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Joined: 2004/1/28
Posts: 360

 Anyone have 'panic attacks'?

I am confessing that I deal with 'panic attacks' and anxiety similar to what Ray Comfort has recently wrote in his book, "Overcoming Panic Attacks". I first read about it in The Evidence Bible in the back of the book, after my wife showed it to me.

I have struggled with phobia of crowds, people/ and also symptoms of panic attacks where I literally feel like I'm dying... Maybe I should have posted this in the section for prayer and asked for prayer... Greg, feel free to move this, but I was looking to see if others deal with this.

This is a problem I am wrestling with and asking God for help in this area and what to do about it.

In Chirst,

a Jesus freak

 2005/9/6 22:38Profile

Joined: 2004/9/28
Posts: 957
Cleveland, Georgia

 Re: Anyone have 'panic attacks'?

I have experienced things like this since I was a kid. These are experiences that brought about a sense of dread and fear, usually of a fight:

-Playing in the neighborhood
-Going to school (stayed home for a week once)
-Going to parties with friends

These experiences bring about the same feelings, but of a fear of humiliation:

-Starting new jobs
-Messing up in front of peers
-Speaking to people
-Talking to people I haven't heard from in a while

The odd thing is that I can't get enough of talking to people, especially about the LORD. But to this day, I occasionally am completely overcome with fear. I am almost always so nervous that I don't want to eat, but I know that afterward there is a great sense of accomplishment.

Sometimes when I have been witnessing, my eyes have filled with tears, not out of compassion, but as a reaction to nervousness. I have also had my arm hairs stand on end. My buddy said that about one time he got so nervous while we approached some people in the town square to witness to them, that he couldn't hear. Amazingly, the guy we approached that day ran into my buddy in a store, and came up and shook his hand, thanking my buddy for us talking to him. A completely chance meeting (actually divine appointment).

I'd be concerned about the guy that never got scared.

A pianist once told me that he always got nervous, and that he always played well. But one night he did not get nervous, and it was the worst he had ever played.

Ray Comfort describes that before his first time street preaching, he was not scared, he was utterly mortified. So if you have what Paul talks about in Corinthians, weakness, fear, and much trembling, you have just qualified yourself as a witness of Jesus Christ.

Notice the words of the men God used:

Moses: "Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh?"
Isaiah: "I am undone...a man of unclean lips"
Jeremiah: "I cannot speak: for I am a child."
Psalmist: "I am a worm, and no man"

The LORD isn't looking for a champion, like Saul, He's looking for a man "that hath clean hands and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul to vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD..."

God doesn't need a man that is head and shoulders above the crowd, he needs a man that feels that he is dead. Dead to self, so that God can move His Spirit into him. A man full of himself has no room for God. It seems to me that you are qualifying yourself. Set aside all your worldly desires, and pray for the power of the Holy Ghost to fill you. If He doesn't, like William Booth said, 'try tears.'

If you haven't listened to all the Ray Comfort messages in the Hell's Best Kept Secret series, I would do so. He goes into great detail about dealing with fear.

Hal Bachman

 2005/9/7 1:00Profile

Joined: 2005/4/26
Posts: 376
Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania

 Re: Anyone have 'panic attacks'?

Carter Conlon sometimes talks about how he was afraid he would be called to answer a question in school. He had this kind of fear past being born again. The Lord delivered him from this fear.

Did you ever notice how many fear nots are in the bible? God didn't give us a spirit of fear so I guess we know where fear comes from.

In Christ,

Gary Eckenroth

 2005/9/7 1:19Profile

Joined: 2004/4/1
Posts: 323

 Re: Anyone have 'panic attacks'?

I get such things, especially when opening my mouth for Truth. That makes the victory so much greater when I push past my evil flesh and evil spirits trying to scare me and instead speak out for God, and with God and with His power. The most recent one my flesh tried to get away with, was when I saw child abuse right at the park, 3 adults against their 3 toddlers. Right before I reported to police, my flesh tried to stop me at the last minute, but Truth and Love push aside such evil.

Without His power and strength, I would just be a people pleaser like I used to be (I secretly was very hateful, but pretended as much as possible) God has power over our flesh, I am a testament to that.


 2005/9/7 1:59Profile

 Re: Anyone have 'panic attacks'?

Hia Doug,
I wasn't aware that Ray Comfort had written a book on this topic.
Is it on line, or must it be ordered ?

Did it help you at all ?
What were his 'main points' in it ?

I think unless a person has truly gone through this experience, they could never properly advise on it and actually shouldn't.

It is a physiological response, and has to be recognized in that way.

There are three factors that may help some, to keep in mind.

First, a fearful thought may even be one that is not easily recognized consciously, and may be as quick of a thought as the blink of an eye, but the body's first response, is hyperventilation.

With that, also comes an Adrenalin rush. The "fight or flight" hormone.

These two responses, cause all the rest of the physical symptoms that follow, and even to the feeling that one is "loosing their mind" or "may die".

It is important to see those first two factors and try to nip them in the bud. That 'can' be done.

We all get "anxious" at one time or another, but when one gets "Anxiety over their anxious feelings" or 'Anxiety over their anxiety', it will only intensify.

Realizing, that the worst of it is the physical reaction to some internal 'fear', whether conscious or not, it 'normally' is a fear of "the unknown" ... the "what will happen if..... " type thing.

The first thing is to take control of the breathing and BREATH DEEP & slower, to prevent the tachycardia, etc. that comes from hyperventilating.

Second, to "work off that excess adrenaline".

Don't let it "paralyze" you.

These must be done, almost immediately when you feel that first "creepy feeling" coming on.

Get busy, and Breath.
This will distract the brain also from whatever that "thought" was, that initiated the physiological response.

