Ray Comforts view.
I'm a bit confused. Is Speaker Johnson's claim to be a saved person and Christian being challenged as not true? Your articles seem to be both positive and negative at times. Or is the point yes, he is a GENUINE Christian? Maybe it's just me having gained a confused impression.
_________________David Winter
We need to thank God for sovereignty raising up Mike Johnson as speaker of the House. Mike Johnson is a strong believer, a man of prayer, with no political ambitions other than doing the will of God.It really is a miracle that Mike Johnson, only a few weeks before he was elected as speaker of the House heard the voice of God to run for speaker, and this was confirmed prophetically by an intercessor that was praying with other intercessors and leaders on a Zoom call.I have been on Zoom prayer calls with Mike Johnson, Tony Perkins, and other intercessors. Mike Johnson has what looks like an impossible job ahead of him, but he is totally dependent on the Lord. Mike Johnson will not compromise but will stand for the truth. Please pray for Mike Johnson!
David Ray comfort seems to endorse him, the other articles written by was someone who seems to think Christians shouldn't be involved in politics but I thought the information was worth reading rather than taking on her opinion. I'd have to agree with Mike it's not short of a miracle because he was probably the most solid Bible believing Christian in there...What I can't understand is the mindset of some Christians who lament the state of the world and the state of the West and complain about the sin and yet they can't see that the only reason why we had any Christian value system in these countries was because Christianity had penetrated deeply into the political system which created the seed bed for Christian morals.This awakening that is beginning will penetrate back into the political system, and the revival will sweep through this young generation and we will see a time of rejoicing for the church and for the West, there will be a great awakening in Israel and amongst the Jewish people we will see a unity like we've never seen before amongst the Jews and the Christians and we will see judgment come against wicked rulers and against principalities that control some of these wicked government there will be conversion of kings and presidents and there will be a veil taken away from the eyes of the world and the eyes of the people will see that only God, the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob the Christian God could have done this.And the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea though deep darkness has been upon the Earth the light of the Glory of God will rise up on the people of God.
In that day and at that time Then I will send a Great flood of Firey Rain that will completely flood my gardens and I will release from boundaries of my garden The Firey Flood that will contain also My Holy Sap and these will invade the Streets of Darkness and even enter into the Garden of Enmity, and many weeds of different sizes will be ripped from there roots, and new seeds will be planted and I Will declare says the Lord a New Name and remove the enmity, drive in a Golden Stake, and lay a New Claim. IT will be a time of upheaval and a time of my Divine judgment Says the Lord , but it shall be a time of Sweet Restoration and a time of Abundance, and a time to Gather sweet and fat fruit, and a time to make wine and a time to build Barns and time to preserve the spoil in fine crystal ware and reserve in my barns for ME to drink and be merry , And for me to consume in my Coming kingdom. So again I say look up, And smell the Wind, for the Rain is coming on the wind , for with the smell comes firey rain not far behind it . Know The Season and look not at the world nor listen to the false prophets of pharmakeia and the babbling foolish ones , neither love the world nor the things in the world but draw from Heaven, and My will be done, on Earth as in Heaven. Part of a Prophecy 31 1 2022.
“IT will be a time of upheaval and a time of my Divine judgment Says the Lord , but it shall be a time of Sweet Restoration and a time of Abundance.”Amen Gary!We are living in the best and the worse of times. For those that are following the Lord Jesus Christ with all of their hearts, it will be days of great glory. I will be posting again the endtime vision by Tommy Hicks. For those that are not serving the Lord, it will not be a good outcome. God is merciful and gracious not willing that any would perish, but that all would come to repentance and the knowledge of the truth and be saved.
