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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


A brother in another thread had a great solution for the duplicating of this video in CD form:

[b]To play or copy Revival Hymn video[/b]

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/1/27 23:00Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Brother Bruce just forwarded me some instructions he made on how to copy the revival hymn.

[b]How to download, play, and copy The Revival Hymn video.[/b]

1) Download The Revival Hymn video, don’t change anything, save to desktop
2) Go to, scroll down page to “Download Now”. There are two icons, one for Windows and the other for Macintosh. Click on the appropriate icon for your system. Security warning for Windows will pop up (if using Windows), click on run
3) Once download of VLC Media Player is complete, right click on The Revival Hymn video and click on Properties
4) In Properties it will say, “Open with”…. If it does not say “opens with VLC Media player” click on “change”
5) It should say, “Choose the program you want to use to open this file”, Click on “VLC Media Player” and it should now be highlighted in blue. Click OK and now whenever it is played it will open automatically with VLC Media Player

To copy The Revival Hymn video file onto a CD ( I use Nero Express 5.5 free version to burn CD’s)

1) Simply open Nero and copy as a data file (not a video file) and copy to CD
2) If you are going to share The Revival Hymn video with others (highly recommended), simply include a copy of the VLC Media Player on the same CD by dragging it over to the (Nero) CD burner that you are burning the Revival Hymn on. Remember to copy as a data file.
3) After burning one CD and testing it, simply make copies of the whole CD as available in the main menu of Nero.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/1/28 19:28Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I just added the emails in the first post of this thread of people who are going to be recieving an DVD quality copy of the revival hymn video. You can email them and ask if they can send you a copy of it. I will be getting these DVD's out in the mail in the next few days, God willing.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/1/30 13:45Profile

Joined: 2004/1/6
Posts: 61


I received the DVD from brother Strickland and I am able to make copies. If anybody wants one just let me know.

Somebody asked about deleting the part with just music in the middle of the video. I can make copies without that section, but I will only distribute that version with the permission of SI.

[email protected]

For Greg: Can you tell me please what software program was used for making the video, I would like to make some clips for personal use in our (romanian) church.


 2006/1/31 9:52Profile

 Can someone put a dvd verson on line?

There must be a way to put this online so we could just download it.

I would like to get a copy of the DVD please.

 2006/2/1 12:10

Joined: 2005/7/24
Posts: 19

 Re: DVD Copies

I found out that my computer can burn CD's but only READS DVD's. So if you want a DVD copy, you'll have to get it from someone else.

For CD copies, email me at:

[email protected]

 2006/2/2 10:58Profile

Joined: 2005/4/8
Posts: 220
New England USA

 Re: I got my copy!

I just wanted to let you all know that I received my copy of the Revival Hymn today. I will be making 20 copies in the next few days. You may PM or email me if you'd like a copy.


 2006/2/3 15:25Profile

Joined: 2006/2/5
Posts: 1


I'm new to the site (came here from a link to the 10 shekels sermon). Thank you so much for maintaining this for us!! As for the DVD, How can I go about purchasing/receiving a quality recording for others to view? I have many Christian friends without broadband internet access that may be blessed by the video.

 2006/2/7 20:31Profile

Joined: 2005/10/8
Posts: 196
Roanoke Rapids, NC



smdodd wrote:
As for the DVD, How can I go about purchasing/receiving a quality recording for others to view? I have many Christian friends without broadband internet access that may be blessed by the video.

See the beginning of this thread for a list of people you can email to request one for free.


Christopher Wright

 2006/2/7 21:18Profile

Joined: 2006/2/4
Posts: 1

 Re: I would love to receive the DVD

Maranatha to the Saints who “Continue to Walk” in the Word, and Spirit of Christ;

Brother Greg Gordon;

I would greatly appreciate having the DVD of The Revival Hymn sent to me. I would love to make copies and spread it around.

David J. Geauvreau
6814 Quartz Rd.
Sooke, BC, Canada
V0S 1N0

Ph: 1-250-642-2372
email: [email protected]

In His service.
David Geauvreau

 2006/2/9 2:04Profile

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