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Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: Mike

Had honestly missed that post -


 2023/10/11 7:54Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753


I think I understand your overall viewpoint ESchaible, but genocide is when you make efforts to eliminate entire populations and people. That is not what Israel is presently doing. They have notified the residents of Gaza over and over that they need to depart because they are not Israel's target. Many times they inform residents where and when strikes will occur. The slaughter of babies and using human shields is what Hamas has done. The war criminals reside in Gaza. They could care less about the citizens of Gaza they tyranically rule over. I acknowledge it is a complicated and very nuanced situation that is intended to strip one of sentimentality and humanistic views of the conflict and Israel's future. I couldn't agree more on this and on the need for true intercessors in tune with the big picture. Yet I remember that God showed me His Father's caring heart for Israel and its people when I was there and it melted me. It changed me immensely. I became less hard and ready to pronounce deserved judgment etc. even though that is central to the issue. Tears and deep times of prayer are needed but you have expressed that. But the war criminals and those dedicated to genocide presently reside in Gaza and Lebanon and Iran.

Bless you.

David Winter

 2023/10/11 8:18Profile

Joined: 2023/6/24
Posts: 548



Have you seen the orders of the Israeli defense minister? They are cutting off all supply, electricity, water, and ordering a complete siege of Gaza, which is over 2 million civilians.

But Israel has bombed many civilians, so much so that hospitals and shelters are unable to keep up with Palestinian civilian casualties and injuries. No one is innocent in this conflict.

Curious if this will come to a full fruition or not, but that is war crime and is genocidal in nature.

I do appreciate your words dear brother. Men such as myself always benefit from the reasoned words of men such as yourself, and I thank you for them.

 2023/10/11 11:14Profile

Joined: 2021/11/14
Posts: 82


I agree with Docs, this is not about genocide and this is about getting rid of Hamas organization that is a threat to Israel.

I would like to add that Israel is God's people weather they are obedient or not and they are His heart. Eschaible, Who are we to judge them.

I believe God is doing great things in Israel today. After 70 AD, Israel was desolate and recently, God brought them back to the Land which God promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their return to the land was prophesied by the holy prophets and it happened in 1948. Now, we are seeing many Jewish believers of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah all over Israel and all over the world.
I want to add another thing that the church consists of Jews and the Gentiles. The gospel of Jesus was preached to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles. We the Gentile believers of Jesus are grafted in. 'How much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree.' Romans 11:24
The natural branches are the Jews. It is them that God revealed the Torah and Jesus Christ as well. They were the first believers of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul was a Jew.
We should be praying that God would reveal to the Jews the good news of Jesus their Messiah through this time so that they would be saved and become grafted in again.

God bless you and Shalom

Yulboum Robert

 2023/10/11 11:57Profile

Joined: 2023/6/24
Posts: 548



To speak matter of factly, to align with the present state of Israel even to the point of condoning the murder of others is exactly the problem. How do you intend to eliminate the issue of Hamas?

This hypocrisy is the reason I said before that the issue of Israel sifts the church.

Of course we hope to see Jewish people come to Jesus in repentance, but to align with the state of Israel to the degree that we condone the murder of anyone, even Hamas, is potently revealing of the present state of yourself, and the church. To lose the teachings of Jesus in the muddy waters of defending a political state and mans borders is to lose everything.

We can love our enemies unless they are Islamic extremists? Love your neighbor, but ask the question, who is our neighbor? Well, again, matter of factly, YOU are the neighbor. To condone the actions of Israel, even to the point of condoning murder and blatant disobedience to the teachings of Jesus is apostasy.

What I have said in previous posts still stands, and so far any effort to say otherwise just reveals the truth of what I am trying to convey, and I believe to be from the Lord Himself.

We are living in tragic times, and even if this conflict doesn't boil over into the time of Jacobs trouble, let us allow it to reveal the state of our own professions, and the state of all that profess faith in Jesus.

 2023/10/11 14:05Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


Israel makes every effort to protect the lives of innocent people. This is very different from Hamas who brutally kills innocent people and decapitates babies.

Satan has always wanted to destroy the Jewish race, and his tactics have not changed.

God’s judgment on Israel has always been with the intention of bringing repentance and restoration.

God has a covenant with Israel, and the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

The Spirit of God moved on intercessors all over the world a few months ago to pray and fast for Israel.

Biblical Intercessory Prayers for Israel
From the Life of Moses

Exodus 32:11–13, 31–32 – Moses’ cry to the Lord on behalf of the Israelites is based on God’s reputation and covenant, as well as for the sake of His glory.
Deuteronomy 9:18–19, 25–29 – Moses’ fasting for forty days, involved intervening for Israel in a time of great crisis.
Deuteronomy 30:1–10 – This is a proclamation of restoration as taught to the descendants of Israel in the desert.
Numbers 14:13–19 – This is a plea for God to demonstrate His power, followed by an intense cry for pardon according to God’s great lovingkindness.
From the Life of Nehemiah

Nehemiah 1:4–11 – This a compassionate plea before God to forgive His people.
From the Life of Solomon

1 Kings 8:46–53 – This a simple prayer for God to forgive, now and in the future as He has in the past.
From the Lives of Asaph and the Sons of Korah

