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Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413

 revelations "who can interprete it"

for many years i followed end time preachers who talked about revelations and taught how certain events will happen that will lead us into the end times. i pose this question to the ellect to test these foundations and current misconceptions.

1. is the writings in revelations written in typology or are they literal?
2. who can interprete revelations?

i was stuck in this area until it was revealed to me. Sometimes though when going against the nucleus belief of many foundations you need to hear confirmation from those that are filled with the holy spirit and can discern the truth when called upon, disregarding pre biased assumptions.

i say all this in love

karl rashleigh

 2006/3/4 18:06Profile

 Re: revelations "who can interprete it"

Why don't you just spit it out brother.

You've left us hanging now.

Do tell what has been "revealed to" you.


But in the meantime, I'll answer to the best of my knowledge ... Number 1 question is ... Both.
Number 2 question I'll leave for later.

His Love to you also !!!
Lord Bless.


 2006/3/4 18:12

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


sorry if i have offended people with my question, it wasn't a baited trap but more of seeing expression of other holy spirt filled students. i agree that revelations is of both typology and literal. many different cults in todays world translate the bible in their own beliefs. for example "the mark of the beast" is seen commonly by cults to be a special mark placed on the right hand. revelations is revealed to Holy spirit filled people so how can they come to the same interpretation as some of our preachers today. This does not make sense nor does it sit right with in my spirit! i would like to discus it further in a more deeper expression

karl rashleigh

 2006/3/5 3:24Profile


Oh no crusader ... I wasn't offended at all, just very curious what you did believe because I love eschatology. I just wanted to get a conversation going together.

We have a thread about it here .... [url=]Last Days Doctrine[/url]

Not sure if you'll like it or not, because I don't know how you feel about things quite yet.

God Bless you !!!

 2006/3/5 4:16


Also, I should answer your second question too.

I believe there is only one way to get any doctrine right.

First, you get every Scripture verse(s) from the entire Bible, from the Old to New Testaments and just look at them all. And be sure to look at them in context and with the whole of the Chapters and Books that they're found in.

Secondly by John 16:13.

God Bless !

 2006/3/5 4:21

Joined: 2005/7/3
Posts: 233
Lancashire, England


Hi crusader welcome to SI,

I'm currently listening to a series on Church history by a bloke called Edgar F. Parkyns, it's absolutely fascinating not only does he teach about church history but also ties it in very well with the book of Revelation, his interpretation is, as far as i know, unique but is very compelling also for example he says the mark of the beast is not a literal mark but a symbol like the one in Ezekiel 9.

anyway the series can be found here:

[url=]Edgar F. Parkyns on Church History - 10 Sessions[/url]

may the Lord bless you in your search



 2006/3/5 4:39Profile


Ezekiel 9 ?

That mark was on the ones to be saved.

We'll be marked by God on our foreheads to differentiate us in essence as holy unto God. Not a visible seal but nonetheless, that marking similar to the symbolics of Eze. 9 is for the righteous who cry over the sins of the land.

The Mark of the Beast is not from God as Eze 9 is.

It's a voluntary thing that people will take in order to "buy and sell" so it has to be something having to do with commerce.
Also somehow involving some worship of this beast and his "system".

That's why, Stick to the Word and not all of these authors when forming important doctrines.

In His Love.

 2006/3/5 4:49

Joined: 2005/7/3
Posts: 233
Lancashire, England


Sorry Annie,

I was merely pointing out that this author talks about the mark of the beast in this way. I would reccomend you listen to the series as I find he sticks closer to the Scripture than most. Through listening to it I've been lead to go back and look at various scriptures he has brought up that challenge my own escatalogical beliefs, the best one so far is when he talks about Daniel's 70 weeks in Dan 9:24-27 very interesting when you ask who 'he' is in verse 27.

but hey I'm still learning I started out being a pre-trib rapture believer but now, since coming to SI and being challenged early on by Dorcas i think and your own long discourses on 'Last Days Doctrine', find little actual evidence for it in the scripture but I'm open to the Word and good exposition of the Word.:-)

God bless



 2006/3/5 7:25Profile


Matt, you always have been open to the Word and good exposition. I'm sorry if I appeared to bark at 'you'. Please understand I know how you search things out and know we have had very good exchanges last year.
My bark was more directed at what I've heard being pushed about by our more modern day speakers, that are saying all sorts of things about the mark, like, it's just a "spiritual thing", instead of being an actual mark as the Greek implies of more of a scratch or graven mark.
From the same as G5482; a scratch or etching, that is, stamp (as a badge of servitude), or sculptured figure (statue): - graven, mark.

When I get scared I sort of come off as I did, because when they say it's "spiritual", they are leaving off the "buying and selling" part and the chip has already been used for the replacement of the Credit Card, as was the intent from the git go.
I have a Visa card application from 1998 that says, "As we successfully move onto a Cashless Society" and then I saw a literal commercial of a guy picking up things from the grocery store and just walking out with them, because he had the chip and the scanner just charged those items to his account. And on and on the stories go about the chip.

Please don't think I'm the type to bite without having a rabbi shot first. Ha. I mean no harm, believe me. I hope you know that.

God Bless you and thanks for coming back to tell me.
His Love.

 2006/3/5 7:45


Oh, I also thought it neat the Ezekiel 9:4 is sort of like Rev. 9:4.
Ain't GOD Neat ?! :-)

 2006/3/5 7:50

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