Poster | Thread |
| Re: Wednesday Morning, June 28, 2016 | | . 9. Pray the our persecuted brothers and sisters will be refreshed through God's Word and grow in their faith.
... But whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope...Romans 15:4
... Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slannder, like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord... 1 Peter 2:1-3
In Eritrea believers in Christ are imprisoned in some of the most horrible conditions. They are kept in shipping containers which can reach over a hundred degrees during the day. And can get down to freezing at night. Some of our brothers and sisters have died in these metal coffins. Their crime. Simply being followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Eritrea is known as the North Korea of the Horn of Africa.
Bibles are not permitted in the shipping containers. The scraps of paper contain verses of Scripture are passed around from person to person. The light is dim almost dark so the verses cannot be read on the container. But when the doors are opened briefly for fresh air or toilet privileges. The believers will not rush out but will quickly pull out the paper scraps and read and quickly commit the verses to memory. And then exchange the pieces of paper. These pieces of paper become more precious than gold itself. Even more precious than food. As it contains the spiritual food to nourish one soul in the imprisonment.
Persecuted brothers and sisters will go to great Lengths to own a copy of the scriptures. Or even a portion of the Scriptures. They will even risk death to own a copy of this precious book. We have heard accounts where in persecuted nations the Bible will gently be turned into sections. Not out of disrespect for the Word of God. But to make sure that all will have some portion of scripture to nourish their souls in a congregation that may have just a few copies of the Bible.
In some nations believers who have access to a Bible or New Testament may have to bury it so that it is not discovered. And then when possible go and pull the Bible out and read it for just a few minutes and then put it back into its hiding place. Knowing that in such a nation to be caught with this blessed book one could very well lose their life.
Just as Nicodemus came to Jesus at night to The Living Word Himsrlf. Believers in North Korea will read the precious copy of the written word under blankets with maybe a penlight so as not to attract the authorities. Forvto own a copy of the scriptures in North Korea is either punishable in a death camp. Or more merciful a bullet through the head.
We in America do not know how good we have it. We have Bible apps on our phones. Access to the written word like never before. And yet we are told that we are living in a day and an age of biblical illiteracy.
It saddens me that even in this forum we debate which is the one most pure translation. Or we debate the doctrines of the Bible. And yes I have done my share to provoke the debates.
But how many of us actually immerse ourselves in the Scriptures as the persecuted do? How many of us actually read or listen to the word of God just for the pure enjoyment of listening to Jesus Himself?
Unlike Us in the West, the persecuted believers do not have access to commentaries, systematic theologies, sermons, etc. They feel blessed if they have access to some portion of the written Scriptures. I have read accounts of fellowships in the Middle East where precious brothers and sisters have maybe a battered copy of the New Testament in their possession. Seeing the worn out copies of Scripture one could see that these Jedus followers have relished the Word of God. More importantly their lives reflect what they have been reading.
Brothers and sisters let us pray that our persecuted family have access to the word of God to help them grow and be refreshed in their faith in Christ. And may their example speak to us that we value the Bible that God has given us. May we use what freedom we have to get the Word of God into our heart and mind. As the persecuted may we pray that we be more like Jesus in the reading and hearing of His word.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/6/29 5:28 | |
| Re: Friday Morning, July 1, 2016 | | . 10. Pray that our persecuted brothers and sisters will be strengthened through the prayers of fellow believers.
...With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints...Ephedians 6:18
... Remember my imprisonment...The Apostle Paul
...Prayer is the least that you can do but the most that you can do for them...Christians in Crisis.
The most common appeal of our brothers and sisters in restricted nations is please pray for us. But their prayer concerns are not please pray that we be delivered from our persecution. The most common prayer request is please pray that we will remain faithful in the midst of our trials and tribulations. Please pray that we will have access to at least a portion of scriptures. Please pray that we will not deny Jesus in the midst of our sufferings. Please pray that we will be able to reach out to our persecutors.
The persecuted brothers and sisters have such a different paradigm and a different way of looking at things then we here in the West. Is it because that they are indeed at the shadow, the foot of the cross.