Psalm 44:26, “Rise up, be our help, and redeem us!”
Psalm 74 – An appeal to God amid the devastation of the land by the enemy.
Psalm 79 – This is a lament over the destruction of Jerusalem and a cry for help.
Psalm 80:2–3, “Save us!… Restore us!”
Psalm 83 – This is a prayer for the Lord to confound His enemies.
Psalm 85 – This is a powerful prayer for God’s mercy on the nation.
Psalm 123:3, “Be gracious to us, Lord.”
From the Life of Joel

Joel 1:8, 13–14 – A call for a solemn assembly.
Joel 2:12–17 – This is an intercessory cry to, “spare Your people, Lord.”
From the Life of Isaiah

Isaiah 58:1, “Cry loudly, do not hold back.”
Isaiah 62:1, 6, “For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep quiet… All day and all night [God’s watchmen] will never keep silent.”
Isaiah 63:15–64:12 – This includes a desperate prayer for mercy and help.
From the Life of Jeremiah

Jeremiah 9:1, “I… weep day and night.”
Jeremiah 14:7–9, 17–22 – Verse 7 emphasizes, “Lord, act for the sake of Your name! Our apostasies have indeed been many, we have sinned against You.”
Jeremiah 15:5 is a plea amid judgment.
Lamentations 3:49–50, “My eyes flow unceasingly, without stopping, until the Lord looks down and sees from heaven.”
Lamentations 5:21, “Restore us to You, Lord, so that we may be restored.”
From the Life of Daniel

Daniel 6:10 – Gives us the example of praying three times each day.
Daniel 9:19, “Lord, hear! Lord, forgive! Lord, listen and take action! For Your own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name.” Daniel’s prayer of confession on behalf of his people is our balanced biblical model to follow today.


 2023/10/11 14:20Profile

Joined: 2023/6/24
Posts: 548



The Jews we seek to be a witness to are simply not Jewish enough. And I notice the one thing missing in your post is the one thing that makes them truly Jewish, Jesus their Messiah.

I am at a loss for words at how quickly everything that is Jesus is so easily thrown to the wolves when Israel is concerned.

See all of my previous posts...

 2023/10/11 14:26Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: ES

You wrote “I am at a loss for words at how quickly everything that is Jesus is so easily thrown to the wolves when Israel is concerned. “

Yes I’ve observed the same and it’s honestly a lil creepy -

No Christian can rightfully be for terrorism wether by groups or governments, and if this OT eye for an eye business doesn’t get checked soon,… it’s going to spread faster than Covid propaganda.

Once man stands in judgment of an entire people, eradicating them, then that man and those whom support him are taking upon themselves the condemnation of the Lord and will suffer accordingly-

It seems that the stage could possibly be being set for an individual to step onto the world stage and provide remedy, peace….
And we would all recognize who he really was right?

Remember the Antichrist in the Bible is the Jewish messiah who reinstates the sacrifice (abomination to Christ) with the full support and following of Israel 🧐


 2023/10/11 14:49Profile

Joined: 2017/2/12
Posts: 964


Fletcher recommended a sermon by Art Katz about why the holocaust happened called The God who Devastates. Highly recommend it as well. Timely.

In the sermon Brother Art references back to the story of Job.
When Job was undone by the acts of Satan with the permission of the Lord, there were some guys who came to comfort Job. They all had some counsel on why God brought this atrocious suffering upon Job. They all were "correct" in their theological statements but were actually very wrong in their evaluations of the situation as to God's thoughts, purposes and wisdom as it pertained to Job and the events. This back and forth about God's heart, purposes and wisdom as to Job severely angered God; so much so that He was ready to curse the speculators unless Job prayed for them.

I'm not saying any here fall into the false speculator place. However, not everyone can be right. I just urge caution when it comes to evaluating what God is doing now in Israel. There is a tendency, whether it is revival or war, to "call it" quickly. The "this is that" or "see, I was right all along" early callers and debate always seem rooted in a sense of personal vindication and/or a comforting perceived confirmation of prophetic ability or calling. I don't say that to malign. I am most likely guilty at some times in my life of the same.

My admonition here is caution and temperance as it isn't just a parlor game or a time to kick theological or eschatological balls around. God is in control of these events. He does have a glorious purpose in them in spite of the horror of the people or events. But speaking for God is a serious, fear filled and trembling moment for a person or at least it should be. The comments thus far are relatively devoid of Scripture and that is most concerning when people are speaking God thoughts or ways. The Katz sermon is worth listening to after the recent events.


 2023/10/11 20:08Profile

Joined: 2023/6/24
Posts: 548


That sermon is very good. To add some context however, it's not a sermon with this as it's subject matter, as these things are very clear in scripture and don't require speculation.

The words do still apply however, and thank you for the exhortation. God's personal dealings are definitely not to be trifled with, my life is proof that God, in His infinite wisdom, has much more meaning in every dealing than we can ever know, and often our views of God face a needed overhaul if we take everything as from His hand, no matter what it looks like circumstantially or to our physical senses. I hope to have the faith to see God in all things.

 2023/10/12 10:56Profile

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