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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Just to let everyone know I am on the road currently and will be sending out the copies of the revival hymn to certain people that will have their emails listed on the first post of this thread on feb. 1st. thanks for the patience. I have one copy on the road right now and am going to show it at an church tommorow, I pray people will be blessed and encouraged to pray for revival.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/1/14 22:12Profile

Joined: 2006/1/5
Posts: 5



Just to let you know - I made copies for the two brothers who volunteered to copy - and they will be going out Tues. morning, so they should be getting them soon. Let us know how well (or not so well) it was received at the church. May God continue to be with you!

 2006/1/15 0:03Profile

Joined: 2005/2/22
Posts: 1
new jersey


Hi, I was wondering how I could get a hold of the revival hymn DVD. Thanks


 2006/1/16 12:53Profile

Joined: 2005/10/8
Posts: 196
Roanoke Rapids, NC



Bolade wrote:
Hi, I was wondering how I could get a hold of the revival hymn DVD. Thanks

Email one of the volunteer "copyists" at the beginning of this thread - be sure to includ your mailing address.


Christopher Wright

 2006/1/16 16:03Profile

Joined: 2006/1/18
Posts: 4
Salisbury, United Kingdom


Downloaded the original version a long time ago and havn't listened to it for ages. Thankyou for such a great video to go with it. Such a powerful message broaught to life in a new way that reaches to your inner most depths.

Matt Renyard

 2006/1/18 18:14Profile

Joined: 2004/9/21
Posts: 355
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


I downloaded it, and burnt 2 copies, and in both copies alot of the audio is missing.


Josh Williamson

 2006/1/20 0:25Profile

Joined: 2005/5/30
Posts: 8

 Re: The Revival Hymn

Just wanted to thank all for putting this out, it is a beautiful and appropriate piece for our church right now especially. We are presently getting ready to hold a revival. I Pray for this kind of revival. May God be glorified. tg.

 2006/1/20 5:13Profile

Joined: 2005/10/8
Posts: 196
Roanoke Rapids, NC



Willo wrote:
I downloaded it, and burnt 2 copies, and in both copies alot of the audio is missing.


The audio involves some panning from left to right. If you are playing this on a mono TV (one speaker), some of the audio may not play. If you have three RCA jacks (yellow = video, white = Left Audio, red = Right audio) going into your TV (or RF Modulator), then you should be able to hear all the audio.

If you only have one audio jack in your TV (a yellow and white), then you may need to purchase a Y-adapter so that you can run both white and red RCA jacks into one. That might solve the panning issues.

Some DVD players can be configured to output a mono signal (both Right and Left audios mixed) under its audio menu, so try that, too. If that works, it usually is the white jack that outputs the signal.


Christopher Wright

 2006/1/21 21:38Profile

Joined: 2005/10/8
Posts: 196
Roanoke Rapids, NC


bump :-D

Christopher Wright

 2006/1/27 0:51Profile

Joined: 2006/1/27
Posts: 1


I love the preaching and appreciate the labour that has gone into this.

Would it be permissable for me to edit out the music that comes in at around 12:20? Just for my personal use? I really do not care for that style of music but enjoy the rest of the production.

Anyway, it is an excellant production and has beena challenge and blessing to me.

 2006/1/27 5:32Profile

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