Brothers and sisters can we at least take 5 minutes. Or at least one minute. And remember our persecuted family in prayer. That would probably be about the amount of time it would take and go post on Sermon Index. But I think the rewards will be far greater. For only eternity will see the answer to our prayers.
Let me ask will it be our forum posts that will be remembered in heaven. Or will it be the prayers that we have prayed for our precious persecuted brothers and sisters.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/7/1 7:09 | |
| Re: Saturday Morning, Juky 2, 2016 | | . ...Other seed fell on the rocky ground where it did not have much soil, and immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of soil. And after the sun had risen, it was scorched, and because it had no root, it withered away... Mark 4:5-6
...In a similar way these are the ones on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy; and they have no firm root in themselves, but are only temporary, that, when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately they fall away...Mark 4:16-17
West of Denver Colorado there are the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. These are called the Front Range. Many who have the money like to build houses on the side of the hills of the Front Range to get a marvelous view of the plains to the east ( and the Denver pollution brown cloud:-)). It is not recommended to build a house on the side of a mountain. The soil is shallow and unstable. Despite the best efforts of construction engineers. Houses will be found with cracks because of the shallow shifting soil. And in a good rain storm many of these houses will wash away due to mudslides and floods. For the simple fact that these houses had no firm foundation.
At the end of The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Jesus warned that those who did not have their foundation built on the Rock would wash away in the storm and the floods and the wind. The same thought as conveyed in the verses above.
In the parable of the sower Jesus says there will be those who will hear the word of salvation and receive it with joy. Their will be those who will start out and run the race like a rabbit. In the persecuted church. But also in our nation. We have seen those who have received the word with the joy of Jesus. They start out running a good race. But in times of temptation and affliction and persecution they fall away.
Yesterday I was conversing with a dear sister and she was telling me how years ago there were young people who committed their life to Christ with the determination to follow him to the end. Only to hear years later that many of them had fallen away into homosexuality, drugs, broken marriages, sexual immorality, and so forth. Only to fall away from Jesus.
Jesus tells us it is because they have no firm root in themselves that they fall away. They have not been rooted and grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ. They have not been rooted and grounded in His word.
Jesus warns that in times of persecution if one is not rooted and grounded in Him. They will fall away. In persecuted nations, particularky those rooted in Islam, a person who comes to Christ will seriously count the cost. They realize to take upon them the cross of Christ they forfeit their lives. Literally they forfeit their lives knowing that they could very well be martyred the next day. Thus the verses above they take to heart. Praying that they will not deny Christ. Praying that they will be rooted in Him. For the persecuted believers the choice is clear. Either be rooted and grounded in Jesus or fall away.
The New Testament has been written by those who have been persecuted for those who will be persecuted. Thus Jesus speaks against the backdrop of persecution. For us and the West this paradigm is very unfamiliar as we do not have a history of persecution. Yet believing that times of darkness and persecution are soon to come up on us. We need to look at the verses above with the mindset of Christ as the persecuted do.
Thus are we seeking to ground ourselves in the Lord Jesus Christ? Are we seeking to sit at His feet and listen to His Word? Are we seeking to be doers of His word? Brothers and sisters right now we have the freedom to seek more of Him. But how long will that opportunity hold?
I cringe at the thought that when the roundup start and we are carried away into death camps. There will be the wailing of those who say why were we not warned? Why did we not prepare? Why did someone not tell us that this was coming?
Brothers and sisters I say to you gently you have been warned. God has sent His prophets such as David Wilkerson, Art Katz, Denny Kenaston, and others whose teachings are in the SI archives to warn us of what is coming. God in his sweet grace is warning us. The question is are we listening to Him?
I have read accounts where the persecuted are actually praying for us in America. They are praying that we will wake up to the reality of the same persecution that will come upon us. They are crying out to God on our behalf that we will stand as they are standing.
Brothers and sisters let us hear the prayers of our persecuted family. Let us root and ground ourselves in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let His word be to us are most necessary food. Let us be rooted and grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/7/2 6:33 | |
| Re: Saturday Evening, Juky 2, 2016 | | . ...Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house, and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell--and great was its fall...Matthew 7:24-27.
