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Joined: 2005/10/3
Posts: 117
Gonzales, La


I have two burners here, please put me on the list. I still wish to see if I can get this ministry to assist in the "burning process". Just because the size of this ministry has to have a system capable of doing multiple burns simeltaneously.

Mike Androne

 2006/1/1 23:49Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Just because the size of this ministry has to have a system capable of doing multiple burns simeltaneously.

As long as the revival hymn is offered for free as a personal gift I have no problem with that. I will add your email to the first post. And send you a copy of the DVD as soon as I get it. Could you send me your mailing address brother.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/1/2 10:52Profile

Joined: 2005/7/24
Posts: 19


I downloaded the video onto my Mac and my wife's Windows XP machine. I got it to work on OS X by changing the name (mp4), but we haven't gotten it to work on hers with Quicktime, Windows Media Player, or anything else. I'll see if I can help her with it, and then we'll have two burners. Mine does CD or DVD; I'm not sure about hers but I'll find out, and then we should have two burners to send these out. I'm taking it to our church to start with, and see what the pastor says about getting it out to Panama City, Florida, and the surrounding area.

 2006/1/2 10:54Profile

Joined: 2005/10/3
Posts: 117
Gonzales, La


I have contacted the ministry via e-mail and am waiting on a reply. I also included this website with the direct link to this thread so they can read of our intent and that we are legit and most importantly...sincere in our evangelistic efforts.

Mike Androne

 2006/1/2 11:52Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Mine does CD or DVD; I'm not sure about hers but I'll find out, and then we should have two burners to send these out

Send me an email with your physical address and I will send you an HIGH QUALITY format DVD with the hymn.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/1/2 12:12Profile

Joined: 2005/10/3
Posts: 117
Gonzales, La


might want to burn as an ISO, it will be a complete exact dup of original

Mike Androne

 2006/1/2 14:49Profile

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164


I downloaded the mp4 one and it would not play on my computer (Win XP). I changed the file extention and all of that. What program are you using to view the file (those of you using XP)?

Josh Parsley

 2006/1/2 19:16Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I downloaded the mp4 one and it would not play on my computer (Win XP). I changed the file extention and all of that. What program are you using to view the file (those of you using XP)?

You are going to need to use Quicktime I believe to play that format. It's a free download: There is also an Windows Media format file to download also in the first post of this thread. The mp4 is abit higher quality though.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/1/2 19:20Profile

Joined: 2005/10/8
Posts: 196
Roanoke Rapids, NC


I played this for the chapel service tonight at the local Union Mission (I normally conduct Monday night chapels there.)
I think it really stir some consciences, and many were literally leaning on every word.
I told the Mission I would give them a copy real soon. The director there is interested in it but hasn't seen it yet.


Christopher Wright

 2006/1/2 20:20Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I think it really stir some consciences, and many were literally leaning on every word.

Praise God that is excellent brother. I know this recording is going to bear much fruit. I am going to be showing it to brothers on this outreach trip to Ottawa and in the USA. I can just imagine it being played in youth groups and in bible schools.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/1/2 23:31Profile

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