You know it's interesting that he could've been much older, even the same age as Jesus.... Sarah had him early 90's and died at 127... doesn't scripture record she died shortly after Abraham took him up? But it would (to me) seem that he was submitting to his father just as Jesus did His,...also by faith:)
And since it was apparent mankind was under the curse of death, how was Abraham and his descendants going to possess and dwell in the land forever without a personal bodily resurrection? As Abraham looked ahead to Jesus' day and rejoiced it doesn't seem unreasonable this is part of what he saw. The coming one who would bless all nations would also ensure a victory over death without which the land promises could never be fulfilled.
_________________David Winter
Brethren, Do you use you critical thinking most of the time to construct criticism to Almighty, All-knowing, Powerful God why He did things in the past in the Old testament?Or ...Devote yourself to Jesus Christ and the coming Kingdom of His, and the future to come?
Heydave-Good point.
And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, ***nor did it come into my mind.*** Jer. 7:31
Interesting TMK. Definitely food for thought.