A few years ago central Colorado had experienced some of its worst flooding in decades. One man who lost everything in the flood said that it was an event of biblical proportion. Perhaps a very prophetic statement on his part.
People who had their houses built on unstable soil had homes washed away in torrential nountain floods that overflowed otherwise peaceful creeks. The mountains had experienced so much rain. And the creeks and rivers could not accommodate the excessive water that flowed into the watershed. As a result there was terrible flooding which resulted in many homes being lost. Many were lost because they were built on unstable soil.
Those homes that were built on bedrock home or on a solid rock foundation did withstand the flood. Though their insurance had to pay for significant water damage.
I think the above story illustrates the two foundations that Jesus concludes in what we call The Sermon on the Mount. He contrast a wise and the foolish man. The wise man will listen to his words and act on them. The foolish man will not listen to his words and not act on them. In other words, the solid foundation is one who hears Jesus and obeys Him.
This is very much seen in the life of the persecuted Church. They take to heart the words of Jesus and obey them. Consider below what Jesus says about those who are persecuted,
... Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you...Matthew 5:10-12
Herw the persecuted believers find encouragement in the words of Jesus. Here they are told to count themselves blessed because they have a great reward in heaven. Indeed they are even to rejoice. Jesus reminds His listeners that they persecuted the prophets who were before them.
Thus in hearing and acting on the words above. The persecuted are laying the foundation of being on the rock of Jesus Himself. Jesus prophesied what would happen to those who would be hearing his words a few years after His death and Resurrection. He has also prophesied today in what His persecuted bride is going through. Just as 2000 years ago. His words still ring true for the persecuted church today in places like North Korea and Eritrea.
Often in nations like Eritrea those in prison for their faith in Christ will pass scripture around on slips of paper. Verses like the above are written to encourage those to keep their faith and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. So that these believers would continue to build their foundation on the rock of Jesus Christ so as to endure and withstand the persecutions that are coming up on them. To keep enduring their imprisonment until Jesus sets them me either by martyrdom, a miraculous release from prison, or His soon return.
As of yet we are not suffering the extent of persecution of those in North Korea are suffering. We still have an opportunity to go deeper and build a foundation on the Lord Jesus Christ. Are we availing ourselves to this opportunity? The persecuted are praying that we will wake up to the reality of the storm that will soon come upon us. Are we building our hope on the Lord Jesus Christ? Are we building our hope on the Rock of our salvation?
Dear saints let us pray that the persecuted will continue to build their hooe on the foundation of Jesus himself. Let us sit at the feet of the persecuted and pray that we will build our home on the foundation of Jesus Himself. We must do this if we are going to withstand the storm that will soon come up on the church in America.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/7/2 18:23 | |
| Re: Sunday Morning, Juky 3, 2016 | | . ... Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who did has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose and heart. You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin...Hebrews 12:1-4
Hebrews is a book set against the backdrop of persecution. Indeed it might be said that most of the New Testament, if not all of it, is set against the backdrop of persecution. I heard someone say that the New Testament was written by the persecuted for the persecuted. It would seem to understand the full weight of New Testament truth one must be experiencing the reality of persecution. At least we see this in our persecuted brothers and sisters today. Perhaps this is why the New Testament is so precious to those in the persecuted church.
The writer of Hebrews is encouraging his hearers that they are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. He would be referring to those in the roll-call of faith chapter of Hebrews 11. But perhaps too the writer would be thinking of those who had spulled their blood for the Lord Jesus Christ. No doubt, at this time, Stephen the first martyr, the first witness, would be remembered. He would be honored. I think the martyrs would be on the writer's mind as he says in verse 4, of chapter 12, in Hebrews, you have not yet resisted sin to the point of shedding your blood.
We tend to honor those who have excelled in sports. At least we did years ago. The athletes were looked upon with respect. Indeed as kids growing up we would eat Wheaties, The Breakfast of Champions, to be like our favorite sports hero. (Okay I'm a baby boomer so you Millennials don't know what I'm talking about :-)) However given the fact that many we considered as heroes in sports have fallen into sin. There is a cynicism about looking up the sports heroes today.
