Poster | Thread |
| Re: Tuesday Evening, July 5, 2016 | | . ... For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in his steps,...1 Peter 2:21
"Suffering is not an interruption but a calling."
... Dietrich Bonhoeffer...
As our persecuted brothers and sisters look to Jesus in the midst of their trials and sufferings. They see that they too have been called to suffer. They too see that they have been called to lay down their lives for Him. For them suffering and martyrdom is not an option. But it is a reality that comes with following Jesus in a restricted nation. Suffering and martyrdom are reality to the persecuted in following Christ in a hostile environment.
In places such as North Korea or in Islamic nations to follow Christ is a death sentence. When one chooses to embrace Christ in a hostile nation. They do it with the expectation that they could die the next day.
Brothers and sisters this is not dramatization. This is not sensationalism. But this is the reality of the persecuted I pray for. When I read the profiles and see the videos. To follow Christ will involve suffering and martyrdom for those who are in restricted nations.
Yet Peter tells us in the verses above that Jesus expects this of us who follow him. Even we in America should expect suffering and persecution if we choose to follow Jesus. For the scriptures say those who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. Given the hostile environment of America. We too should expect suffering and persecution. No one is exempt from this. To follow Christ is to suffer for Him. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said this is not an interruption. But it is the calling to follow our Master.
From the shadow of his Cross.
| 2016/7/5 20:00 | |
| Re: Wednesday Morning, Juky 6, 2016 | | . ... that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead...Phillipians 3:10-11
Our persecuted brothers and sisters understand that to know Christ is threefold. That is to know Him. To know the power of His resurrection. And to know the fellowship of His sufferings. They know to follow Christ will be to suffer for Him. Thus they embrace the cross as part of following Him in obedience in suffering and even unto death.
We in America have yet to embrace that reality. The idea of knowing Jesus and the power of his resurrection is quite appealing. But that third aspect of being in the fellowship of his sufferings strikes at the heart of our flesh. For to share in the fellowship of the sufferings of Jesus is to be at the foot of the cross.
This is a cross that we all are required to take up daily. Not just the persecuted. But also we in America.
May God give us the grace to take up the cross of Jesus and die to the things of this world.
From the shadow of His cross
| 2016/7/6 9:49 | |
| Wednesday Evening, Juky 6, 2016 | | . ... Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their contact, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.. Hebrews 13:7-8
I have been to three Voice of Martyrs conferences in the last few years. In at least two of these conferences they were packed out with more than 500 or more people. For sure many of these people were coming to learn about the persecuted. But I believe too that they were hungry hearts that wanted to see how those truly lived out a crucified faith in a hostile environment. A hostile environment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
American Christianity is pretty shallow. American Christianity has been described as a mile wide and an inch deep. But I believe there are those in American Christianity that long for a deeper walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe this is why some are responding to the Lord in VOM conferences and wanting to know more about an authetic faith in Jesus. Wanting to know more how do the persecuted live out a deep authentic faith in the midst of the hostility of Satan. Yet wanting more of the reality of Jesus Himself in their hearts. That same reality of Jesus that are persecuted brothers and sisters have.
I believe the above verses are speaking to us in this day and age. We look to our persecuted brothers and sisters who speak the word to us and consider the results of their conduct. Our desire is to imitate their faith. For the same Jesus that is working in their lives. He is also working in our lives in the midst of our sufferings.
This is why it is so important that we learn the history of the martyrs in times past and times present. This is why we must keep our persecuted brothers and sisters in prayer and pray for them. But this is also why we must let their testimony speak to our hearts to encourage us to go deeper in Jesus.
Brothers and sisters let us pray for our persecuted family in the midst of their sufferings that their faith will not waver. That they will go deeper in Christ. But likewise let us pray that we draw from their testimony. That as they lead us and speak forth His word from their testimony. And as we see Jesus working in their lives. Jesus will also work in our lives as we go deeper in Him in the midst of our persecutions and sufferings that we will soon endure.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/7/6 19:42 | |
| Re: Thursday Morning, July 7, 2016 | | . ...Then he went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, "My Father if it is possible let this cup pass from me; yet not as I will, but as you will...Matthew 26:39
... Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh; a messenger of Satan to torment me ---to keep ne from exalting myself! Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. And He said to me, "My grace is suuficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ May dwell in me...2 Corithians 12:7-9.
There must be times that are persecuted brothers and sisters cry out to be released from their sufferings. And this is all right. Even Jesus cried out to be released from the suffering he would undergo at the cross. Yet He prayed not my will but yours be done. Paul cried out to be released from the thorn in his flesh whatever it was. Yet the Lord answered him and said my grace is sufficient for you. For my power is perfected in weakness.