/This awakening that is beginning will penetrate back into the political system, and the revival will sweep through this young generation and we will see a time of rejoicing for the church and for the West, there will be a great awakening in Israel and amongst the Jewish people we will see a unity like we've never seen before amongst the Jews and the Christians and we will see judgment come against wicked rulers and against principalities that control some of these wicked government there will be conversion of kings and presidents and there will be a veil taken away from the eyes of the world and the eyes of the people will see that only God, the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob the Christian God could have done this./That's well and good and worth praying for. I'm for it, but have to admit that at this point that I have a growing concern that the big picture of the end of this age is being ignored to a very large degree. How does all the talk of revival square with Jesus's description of the end of this age - "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be." Jesus was quoting almost verbatim Daniel's words regarding his people and the end of the age -"At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; and THERE SHALL BE A TIME OF TROUBLE, SUCH AS NEVER WAS SINCE THERE WAS A NATION, EVEN TO THAT TIME..." (Daniel 12:1 compared with Matt 24:21). If revival comes, are we also preparing ourselves for the persecution and even martyrdom that scripture so pointedly portrays as accompanying the Jewish people and the church at the end of this present evil age? It seems in many quarters revival is all that is sought while ignoring the context it it likely will occur in. I'm not coming against you but just throwing in my 2 cents worth.
Amen Mike. 🙏David brother what it comes down to for me is eschatology I lean towards a partial preterist Post millennial and partial A millennial view, I don't view things anymore through the futurist lens and so I see a lot of what others see as a future fulfillment I see it as being fulfilled in the past just like other the partial preterists. Another Name for it is victorious eschatology which seems to be able to be held by even historic pre millennialists but not many do hold that partial preterist view. In the last two or three years I've completely changed my view on eschatology so that would be a view that I held for 25 years at least which would have been a mid tribulation or post tribulation rapture.As far as I know most people that believe in a great awakening at the end of this age still believe in persecution . But as far as going back into the Dark ages and being ruled by spiritual antichrists like we were for over a thousand years under the rule of the papal system living like slaves through famines and great plagues that wiped out great swaths of mankind, no I don't think that will happen I believe that the holy spirit through the outpourings has brought us out of the Dark ages and into an age of blessing where the spirit is being poured out on all flesh and the glory of the lord will eventually touch every nation and many kings and leaders will be touched and as far as saying that there's going to be a great tribulation period for seven years I don't believe that ,I believe the great tribulation spoken of by Jesus was fulfilled in the first century I haven't got a doubt in my mind about that.But like I said brother I've had to change my view I never believe this three years ago.And it's been a strange transition because it's was something so ingrained into my belief system that it definitely wasn't easy and it took an actual outpouring of the spirit and a fresh revival in my own life two and a half years ago. And then started studying history and studying some of the great men of the past and realizing that they had a completely different eschatology system compared to what I had. At the end of the age I do believe in a a gog magog war and that will be when Satan is released to deceive the nations at the end of the millennium me this is not the same as the beast or the first century Antichrist figure. I Believe the Jewish people suffered the great tribulation in the first century and then judgment through much of the Dark ages and they're coming into a time where God is going to bless them and they will not be uprooted out of their land God will protect them and the spirit will be poured outTechnically they've been under judgment for approximately 1900 years God will lift his hands of judgment and he will graft them back into the vine that they were cut out of because of unbelief in the first century ,so that all Israel will be saved and He will pour out his spirit on all flesh on the house of Israel and the church all in one dispensation and the glory of the lord will be seen in every nation when the Jew and the gentiles are finally United under the blood of Christ through the Unity of the spirit 🙏✝️🕎💏
“"At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; and THERE SHALL BE A TIME OF TROUBLE, SUCH AS NEVER WAS SINCE THERE WAS A NATION, EVEN TO THAT TIME..." (Daniel 12:1 compared with Matt 24:21). “ “For this is whatthe LORD of Hosts says: “Once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. 7I will shake all the nations, and they will come with all their treasures, and I will fill this house with glory, says the LORD of Hosts.…Haggai 2:6,7“For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14)The last days will be marked by great trouble and great glory. God is and will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh.
/“For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14)/That's after the trouble and the return of Christ.