But the early church remembered the martyrs. They remembered the witnesses of Jesus. They remembered those who testified of Jesus even with their dying breath. They drew inspiration and encouragement from the witness of those who laid down their life for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Richard wurmbrand has commented that it was never considered a service in the first century unless the martyrs were remembered. Unless those we would call the heroes of the faith were remembered with respect and honor.
This is not worshipping the martyrs are putting them on a pedestal. But this is remembering with respect those who have laid down their lives for the Lord Jesus Christ. This is remembering those that we will draw encouragement to do the same.
Tomorrow will be July 4th. For many it will be a day of hot dogs and fireworks. For many it will be a day to go to the lake and run the motor boat. For some there will be a sober attempt to remember those who signed what we call the Declaration of Independence. To start us on the path of freedom that this nation and enjoys.
As we remember those who signed the Declaration of Independence pledging their lives and fortunes to bring freedom to this nation. Let us also remember our persecuted brothers and sisters that have laid down their lives for the Lord Jesus Christ. Those in times past and those in times present. Let us remember those martyred for their faith in Christ. Let us keep our persecuted brothers and sisters who still live in Christ in our thoughts and prayers.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/7/3 7:58 | |
| Re: Sunday Evening, Juky 3, 2016 | | . ... let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us...Hebrews 12:1
Back in ancient times marathon runners would wear long robes to the event in which they would compete in. When the command came to line up they would pull these robes off and proceed to the starting line. These marathon runners would literally be buck naked. They may have worn a breech or a loin cloth for modesty. But literally have very little clothing on. These marathon runners only had one thing in mind. To compete in their event and win. To compete in their long robes would have been unthinkable. They would have stumbled and fallen. Not to mention the long robes would have slowed them down.
The writer of Hebrews would have been thinking of these marathon runners when he said to lay aside every incumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us. His exhortation to his readers would have been just like the marathon runners of ancient times. Lay aside everything that would cause you to trip up here that would slow you down. Lay aside everything such as sin which would entangle you. Run your race that is set before you literally but naked.
Several years ago I used to do some preaching in a storefront church. The makeup of the church has mostly African-American sisters. I remember preaching on the text above Hebrews 12:1-4. The title of the sermon I was preaching on was called The Amazing Race. The take off of the TV show that was popular at the time.
Most of the women were my age so I made reference to the Lon Chaney mummy movies that I grew up with. The sisters understood when I spoke about the man who came out in Ace bandage always dragging his right foot. Barely able to make about 2 miles an hour as he moved around. Then you had the heroine of the movie who would scream when she saw this ace bandage guy coming toward her. The sisters really got into it when I said you wanted to say sister get your rear in gear and move. But instead she would scream and faint. One wonders. When one cannot outrun somebody who moves around in something which amounts to a bunch of Band-Aids covering him.
Thus I think we as Christians tend to be like Lazarus. We come out of the grave but have not had the grave clothes removed from us. Thus when we run the race are encumbered by the sin and other stuff that sticks to us. So we are barely able to make 2 miles an hour like the mummy.
The persecuted brothers and sisters are not in the situation as I described above. There's a purifying aspect of persecution that tends to burn away the encumbrances and the sin that would entangle them. These saints are running that race but naked. Fixing their eyes on Jesus.
Let us pray that our persecuted brothers and sisters will run their spiritual race in the radical simplicity and purity of devotion to Jesus Christ. Let us also pray that we will run that race with that same radical simplicity and purity of devotion to Jesus.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/7/3 21:03 | |
| Re: Monday Morning, July 4, 2016 | | . ... and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us... Hebrews 12:1
The great cloud of witnesses that has gone before us. Those we call the martyrs of the faith. And those today we call the persecuted Church. Have gone before us and many of them have passed into glory. Receiving their reward.
The martyrs have crossed the finish line. They are cheering us on. How will we run that race? The baton is in our hands in this final hour of redemptive history. We could very well be the ones in the last lap of the race before Jesus returns. Again how will be running that race? Will we finish well? Will we finish strong?
