prosperity associated. Everyone i have been to they are alll spiting and shouting while do body discerns or interprets what they are doing. Everyone i have heard of and been to have not taught the (cross)of Jesus or (take up your cross) i have heard many ministers swear at these church's in sermons.


One thing you need to realise is that for the most part, AoG in Australia has lost the plot, but there are some exceptions. One little church up in Melton stands out in my mind, who preached a very Evangelical gospel, with Charismatic power evidenced (as opposed to 'Charismaniac showing off' as seen in Browesville and Benny Hinn meetings). My understanding of the situation in the States is that there are many variations within this denomination.

Remember that we are talking about a movement that has been the home base of David Wilkerson and Jacob Prasch, while at the same time John Kilpatrick and Benny Hinn.

At the end of the day, the remnant is scattered throughout every denomination, as ar false converts. This shouldn't surprise us. After all, what do you think the parable of the tares is all about?

Aaron Ireland

 2006/6/29 8:21Profile

Joined: 2007/6/4
Posts: 11


I have been to quite a few AG churches, and 98% of them have issues with multiculturism.
the majority of the congregations are caucasian, with only a small percentage of minorities, and no minorities on staff. I know a Pastor ordained under the AG and he is a minority, and he says that within the AG denomination there exclusion of minority pastors. I have even been involved in ministry in an AG church and have felt that they had problems with minorities within there denomination. Ths was at a church in Texas

 2008/1/8 10:30Profile

Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 Our multi cultural, GOD fearing AG church which is one of many I know....

I'm amazed at the broad brush stroke of questioning and condemnation of AG. As a childrens director at a very Godly AG church, prosperity, health and wealth and all that are FAR from the 98% claim. People are people and 1 visit to 8 different AG churches doesnt make me nor anyone else an expert. People can take things to extremes in any church and the reality is if I attended your church, there would be "failings" or "Things taken out of context" there as well. We are all flawed. Christianity isnt a denomination but a relationship. The AG church I attend is EXTREMELY multi-cultural and has been so for 40+ years. We have an Indian Group on our campus, Indonesian, Russian and Nigerian as well. AG is missions centric by DESIGN so these statements of lack of multiculturalism and INTENTION denial of minority pastors or leaders just doesnt fit the history of the AG church.

Our AG church is NOT the exception as many would have it seem. We're all in HIS Body...made whole by the blood. Let's focus on the positive within our own churchs and be a blessing to own local body of believers so others dont claim lack of biblical teaching or truths.

It is grievous to me to see many other postings as well that love to criticize other preachers, other fellowships...all in the name of "Discussion". The BOdy of Christ gets enough attack from the world...why are we so bent on adding to it...again under the banner of "discussion"? I am admitted flawed but I'm certain such critical tones of any denomination as broad brush strokes as I read here...are not accurate nor pleasing to GOD. Let us love one another and correct in love as well. Amen.


 2008/1/8 10:48Profile

Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172


Bless you! Amen!


 2008/1/8 10:50Profile

Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172


Brother! Fellow laborer at AG in Columbus ohio for Kids Minsitry! Bless you for your words!


 2008/1/8 10:52Profile


Welcome yulandop.

Only a licensed pastor of an AoG Church could tell you the truth and one has spoken to you.
That is what he knows of in his "District", normally - unless he attends General Assembly meetings also.

Race shouldn't matter to anyone, IF the church is good.
In my first church - I was the only white person and if I hadn't moved, I had no reason to leave.
It was old fashion Methodist and our Pastor was a very intelligent human with a strong heart for his people.
When I was about to move, he bought me the Cross with the Star of David on it, that my friend told him I had always wanted. He drove way out to the Navy Base where I worked to deliver it.

After that I went AoG. Went to their college and married an AoG licensed pastor.
By 1985, I typed the letter for us, that we were giving them back their license, after many District meetings that I won't go into now.

First they were tending toward ecumenical and the Advertising of the AoG name almost put them into hock. The big campaign to push the denomination, instead of Christ alone, almost caused a major financial fall.

Stayed friends with some from that District, and they'd gone purpose-driven, as of around 2002.
At the District meeting, at that time, they told all the Pastors, to not preach hell and the such and to throw away the hymnals, put up big screens with modern songs and if anyone over 50 didn't like it - show them the door.

Since then, much more has entered the denomination that is emergent/contemplative through their Seminary, etc..

I know for a fact that there are some good churches left out there and it all depends on the pastor. If they have the "old school" teaching and aren't into manifestation excesses.

30 years ago, at the college we attended, the prof.s were around 70 and retired life-long missionaries and very strong on academics and didn't allow flesh-manifestations in chapel.

That was the same for my first AoG pastor - who's since retired.

So again, not every church is bad and race shouldn't matter if the church is "good" - but since all I've been through with them, I've hooked up with those who have been AoG and have had to go into the discernment ministries and what we're seeing is disheartening - but not just with the AoG, of course.

Many of us 'pentecostals' won't even attend a pentecostal church any longer because of the abuse of the 'gifts'. I wouldn't call what we've seen the 'gifts', but I'm sure I'm understood.

To be honest with you - since I've been driven to research this emergent/convergent/merging mess - very few denomination are Not a part of this - in one way or another.

From those sympathetic to the AoG .....

[url=]Latest AoG news[/url]

Less than being about just the AoG - I feel my writing just now, has more to do with denominations in general now.

If a Church is good - I wouldn't mind being the only white person in it again. :cry:

 2008/1/8 13:49

Joined: 2007/6/4
Posts: 11


Not to be critical of AoG, however my statements are based on ACTUAL experiences being a worship leader/musician at several AoG churches.
I find many have a few minorities within the congregations, but there are none on staff, and the only minorities that may be on staff are the musicians because they bring the musical "flavor" to the service which is why they wanted me, I have been around a long time and have played for numerous denominations, but i stand by my statements and looking back at the inception of the AoG denomination it was birthed out of the Church Of God In Christ denomination (Predominantly African American) as a result caucasion pastors left and formed a predominantly caucasion denomination hence the birth of the Assembly of God. Truth is Truth.
I agree that race shouldnt matter, however the fact of the matter is that it does within many a religious institution. HE_Reigns, Thank you for your insights, very encouraging

 2008/1/9 9:39Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


If anyone has questions regarding the AG denomination, I'd be more than happy to give some honest answers based on my own experience. Note, I am a former AG minister, credentialed through the North Texas district, Austin section. I've decided not to renew my certification in 2008 for doctrinal reasons; however, "racism" is something I've never encountered. We have minorities on staff at our church - and not only in worship.

Where in Texas are you, Yulandop?

Brother Paul

Paul Frederick West

 2008/1/9 11:13Profile

Joined: 2007/6/4
Posts: 11


Hi Paul, I'm in Dallas

 2008/1/9 11:36Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Hi Paul, I'm in Dallas

Pleased to meet you! I'm in San Marcos, but my wife's brother attends SAGU - Southwestern Assemblies of God University - in Waxahatchie (just south of where you are). Small world! God bless you, and welcome to the forums.


Paul Frederick West

 2008/1/9 11:48Profile

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