Poster | Thread |
| Re: Saturday Midday, July 16, 2016 | | . for not having the 'simple faith' that these so called paragons have?
Who might these "so-called paragons" be. Would that be the 21 Coptic believers who were martyred for their "simple faith" in Jesus over a year ago on the shores of Libya? Would that be the 2000 or so believers who are imprisoned in shipping containers for their "simple faith" in Jesus in the nation of Eritrea? Would that be the tens of thousands who are imprisoned in the death camps of North Korea for their "simple faith" in Jesus? Would that be those saints who spill their blood for Jesus every 5 minutes for their "simple faith" in Jesus?
I think we call these "paragons" who have that simple faith in Jesus our persecuted brothers and sisters.
I ask that those who post on this thread please show them the respect that they deserve. For these precious saints go through persecutions that we may yet have to go through. And it is at their feet we may have to sit to learn how to have that simple faith in Jesus in the midst of our trials and tribulations.
From the foot of His cross |
| 2016/7/16 12:25 | |
| Re: Saturday Afternoon, June 16, 2016 | | . I posted this earlier on the Forum under General topics. This is my response to a question posed earlier in this devotional thread. I believe this question was posed in a sarcastic and cynical way. My spirit is grieved over those who lay down their lives for the Lord Jesus Christ. The following is my response.
And who are the paragons...My response . On February 15th last year, 21 believers in Christ were marched out on the shores of Libya. Each one of these saints were martyred by ISIS for their faith in Jesus Christ by having their head sawed off. Each one of these saints died with one name on their lips. That is the name of Jesus Christ. These were the paragons.
In April last year, 150 students were slain at a Bible College in Kenya by Islamic extremists. They were targeted for their faith in Jesus Christ. These were the paragons.
There are tens of thousands of Christians who are in prison for their faith in Jesus Christ in the death camps of North Korea. Estimates vary. But there could be as many as over 50,000 Believers and their families of 3 generations imprisoned for their simple faith in Jesus Christ. Their sentence is death. For they will surely die in these death camps. These are the paragons.
There are approximately 2,000 to 3000 believers who are imprisoned for their faith in Jesus Christ in Eritrea. Most of them are kept in shipping containers that are hot in the day and cold at night. Their crime of imprisonment is faith in Jesus Christ. Many have been in the shipping containers for upwards of 10 years. Many died in the shipping containers of hunger and disease. Many of these precious saints could be let go if they would renounce their faith in Christ. Refusing to do this brings certain martyrdom up on them. To the best of my knowledge not one single saint has renounced their faith in Christ for freedom. These are the paragons.
It is estimated by persecution ministries that every 5 minutes a saint spills their blood for Jesus Christ. That comes out to about 300 people a day who are martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ. That works out to about one hundred thousand saints a year who go to be under that alter that we read about in Revelation. These are the paragons.
Members of the forum the paragons are our brothers and sisters in the persecuted Church persecuted church.
Earlier today the question was posed on my devotional thread, " who are these paragons who have this simple faith in Jesus"? I believe the question was posed in a cynical and sarcastic way. The way this question is asked is very grievous to my spirit for those who take up the cross of Jesus Christ and lay down their lives for Him.
Whatever we may think about the persecuted church. And I realize the persecuted church is not a popular topic on Sermon Index. I do not believe that we have the right to malign them and be sarcastic and cynical in our attitude toward those who are being martyred for their faith in Christ.
Brothers and sisters I ask each one of you including myself. How many of us would have the courage do endure what those in North Korea or Eritrea are enduring.
Whatever we may think about our persecuted brothers and sisters. Let us not malign them or be sarcastic at our attitude toward them. If anything let us pray for them. For they are surely praying for us. They are surely praying that we will have the grace to endure the hell that will soon break out on us as they are enduring.
Posted by Blaine Scogin
From the foot of His cross
| 2016/7/16 18:05 | |
| Re: Sunday Morning, July 17, 2016 | | . On the Few Lovers of the Cross of Jesus
Jesus has many who love His Kingdom in Heaven, but few who bear His Cross (Luke 14:27). He has many who desire comfort, but few who desire suffering. He finds many to share His feast, but few His fasting. All desire to rejoice with Him, but few are willing to suffer for His sake. Many follow Jesus to the Breaking of Bread, but few to the drinking of the Cup of His Passion. Many admire His miracles, but few follow Him in the humiliation of His Cross. Many love Jesus as long as no hardship touches them. Many praise and bless Him, as long as they are receiving any comfort from Him. But if Jesus withdraw Himself, they fall to complaining and utter dejection
... Thomas a kempis ...