Whistle while you work helps too, with both the hyperventilating and working off the excess adrenaline.

Thirdly, ALWAYS face your fears, HEAD ON.

If it's say, 'crossing bridges', then cross them.

Don't even give in to the fear, but 'react' ... just the opposite of what the fear is demanding.

It's not all a "lack of faith" or "demonic attacks", so thankfully, you can take more and more control, gradually over these. But Be Patient With Yourself, and give yourself the same compassion for this as you would to someone else going through it.

Jesus will hold your hand through these and teach you a lot about things, as you and He go through these together... one step at a time.

But, the main thing, is 'face your fears head on', and after a while, you'll see that the fears were unfounded. ;-)

Ask the Lord to show you what the 'hidden' fear is, and gradually He will, as you allow Him.
Ask Him to help you to be more 'cognizant' of even your more 'unconscious' thoughts (so to speak).

I'll be praying for you and don't ever feel like a failure !!!

You will be able to "comfort others wherewith you were comforted" in the future and these things will only Increase your compassion for all people. Rom. 8:28,29. "ALL things..."

Sit in a Mall of people and just sit there asking Jesus to give you HIS LOVE for them, because Perfect Love casts out all fear.
His Love sure is Powerful and does miraculous things. Amen ! :-)

Whistle a Happy Psalm, for the JOY of the LORD [u]is[/u] our strength.

Lord God and Christ Bless you bro.


 2005/9/7 5:56

Joined: 2005/8/8
Posts: 258


I have been taking a lay ministry class which is currently focusing on ministering to the abused. Last week one of the things covered was the fact that abused people often have a difficulty with intimacy, which was broken down as "into me see." He went on to describe how abused people can put up walls as a means of self protection. If they don't let anyone get that close to them it removes the threat of being hurt again. As he was describing the thinking, "I don't mind having lunch with you, I don't mind listening to your life story, I don't even mind marrying you and having children with you. As long as you don't try to see into me." When he said this, panic hit. Past fear and trembling, full throttle panic. I have never experienced panic attacks I have heard people speak of but if it is anything like what I felt, my heart goes out to you. I experienced abuse as a child and have spent 30 years unconsciously erecting these walls. When I got out of that class, I tought I will surely not go back. I cannot handle this. But over the next few days I began to really seek God and ask him why. Why God do I feel such an extreme level of fear over letting someone get close enough to me or see the real me? I really did not know and sincerely wanted to understand. Well he showed me what was under it and I should have guessed already because it seems this little thing comes up every time I turn around and has tentacles everywhere. It was pride. The fear was not over revealing any particular event or secret. It was not over being rejected. It was the fact that if I let people see the real me," they would think less of me." My pride in this area caused a panic that his zero to sixty in .2 seconds.

I share this not to change the subject but to encourage you to ask God why you feel panic in certain situations. I believe we are all going to feel cautious and uncomfortable in certain situations, but when fear moves from uncomfortablility to panic it is not coming from God. God has given us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Perfect love casts out fear.

I did go back to class this week. :-)

 2005/9/7 6:25Profile

Joined: 2005/9/7
Posts: 5
South Africa


I often wonder whether the Lord does not allow such things to keep us on our knees. To make us realise that without Him we really are nothing, yet in Him we can do all things through Him who strengthens us.

Keep on keeping on,


Roxane greyling

 2005/9/7 9:25Profile

Joined: 2005/8/28
Posts: 48


Yes i know it well, i suffer it, i am on medication for it.

Just letting you know i get this as well, however since my conversion in early 2004 i rarely get depressed anymore which is a good sign. I have been diagnosed with Social Anxiety.

I have to force myself to speak out of my established social circle sometimes.

Michael Hancock

 2005/9/7 9:38Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I have struggled with phobia of crowds, people/ and also symptoms of panic attacks where I literally feel like I'm dying... Maybe I should have posted this in the section for prayer and asked for prayer... Greg, feel free to move this, but I was looking to see if others deal with this.

Brother Doug, I have struggled with the exact same things for a good year and even abit more. But the Lord [b]has[/b] been redeeming my mind to allow me to think properly. I really believe its a problem of the mind where there are footholds of thought especially this could be from past childhood. To get some key verse to memorize and repeat is good, and not to think about it and over-analize it. God is still doing a work in to the praise of the glory of His name.

It would be good maybe for some people to post scriptures that would help them against this situation?

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/9/7 11:56Profile

Joined: 2004/1/28
Posts: 360



Thanks for sharing this. I did some searching on SI and found some previous discussions on this and listened to Carter Conlon's testimony last night.

I have been trying to not over analyze it, but yesterday I had a panic attack (well I actually thought I was having a heart attack and was dying), but it was so bad, I had to leave my job and go to the lake to pray, read the bible and just 'calm down'. I could not breathe, it was terrifying and I went to read Ray Comforts book last night to see if this might be what I am struggling with. Other times I have had attacks I have shaked, sweat, over the anxiety, stress and fears in my soul. I sometimes feel not saved, but know I am with dealing with this.

These attacks happen in two places, work and at church. What I am struggling with the most is that I sometimes don't want to be around people, especially Christians. I love the brothern, but I do struggle with intimacy and letting people know who I really am. I have struggled with the fear of "am I really saved, because I don't want to be around the brethern" and this as a sign of not being saved or is this just another tactic of the enemy to pound me in doubting my salvation.

I really believe its a problem of the mind where there are footholds of thought especially this could be from past childhood.

I love my mom and my dad who is deseaced, but I didn't have the best childhood, but do not like to blame the past but take responsibility of the present and the future. I don't like to blame past on my sin that is my responsibility. I have forgiven my mom and dad for their sins that they have passed on.

I would love to read and memorize some scriptures on this.

In Christ,

a Jesus freak

 2005/9/7 12:24Profile

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