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Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164


I tried it with Quicktime. I will make sure I have the latest version. If others on Windows XP have been able to play the .mp4 then I know its just a problem with something I have. Yeah, I was wanting the better quality one so when I get a DVD burner I could make copies. I'll mess with it some more.

Josh Parsley

 2006/1/3 11:59Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Send me your address brother and I will send you a DVD QUALITY recording of the Revival Hymn when I can. I do believe the newest version of quicktime is required to play mp4, let me know if it works out.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/1/3 12:08Profile

Joined: 2004/9/28
Posts: 957
Cleveland, Georgia


Good show. Lots of tears.

Hal Bachman

 2006/1/4 1:13Profile

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164


Thanks brother, but it works fine with the newest version of QuickTime. I had an older version. It is great I am watching it now.

Josh Parsley

 2006/1/4 1:40Profile

Joined: 2005/2/16
Posts: 6


This is great... Praise be unto God!
Thanks to the anonymous brother, who has put in the efforts to do this- God bless Him.

Like all of us here, I've been greatly impacted by the Revival Hymn, and I believe this video will be a powerful instrument- both in meetings and gatherings, and individually.

I would like to know if it's a possible for a DVD quality recording to mailed to me, here in Mumbai, India. I plan to distribute copies here.


 2006/1/4 2:20Profile

Joined: 2005/11/5
Posts: 124


I'm a bit late, but i just viewed the Video and am blown away. I was wondering where all that beautiful footage in the background came from? Just incredible.


james thorpe

 2006/1/5 2:47Profile

Joined: 2006/1/5
Posts: 5



lovejt wrote:
I'm a bit late, but i just viewed the Video and am blown away. I was wondering where all that beautiful footage in the background came from? Just incredible.


I used a combination of images found online (I tried to use copyright-free images or at least altered them from the original) and all the motion backgrounds came as part of a video-editing program that a brother donated to me while I was about halfway through. That's why there aren't that many moving backgrounds during the first 10 mins. or so. I am so thrilled that people are being blessed by this video. I pray it brings revival across nations and denominations. I pray that pastors hungry for revival will be broken by it and share this video with their congregations. This video was birthed out of the love I had for the message it conveys. :-)

 2006/1/5 10:10Profile

Joined: 2005/11/5
Posts: 124


UNK, thanks for putting that together.
I am starting to get into video and wish to use it for my music productions/ministry. I am looking for some footage simular to what you used with the breathtaking creation. Could you point me to where i can find this kind of stuff and other advice would be appreciated. Thank you

God bless,

james thorpe

 2006/1/5 15:59Profile

Joined: 2006/1/5
Posts: 5



lovejt wrote:
UNK, thanks for putting that together.
I am starting to get into video and wish to use it for my music productions/ministry. I am looking for some footage simular to what you used with the breathtaking creation. Could you point me to where i can find this kind of stuff and other advice would be appreciated. Thank you

God bless,

I don't have the software handy with me right now, so the name esacapes me. All I can remember is that the brother who bought it said he found it at a STAPLES store on sale. It retailed for $50 but he was able to get it much less b/c it was on sale and had a rebate. The video files it came with were low-res, which you can see that they are not broadcast quality on the DVD version...doesn't look bad per say but if you are looking for high-quality video production stuff, expect to pay high dollar. I will try to remember to PM you the name and manufacturer of the software when I am home again.


 2006/1/6 9:39Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Thanks for the patience saints! I am working on getting the DVD QUALITY recording copied and mailed out to people that can distribute it. I will be also getting up all the people that can distribute it also.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/1/10 21:30Profile

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