... And he who does not take His cross and follow after Me is not worthy of me... Matthew 10:38
In the last several months there have been reports coming out of China about the government tearing down crosses off of church buildings. All done under the name of beautification. And this is regrettable. This certainly shows a crackdown of the Chinese government toward those who follow Christ.
But the underground church in China sees the cross as something different. They do not see the cross as something that has to be put on top of a building. The underground church sees the cross as something that is to be carried. The persecuted church in China sees the cross as something that they take up and carry in their suffering through Jesus. The Chinese Church see suffering for Jesus as taking up their cross for Him.
Indeed this is the reality of the persecuted church in all of the restricted nations. For to follow Christ is to take up His cross. For to follow Christ is to die to self in order to live for Him.
For us in the West the cross is something on top of a church building or at the front of the church in the worship center. Or the cross is something we wear around our neck. We do not see the cross as something that we are to take up. We do not see the cross as an instrument of death to our self and our desires. We see the cross as salvation for us. But we do not see the cross as something Jesus requires of us to take up to follow Him.
In communion or the Lord's table, we thank the Lord for His death on the cross for our sins. For sure Jesus certainly died for us. But are we dying for Him. Paul wrote in the verses below,
... For the Love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, there for all died; and he died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for him who died and rose again on their behalf... 2 Corithians 5:14-15
Jesus died so that we would not live for ourselves but for Him. He died to save us from ourselves so that we would live for Him. Paul writes,
... Were you called while a slave? Do not worry about it; likewise he who was called while free, is Christ's slave. You were bought with a price, do not become slaves of men... 1 Coritthians 7:23-24
Brothers and sisters if anything we are to be slaves to Christ. A slave has no rights. He is under authority to his master. If anything our Master has died for us to save us from the tyrany of sin. Our master died to save us from the tyranny of the devil himself. Because of this we serve him out of a heart of love and gratitude. As He died for us. We are willing to die for Him.
Our persecuted brothers and sisters understand this all too clearly. As they die to themselves daily on the cross they carry. They are prepared to face death tomorrow. As they lose their lives for Christ. They realize they cannot lose what they do not possess. The missionary Jim Elliot was quoted as saying,
"No man is a fool to give up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
We in the west will need to learn the way of the cross. We will need to learn to die to ourselves daily. We need to die to the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the biastful pride of life. We need to die to ourselves. For this will surely be necessary to do if we are to endure the persecution that will soon fall upon us.
May God grant us the grace to die to ourselves so that we might live for Jesus.
From the foot of His cross.
| 2016/7/17 10:56 | |
| Re: Tuesday Morning, July 19. 2016 | | . ... James and John, the two sons of Zebedee, came up to Jesus, saying, "Teacher, we want for You to do for us whatever we ask of You." And he said to them, "What do you want me to do for you?" They said to Him, " Grant that we may sit, one on Your right and one on Your left, in Your glory." But Jesus said to them, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am Baptized?" They said to Him, "We are able." And Jesus said to them, "The cup that I drink you shall drink; and you shall be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized. But to sit at my right or on my left, this is not mine to give; but it is for those for whom it has been prepared."...Mark 10:35-40
The persecuted brothers and sisters who read the passage above must wonder about the sons of Zebedee. They probably see James and John rushing into the presence of Jesus and wanting to sit in His glory with their crowns. Not realizing that before a crown there must come a cross.
Of course our persecuted brothers and sisters are looking at the New Testament from the other side of the cross. They realize that they are called to drink the cup of suffering that Jesus drinks and to be baptized with His death.
We too have that same understanding of the New Testament. We should be reading it from the other side of the cross. We should be looking at the above passage to realize that suffering will proceed glory. That before a crown there will be a cross that we must take up and carry.
But I fear all too often we in the West want to rush in and claim the glory of God. Almost as it were to get the crown. Without realizing that we run into the cross that stands in the way. Thus the choice is either we turn around and avoid the cross thus forfeiting the crown. Or we choose to take up our cross with the expectation that there will be a crown awaiting us as we die to ourself. The one thing we cannot do is to go around the cross. But we can walk away from the cross or choose to take it up.
When Jesus asked John and James are you able to drink the cup that I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with. They said we are able. Honestly I do not think they realized what they were saying. Jesus told them that they would drink his cup and be baptized with His baptism. Not realizing, they were looking at martyrdom.
