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Joined: 2005/7/21
Posts: 10
The Netherlands

 Re: Others May, You Cannot

I wish my English was better to reply on this post. If I could explain myself in Dutch, that would be so much easier. So, don't expect long stories of me on SI, but there's just one thing I wanted to say. And actually, it's not about the post itself (though i did understand that, with my bad english:P, and it was good), but about the sentence below:

"Lord make me little and unknown, prized for Thee, and Thee alone" L.Ravenhill

There's just one word i can say: AMEN!
So true, i have to admit...

your sis in faith


 2005/12/2 14:01Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: Others May, You Cannot


Mike Balog

 2006/5/1 15:26Profile

Joined: 2006/2/4
Posts: 352
Fort Frances, Ontario

 Re: Others May, You Cannot


Thank you for posting this article. I battle with pride in my life and the need to be recognized. And I realize that is so opposed to the Spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit is showing me constantly different areas where I have allowed a proud spirit to creep in.


Murray Beninger

 2006/5/1 16:04Profile

Joined: 2006/4/17
Posts: 10

 Re: Others May, You Cannot

~This is wonderful piece! From what I've seen in life, it's odd how this truth is so neglected by those who prosper and so twisted by others.

~I guess it's kind of obvious when someone doesn't accept these truths, but people seem to miss when they are being misused. There are dying congregations out there that God has called to make some changes, and they have been deaf. They claim that their failure to grow, in numbers or just within themselves, is just God testing them or keeping them humble. I guess such things are not for us to judge, but just as much as we should fear our pride we should also fear not changing when we have been called to.

 2006/5/1 16:52Profile

Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554

 Re: Others May, You Cannot

Thanks for this!

 2006/5/1 19:40Profile

Joined: 2004/12/3
Posts: 51

 Re: seperate and peculiar

I've given up counting how many times I've heard," I'm just not called the way you are . . "

I hope and pray for all my brothers and sisters to have the courage to take the stand of a peculiar and seperate people but I fear that they are correct, they have not been called. Or I believe they're not able to hear for all the clutter and static of a world bent on drowning the voice of the Lord. I have wept for the powerless, deviod, hollow christian whose light they have chosen to dim.

But I also draw near to my own people, those who bear the mark of a zealous, peculiar nation; with callouses on their knees and fire in their hearts.

I think pride has crept in unawares, for myself, when I start to feel like the lone soldier. I am not alone, not in prayer, nor spirit, nor unity.

I am not special, just peculiar, zealous and not of this world which is a great place to be ;-)

In love,


Richard E Lewis III

 2006/5/1 20:34Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Others May, You Cannot

Thought I would pull this back up again.

Mike Balog

 2008/6/10 23:17Profile

Joined: 2006/12/23
Posts: 248
Montana USA

 Re: Others May, You Cannot

Thank you for pulling this back up. It is very timely and very true.

It's one thing to agree with something; and another to be learning it. It is indeed precious, everything learned at the side of the Savior is, but that does not mean that it is easy.

Myself, I am amazed at the patience of God to work with such stubborn humanity, such as myself.

Oh,to be brought to the place that it is not only "ok" to be brought down to the brokenhearted-humbled-corrected-proper view of self; it is good, and a part of God's wonderful grace!

In Christ

Lori Salyer

 2008/6/11 7:29Profile


If any here is ever interested in knowing more about how my life goes... read this article... I could have easily written this.

I used to be a "self-made man"... but then I met Jesus, and He makes sure that anything I attempt on my own, anything I try to manipulate, anything I do out of His will... utterly blows up in my face.

And I'm so thankful for that!


 2008/6/11 7:52

Joined: 2007/2/21
Posts: 220
Richmond, VA

 Re: Others May, You Cannot

This article has really blessed me. I remember I was so addicted to Baseball and boxing I would get together with other brothers and watch these things until the early morning hours. God seemed to deal with me about it when I began to draw near to him. So I put those things away and have not engaged in them at all and it has really enhanced my relationship with God. But some people look at me and say hey are you a holy roller or something a stick in the mud I felt bad and even tempted to Go back but I kept at it(Going after God) and the bad thing is I never went around saying "the lord told me to do this or that" NEVER!! I found out that when I let go of these things I had more time for prayer, bible study, and family time the stress left my home God was now the sovereign of my heart . this article was confirmation to me that God chastens those he loves so that we can be partakers of his holiness I also shared it with my wife and she said " this was an answer to your prayers as to why you can't do what others in the church do". Now I am not saying that sports are sinful and I am not posting this to say hey don't do this or that but this is what the spirit told me to do because this part of my life (love for sports) was lord and not God and that in itself was the sin of Idolatry for me because I had another object before God and his will(Sports). You all be blessed and thanks for this wonderful article.



 2008/6/11 9:14Profile

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