Our pereecuted brothers and sisters, no doubt cry out, to be released from their sufferings. Yet they hear God saying to them that my grace is sufficient for you. I will help you walk through the trials and tribulations. As they walk through the sufferings in the grace of Jesus. Truly His power is perfected in the weakness of the persecuted church.
Dear saints let us pray this day that the grace of Jesus will be upon the persecuted church. Likewise let us also pray that the grace of Jesus will be upon us in the midst of our sufferings as they come upon us.
Truly, this is from the Shadow of his cross.
| 2016/7/7 11:38 | |
| Re: Friday Evening, July 8, 2016 | | . ... I saw the Lord always in my presence; for He is at my right hand, so that I will not be shaken... Acts 2:25
... At my first defense no one supported me, but all deserted me; may it not be counted against them. But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me so that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished, and that all the Gentiles might hear and I was rescued out of the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom, to him be the glory forever and ever. Amen... 2nd Timothy 4:16-18
Paul shares much about his sufferings and persecutions for the Lord Jesus. One thing that comes out is that his intimacy with the Lord Jesus saw him through the trials of his sufferings for Christ. This is also seen in the lives of our persecuted brothers and sisters. Be they in times past or times present. It is their intimany with Jesus that sustains them in the midst of their afflictions. In the depth of their sufferings for Christ there is a reality of Christ that is strange to us who do not suffer as the persecuted do.
A brother once shared with me that one hour spent in the presence of someone who has undergone the fires of persecution will expose the shallowness of our western-style faith. I have found this to be a profound comment.
It is intimacy with Christ. It is a deep abiding relationship in Him that will see us through the fires of persecution. But such intimacy must be cultivated with Him. It requires a sacrifice of time. It requires a sacrifice of shutting out distractions and clutter in our lives. It basically requires us sitting at the feet of his cross and dying to the things of this world. Dying to this world period. For Paul said may I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ of which the world has been crucified to me to the world.
We cannot decide when persecution comes that we will cultivate intimacy with Jesus. Intimacy with Jesus must be cultivated now while we still have the freedom to pray and read or hear the word. Intimacy with Jesus involves that we are in relationship with Him.
We must learn to hear His voice. Our hearts must be in tune with his heart. When He moves we move. When He stops we stop. Our relationship must be so close and intimate to Him that we can clearly hear His voice. And recognize the voice of the stranger and flee from it.
Our persecuted brothers and sisters are in close intimate relationship with Jesus. This is a necessary reality for them so that they can endure the persecutions that they are in. This has to be a necessary reality for us so that we can endure what will come up on this land.
Brothers and sisters let us pray that our persecuted brother stay an intimate relationship with Jesus. Let us also pray that we will stay an intimate relationship with Jesus.
For this is truly from the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/7/8 18:23 | |
| Re: Saturday Evening, Juky 9, 2016 | | Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Brother Frank just taught me how to cut and paste this quote above. Now I am really going to be dangerous on the forum. :-) |
| 2016/7/9 20:55 | |
| Re: Sunday Evening, July 10, 2016 | | There is remarkable freedom in having no expectations, no plans for tomorrow. The question I and many others start every day with is this: “Jesus, what do You have planned for me and my family?” Only today matters. Only how I live for Jesus counts. Everything else is superficial. When I hand over my life to my Lord, knowing each day may be my last one on this earth, I am more at peace than ever before.
Tom Doyle, Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where It's Not Safe to Believe
... Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care of yourself. Each day has enough trouble of its own...Matthew 6:34 |
| 2016/7/10 20:18 | |
| Re: | | Bonheiffer's quote was in respect to the Holocaust in his day. I believe it has wide application to many such things, but most specifically in our day to the New Holocaust, the Genocide/Infanticide of Abortion. Totally |
| 2016/7/10 22:21 | |
| Re: | | Tom Doyle's book you referenced is a "MUST READ" in my book. It's hard to listen to at times, but a must read nonetheless. His book, "Dreams & Visions" about Muslims coming to Christ through Dreams & visions is a must read too. Amazing testimonies. Doyle was admittedly a skeptic of these stories until he went and interviewed them himself (he is a journalist). Really a God glorifying faith builder. I listened to the audiobook of Killing Christians with my family & my 2 oldest boys have both read "Dreams & Visions". Good stuff indeed |
| 2016/7/10 22:26 | |
| Re: | | But dear brother what of the holocaust of today, the genocide of Christians who are being slaughtered by the likes of Isis, by the likes of Kim Jung Un, by the likes of Isaias Affwerki, and so on?
Who cries out for the persecuted? Does anyone have the courage to answer this question?
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/7/10 22:27 | |