Our brothers and sisters in persecuted nations realize this. They realize that the cup of suffering and the baptism of death is the cross that they willingly take up to follow Jesus. The question to us in the west is are we willing to take up the cross. Are we willing to drink of his cup of suffering and receive His baptism of death to receive the crown that certainly awaits us in heaven? Are we realizing that we too are looking at martyrdom?
From The foot of His cross. |
| 2016/7/19 6:48 | |
| Re: | | Blaine brother
I ask that those who post on this thread please show them the respect that they deserve. For these precious saints go through persecutions that we may yet have to go through. And it is at their feet we may have to sit to learn how to have that simple faith in Jesus in the midst of our trials and tribulations.
I did not mean the persecuted, and you do not know the extent that those on the forum suffer for their faith personally but do not speak about it and it is not on the news.
I meant that you are very quick to judge the brethren here and comparing them to the ones you pray for. |
| 2016/7/19 9:25 | |
| Re: Tuesday Evening. July 19. 2016 | | . These are thoughts from a dear pastor who recently lost his wife a few days ago. She was brutally attacked by Muslens as she was sharing Jesus on the streets of a town in Nigeria.
My desire is that our persecutors get to know God – our desire is to see God arresting them one by one to confess Jesus Christ,” Pastor Elisha said. “You know when Jesus Christ saves their souls, Satan and hell will lose. If we desire that those who persecute us should die, then we are increasing the population of hell. The Bible says there is rejoicing in heaven when a sinner repents.”
"Our persecutors were also created in God’s image,” he said. “It is because we are weak that we think people that are doing evil are stronger. But if we are committed, God knows how to handle our persecutors and increase people coming to His kingdom."
Olawale is a martyr whose faith has challenged many people’s lives, he said. “This challenge is that we need to wake up to the task of sharing the gospel,” he said. “My joy in this tragedy is that my wife is resting in the bosom of the Lord. That a woman with children, not a girl, could just sacrifice her life for Christ. I am telling you if we are going to the same heaven she is in now, then we need to wake up.” With Christians facing persecution throughout most of Nigeria, especially in the northeast, Pastor Elisha said the more persecution the church experiences, the more growth and glory to God. “In John 16:1-2, Jesus told us that He would not leave us in ignorance – that a time is coming when people will drag us out of synagogues or churches to kill us and think that they are rendering service to God, because they don’t know Him or the Father.” Persecution is not a punishment, but rather enduring persecution faithfully is a way of expressing Christ’s love, he said, adding that there is a need to pray for Christians in northern Nigeria and assist those in need. They need to be encouraged in prayers to respond to persecution not with violence, but with Christ’s message of peace, love and joy, he said. “We are sheep, and He is the Shepherd,” he said. “A sheep cannot fight for itself.”
Brothers and sisters such profound Insight from a man whose wife was recently madtyred. Only by the grace of Jesus could this man endure the loss of his wife. And still want to see the murders of his wife come to Jesus.
This truly is from the foot of His cross. |
| 2016/7/19 18:37 | |
| Re: Wednesday, Morning, July 20, 2016 | | . Brothers and sisters the martyrdom of precious brethen is not merely something that occurred 2000 years ago. Or something that occurred in Foxes Book of Martyrs or Martyrs Mirror. But the martyrdom of believers is an ongoing reality in this day and age. Below are the thoughts of brother Elisha as he shares about his dear wife who was recently martyred. This took place in Nigeria.
Mojisola Olawale, a deaconesThe last words of an evangelist who was killed while she was street-preaching here on Saturday (July 9) were, “Blood of Jesus,” her husband told Morning Star News.
Eunices in the Redeemed Christian Church of God that her husband pastors in a suburb of Abuja, was stabbed and cut to death by a band of Islamists in the streets of Kubwa in the early morning. Born July 23, 1974, the mother of seven children was killed two weeks before her 42ndbirthday.
“My wife loved Jesus so very much,” pastor Olawale Elisha of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), in the Gbazango area of Kubwa, told Morning Star News. “Some of the people living close to the spot where she was killed told us that they heard her last words as she was being murdered. They said she was shouting, ‘Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus!’ And that was the end.”