I find it a bit disheartening in this forum the witness of one such man who ran the race is being called into question. For consider his words,
...Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim, I box in such a way as not beating the air; but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified ... 1 Corithians 9:26-27
... But I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved his appearing...2 Timothy 4:6-8
These are the words of the Apostle Paul. These are the words of the one who some in this forum are saying who missed the voice of the Holy Spirit and went to Jerusalem. Dare we in our arrogance call into question the witness of one who testified of the Lord Jesus Christ to his dying breath.
Then let us ask ourselves the question. How are we running the race? Can we declare with certainty as the Apostle Paul did that I buffet my body, I make it my slave, so that after I have run I will not be disqualified. Can we say that with a clear conscience. And then call into question the witness of the Apostle Paul.
Can we with a clear conscience say that I have faught the good fight, I have kept the faith, I have finished the course. And then call into question the witness of one who ran the race as the Apostle Paul did.
I think if we are truly honest with ourself the question to the above answers would have to be "no". At least they would have to be "no: in my life.
Brothers and sisters let us judge ourselves rightly. Instead of questioning the witness of those that have gone before us as to how they have run the race. For they have crossed the finish line and received their reward. Let us look to ourselves and make sure that we are running the race. Let us look to ourselves with all diligence and pray that we may cross the finish line and receive a reward.
While the Apostle Paul is in the presence of Christ. For the persecuted church is in the presence of Christ. For the martyrs have testified of the reality of Jesus Christ and have received the Crown of Life. Let us endeavor to follow in their footsteps and run that race with all endurance fixing our eyes on Jesus. Let us pray that we will endure. Let us pray that we will persevere. Let us pray that we will be found faithful at His appearing.
To God be the glory!!!
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/7/4 8:25 | |
| Re: Monday Evening, July 4, 2016 | | . ... Jesus said to him, "He who has bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean, and you are clean, but not all of you."...John 13:10
We see from Hebrews 12:1 there is a race that we are to run. But sometimes in running that race we find ourselves getting out of the lane that is assigned to us. And we find ourselves getting entangled in sin. The solution is easy in that we confess and repent of our sin. And then get back in the race.
In John 13 Jesus likens the confession and repenting of our sin to washing our feet. We are already clean because of our faith in Jesus. But there is the tendency that our feet will lead us to sin. Thus getting us out of the race. But the conviction of the Holy Spirit will cause us to confess our sin. Then repent and turn away from our sin. And come back to faith in Jesus. And start running the race again.
Though the above post does not relate directly to the persecuted church. I thought the analogy of the foot-washing and they confessing and repenting of sin had connection to the analogy of running the race. Hope this makes sense.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/7/4 18:43 | |
| Re: Tuesday Morning, Juky 5, 2016 | | . ... fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart...Hebrews 12:2-3
A ministry leader was sharing with me his experiences in driving a motor boat when he was a child. Rennie, the ministry leader was out with a neighbor in the neighbor's boat on a lake. Rennie was about twelve at the time. The neighbor asked Rennie if he would like to drive the boat. Being excited Rennie said yes.
The neighbor put the boat in gear and gave Rennie the steering wheel. Being excited, Rennie was steering the boat pretty much all over the lake. The neighbor wisely came by Rennie's side and told him to focus on a point on the far shore. He said if you focus on that point your course will be more straighter. Doing that Rennie's driving became less erratic. And his course became more straighter.
There will be times when the faith of our persecuted brothers and sisters will waver. Their course will be a little less straighter. But the exhortation of the verses above is to fix their eyes on Jesus. As they look to Jesus their course will become straighter. As they fix their eyes on Jesus their faith will be more perfected in Him. For He will be the author of their faith which will flow out of Jesus.
The exhortation to the persecuted is to consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself. The encouragement that comes from Jesus is that the persecuted will not grow weary and lose heart.
This exhortation is also given to us. I do believe that there will be times of persecution coming up on this nation. Upon the church in this nation. As the persecuted draw encouragenent from the above verses. We need to draw encouragement from these verses also. Not just in times of persecution. But also in our daily walk With Jesus.
For as we look to Jesus. Our faith will not waver. Our course will be more straighter.
From the shadow of his cross.
| 2016/7/5 7:04 | |
| Re: Additional Insight | | . The more we stay focused on Jesus, the less our faith will waiver.
Breaux Blaine |
| 2016/7/5 11:58 | |