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followthelamb Moderator

Joined: 2010/12/7 Posts: 1527 In Christ
Online! | Re: | | “When trials have come against such times my soul was stayed upon God. I believed His promises, and I poured out my soul before Him. I could rise from my knees in peace because the trouble was cast upon God.”
— George Mueller _________________ SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon
2021/4/1 13:05 | Profile |
followthelamb Moderator

Joined: 2010/12/7 Posts: 1527 In Christ
Online! | Re: Great Quotes 23 | | “It is not your good deeds, your tears, your prayers; but it is the finished work of Jesus Christ that saves you.”
— D.L. Moody _________________ SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon
2021/4/1 13:15 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator

Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "I would rather have a congregation of 25 who seek to honor God 100 percent and give Him all the glory than to have a congregation of 2500 burdened with the curse of entertainmentism where God will have to fight for a percentage of the glory. To have God lurking in the shadows of the church is to not have God in that church." - A.W. Tozer
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2021/4/1 13:15 | Profile |
followthelamb Moderator

Joined: 2010/12/7 Posts: 1527 In Christ
Online! | Re: | | “You never throw off your cloak in a storm, but you hug it the closer; so the law makes a man hug close his corruptions, but when the gospel of the Son of God shines into your souls, then they throw off the corruptions which they have hugged so closely.”
— George Whitefield _________________ SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon
2021/4/1 13:15 | Profile |
followthelamb Moderator

Joined: 2010/12/7 Posts: 1527 In Christ
Online! | Re: | | “...when the law creates repentance the tears are hard as hailstones in the sinner’s eyes...but when the gospel makes us repent, our weeping is as the dew of the morning..How tender is the heart which Jesus touches with his pierced hand!”
— Spurgeon _________________ SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon
2021/4/1 13:15 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator

Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "It cost God nothing, so as far as we know, to create things: but to convert rebellious wills it cost Him crucifixion." - C.S. Lewis
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2021/4/5 19:27 | Profile |
followthelamb Moderator

Joined: 2010/12/7 Posts: 1527 In Christ
Online! | Re: | | “If you are not born again, all your outward reformation is nothing. You have shut the door, but the thief is still in the house.” — Thomas Boston _________________ SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon
2021/4/6 20:31 | Profile |
followthelamb Moderator

Joined: 2010/12/7 Posts: 1527 In Christ
Online! | Re: | | “If Christians are forbidden to enjoy the wine of the Spirit they will turn to the wine of the flesh… Christ died for our hearts and the Holy Spirit wants to come and satisfy them.” — A.W. Tozer
_________________ SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon
2021/4/6 20:33 | Profile |
followthelamb Moderator

Joined: 2010/12/7 Posts: 1527 In Christ
Online! | Re: Great Quotes 23 | | “God wants worshipers before workers; indeed the only acceptable workers are those who have learned the lost art of worship.” — A.W. Tozer _________________ SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon
2021/4/6 20:35 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator

Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "Satan's tactics worked in heaven and they work on earth. He goes about spreading slander and rebellion." - Derek Prince
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2021/4/8 8:07 | Profile |