His wife had a premonition about being in heaven a few weeks before her death, he told Morning Star News. “There was a day three weeks back when she called out and said, ‘…my Husband.’ I responded thinking she had something to tell me, but then she told me she was not talking to me, but Jesus. I responded by telling her that she is right by saying she was a heavenly bride, but by still living here on earth, I was her husband. And she jokingly asked whether I was jealous of her becoming the bride of Christ. After laughing over things, she began to sing of Christ being the lover of her soul.” The day before she was killed, he asked the family if they would pray together in the living room in advance of her going to Abuja for a women’s fellowship conference. “However, she asked me to kindly allow her have some quiet time with the Lord,” he said. “And when she went into our bedroom, she was there praying for three hours. She was in there praising and worshipping God. And when she finally came out of the bedroom, I could sense the peace and brightness of God on her face.”
Unspeakable pain accompanies the fond memories and martyr theology. When on Saturday (July 9) some of Pastor Elisha’s children overheard neighborhood kids playing soccer say that a woman who preaches regularly had been killed, they rushed home to ask him if she had returned. “I tried calling her mobile phone but was unable to dial her phone number, as my hands were shaking and my mind unstable at the news,” he said. “We then rushed out to the scene.” People playing soccer at the scene of the attack could not tell the pastor, his son and daughter what had happened, he said – they only looked at them. A police officer confirmed that a woman had been killed and told him to go to a police station to find out her identity. He and the two children drove to the police station, parking the car outside the station gates since they were barricaded for security reasons. “As we were entering the premises of the police station, we saw a police pick-up van driving past us at the gate,” he said. “My daughter turned around and looked inside the pick-up truck and saw the corpse of my wife; she screamed, and this attracted my attention to the back of the truck. I saw the corpse of my wife and could not bear what I saw. I collapsed and was on the ground while my children were crying.” A police officer took his cell phone and called two of his associate pastors to come over to the police station. They also called Pastor Elisha’s younger brother, since the pastor was too devastated to drive. Police later came to his home to get a statement from him. Olawale had been preaching Christ on the streets for six years, following in the footsteps of her evangelist mother, the pastor said. “I was told that my mother in-law would go ‘round streets, ringing a bell and urging passersby to receive Jesus into their lives,” he said. “Sharing the gospel with others on the street is a lifestyle to my wife’s family. Her younger sister also goes out to the streets to preach Christ. Love and compassion is the hallmark of the life of my wife.” Olawale is a martyr whose faith has challenged many people’s lives, he said. “This challenge is that we need to wake up to the task of sharing the gospel,” he said. “My joy in this tragedy is that my wife is resting in the bosom of the Lord. That a woman with children, not a girl, could just sacrifice her life for Christ. I am telling you if we are going to the same heaven she is in now, then we need to wake up.” With Christians facing persecution throughout most of Nigeria, especially in the northeast, Pastor Elisha said the more persecution the church experiences, the more growth and glory to God. “In John 16:1-2, Jesus told us that He would not leave us in ignorance – that a time is coming when people will drag us out of synagogues or churches to kill us and think that they are rendering service to God, because they don’t know Him or the Father.” Persecution is not a punishment, but rather enduring persecution faithfully is a way of expressing Christ’s love, he said, adding that there is a need to pray for Christians in northern Nigeria and assist those in need. They need to be encouraged in prayers to respond to persecution not with violence, but with Christ’s message of peace, love and joy, he said. “We are sheep, and He is the Shepherd,” he said. “A sheep cannot fight for itself.”
This truly is from the foot of His cross.
| 2016/7/20 7:26 | |
| Re: Thursday Morning, July 21, 2016 | | . ... And when He had taken a cup, and given thanks He gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins."... Matthew 26;27-28
They said she was shouting, ‘Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus!’ And that was the end.”
Our dear sister Eunice gladly accepted the cup of her Beloved Husband. Her Beloved Bridegroom. And her last words were Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus! The words poured from her mouth as she was being hacked to pieces by Islamic jihadists.
One really cannot know what was taking place as this dear sister was experiencing the martyrdom for her Bridegroom. One cannot really know why she was crying out blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus!
Some of our charismatic brethren might say she was calling on the blood of Jesus to protect her from the evil that was coming up on her. But I believe there was something deeper here. Something far more powerful was taking place.
As another sister and I have reflected on the martyrdom of our dear sister Eunice, the Spirit has given us these Revelations.
First our dear sister Eunice had an intimate walk With Jesus. Her life was so crucified that one could see that Jesus was living in her. When one looks at her picture in the article you do not see Eunice. But you see the Living Bride Groom who is in her.
The article reflects of her heart love for her Bridegroom. Though she loved her dear earthly husband Elisha. She loved her Heavenly Bridegroom even more. Her heart and the Heart of Jesus were linked as one.
Thus something very special may have taken place during her martyrdom. As her blood was being shed. She was probably linked to her Bridegroom as one with Him and saying Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus!
But I believe there is another reason that she said blood of Jesus 3 times. She may have been giving one final testimony to the cleansing blood of Jesus to her attackers. Saints realize this was a woman who always shared Jesus in life and word. Her dear husband testified that she would always go out in the village ringing a bell and encouraging people to come to faith in Christ. The devil certainly did not like this. All the devil could do was take her life.
I can't help but think that in the final words of this dear sister she was testifying also of the cleansing blood of Jesus that would forgive her attackers. And that would have removed the guilt of their sims. I believe this was Eunice's final cry of saying Father forgive them. For they know not what they do.
Again brothers and sister these are only my thoughts as given by the Spirit of my heart. But the martyrdom of this dear sister testifies deeply to my heart. It also testifies of my own shallow walk with Christ.
Let us all look to the example of this dear sister. Let us consider her deep and abiding faith in Jesus. And let us consider the result of her conduct and imitate her faith. For the Lord Jesus Christ is truly the same yesterday and today and forever.
For this truly is from the foot of His cross.
| 2016/7/21 7:04 | |
| Re: Friday Morning, July 22, 2016 | | . Psalm 72:14
14 He will rescue their life from oppression and violence, And their blood will be precious in his sight;
The above passage is taken out of a Psalm of Solomon. It is entitled the Reign of the Righteous King. I believe the psalm foreshadows The Ultimate Reign of Jesus when He comes to establish His kingdom on this Earth.
The psalm tells us that He will rescue their life from oppression and violence, and their blood will be precious in His sight.
Brothers and sisters this depicts the persecuted church. This is the bride of the Lord Jesus Christ. And those who are persecuted and ultimately martyred for their faith in Jesus are precious in the sight of the Lord.
If the persecuted are precious in the sight of the Lord. If their blood is precious in His sight. Should these saints not be precious to us. These are our brothers and sisters. Should something in the sufferings of the persecuted brothers and sisters not move our hearts to at least pray for them.
Let us be careful that we do not despise the persecuted. Let us be careful that we do not speak against them. For in so doing we are speaking against the bride of the Lord Jesus. In so doing we are speaking against our own brothers and sisters.
Saints let us remember the sufferings of those who carry the cross in places that we can't begin to comprehend. Let us remember the blood of the martyrs this day. Let us keep our precious brothers and sisters in our prayers.
Forum let us not despise those who carry the cross. For I truly believe if we despise our brothers and sisters. Then God will despise us.
Let us hold those up in our prayers this day those who suffer for the Lord Jesus Christ.
For this is from the foot of His cross. |
| 2016/7/22 6:39 | |
| Re: Friday Evening. July 22, 2016 | | . Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His godly ones.
Our Lord Jesus has a special place in His heart for those who are martyred for Him. Some time ago I posted about the martyrdom of Stephen. When Stephen gazed into heaven and saw the Lord Jesus, He saw Him standing (Acts 7:55). Any other time Jesus is mentioned as being at the right hand of God He is sitting. But in this case Jesus is standing.
As I have reflected on this. I cannot help but think that Jesus was standing out of respect for Stephen as he would be the first martyr, the first witness, of His Beloved Bride. But for sure Stephen would not be the last. From that time of 2000 years ago, millions of martyrs have come into the presence of Jesus. Millions of souls have been laid under that alter. Millions of lives have had their blood shed for the Lord Jesus Christ at the foot of the cross.
So yes God does have a special place in His heart for the martyrs. Saints make no mistake. The persecuted church is precious in the sight of God. The question is do we regard the persecuted church as precious to us as God does to Him?
This is our family. These are our brothers and sisters. Do we cry out for them in our prayers? Do we agonize for them in our souls? Or do we merely dismiss them as those poor unfortunates over there while we continue to pursue our American Christendom?
The persecuted Church ask very little of us in the West. But what they ask is the most important thing we can do for them. They ask us to pray for them. There prayer request do not go something like please pray that I get out of my trial or tribulation. But the persecuted ask please pray that I may remain faithful to my Lord in the midst of this trial or tribulation. Please pray that I will not deny Jesus in the midst of my suffering. Please pray that I will be confirmed as under his image in the mist of my persecutions.
Saints is it too much to ask that we pray for the persecuted church. His persecuted bride is very special to Him. The martyrs are very special to Him. If the persecuted church occupies an important part in Jesus's heart as His bride. Should it not occupy an important place in our heart as this is our persecuted family?
From the foot of His cross.
| 2016/7/22 19:40 | |