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| Re:Thursday Afternoon, June 23, 2016 | | . ... Therefore He is able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since he always lives to make intercession for them...Hebrews 7:25
The intercessory ministry of Jesus still continues even in heaven. He is still interceding even those He saved. This should be encouraging for those of us who pray for the persecuted church. As Jesus is interceding on their behalf. We should be there a voice down here to intercede on their behalf.
The above verse certainly must have been encouraging to the readers of Hebrews as that book was written against the backdrop of persecution. Indeed, s lot of the New Testament, if not all of it was written against the backdrop of persecution.
Jesus has not forgotten his persecuted bride. We saw a few days ago in the conversion of Saul that Jesus is intimately linked to His persecuted church. The fact that He appeared on the road to Damascus asking Saul the question, "Why are you persecuting Me?" Let us pray that Jesus would appear to the jihadist and the communist and to any other pesercutor of believers with that same question, "Why are you persecuting Me."
... now, will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will he delay long over them...Luke 18:7
Brothers and sisters let us be those who cry out to God for justice for His persecuted bride. In places like North Korea they cannot cry out aloud in their prayers less they draw the attention of the secret police. But we can be their voice here in the West. We can cry out Justice on their behalf.
As Jesus intercedes for his persecuted bride and for us. Let us also be his voice interceding also on their behalf.
A Christian ministry has said that prayer is the least and yet the most that you can do for the persecuted church. James reminds us that the effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.
Let us remember our persecuted brothers and sisters in our prayers.
From the shadow of his cross.
| 2016/6/23 18:55 | |
| Re: Friday Morning, June 24, 2016 | | . 4. Pray that our persecuted brothers and sisters will have more opportunities to share the gospel.
... So then those who were scattered because of the persecution that occurred in connection with Stephen made their way to Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch speaking the word to no one except the Jews alone. But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who came to Antioch and begins speaking to the Greeks also, preaching the Lord Jesus...Acts 11:19-20
... praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ for which I have been imprisoned, that I might make it clear in the way I want to speak...Colissians 4:3-4
There's a dynamic in persecution that drives the preaching of the Gospel. In areas where the church has been persecuted the gospel is preached much more fervently and faster. We see this in the persecutions that happened to Jerusalem after Stephen was martyred. When many of the saints in Jerusalem left for safety. They went about preaching the word of God. They went about preaching the gospel if Jesus.
In North Korea, the believers who are discipled in the Lord Jesus Christ regard prison and even the death camps as their ultimate mission field. It has been reported that believers feel the greatest freedom to share Jesus Christ in the death camps then even before they were in prison. When one is in a North Korean death camp at that point they have nothing to lose. But everything to gain and terms of souls for Christ.
Today let us pray that our brothers and sisters will have opportunities to share Christ even in the midst of their imprisonments. And particularly let us pray that the persecuted will have opportunities to share Christ even with their persecutors. They had to rotate the guards every 4 hours because Watchman Nee would be preaching to them. And many of them would become saved under his preaching. This also must have happened with the Apostle Paul with those Romans that were chained to him. What wondrous truth they must have heard coming out of his mouth as he dictated his Epistles. Countless Roman guards must have been saved under Paul simply dictating the letters to the various churches. Of course Paul was never afraid to share Jesus with whomever he met.
Brothers and sisters let us keep our persecuted family in prayer that they will have opportunities to share the gospel in the midst of the sufferings they find themselves in.
Also since we have freedom let us also pray that God will give us opportunities to share Jesus with those that we come in contact with.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/6/24 10:53 | |
| | 2016/6/24 11:22 | |
| Re: Friday Evening, June 24th, 2016 | | . ... Now I want you to know, bretheren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel, so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has become well-known throughout the whole praetorian guard and to everyone else,... Philippians 1:12-13
In the above verses we see Paul looking at his circumstances in prison not from a woe is me attitude. But more rejoicing that his circumstances had put him in a strategic opportunity to share the gospel. Not only with the elite praetorian guard. But also with Caesar's extended and probably immediate household. For we see at the end of Philippians that Paul says all the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household.
One wonders if even Nero himself may have heard the gospel. Though history certainly does not give us any indication that he ever embraced Christ.
I remember reading or hearing somewhere that the guards who guarded Watchman Nee had to be rotated every so often because under his preaching many would become believers in Christ.
Some of our persecuted brothers and sisters have a different mindset regarding their curcumstances. Oftentimes they will look at their imprisonment as an opportunity to reach others for Christ that otherwise would not be reached. This would be other fellow prisoners who certainly needed the hope of Jesus. As well as the persecutors themselves.
I heard the story of Brother Yun who have walked out miraculously out of a maximum-security prison in China. Only later to find himself imprisoned in Burma. Hear he recounts I saw men who were more desperate than I was. This resulted in him being able to share the gospel with them. To bring them the hope of Jesus Christ.
It is said those who are discipled in North Korea go with the expectation that eventually they will wind up in one of the North Korean death camps. This is not morbidity. But the North Korean believers who regard the North Korean death camps as their mission field. Here they find a greatest freedom to preach Christ. At this point they have nothing to lose. But certainly everything to gain in terms of taking more souls captive for the Lord Jesus Christ. In other words what can be done to them that hasn't been done to them as they are under a sentence of death. And the North Korean believer it will have the hope of Heaven within him. Realizing that others are imprisoned in the camp that are not believers. The North Korean Believers will use this opportunity to share Jesus with them.
Again the persecuted see their circumstances as Paul did. As an opportunity to get the gospel out to those who need to hear about Jesus.
How do we see our circumstances. Do we fuss because we are in an undesirable job? Or we are in an undesirable family situation? Or perhaps we are just in an undesirable situation of illness or trials and tribulations? Let us ask God to give us his mind set on our circumstances that perhaps it may be an opportunity for the gospel to go forth to those who need to hear it.
Let us also pray that the persecuted would use their circumstances as an opportunity for the light of Christ to impact those who need to hear about Jesus.
From the shadow of His cross. |
| 2016/6/24 20:39 | |
| Re: Saturday Morning, June 25, 2016 | | . 5. Pray that our persecuted brothers and sisters will have boldness to make Christ known.
... and the most of the brethren, trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment, have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear... Philippians 1:14
... and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains, that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak... Ephesians 6:19-20
Another way we are encouraged to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters is they will have boldness to make known the gospel of Jesus. There seems to be a dynamic that takes place in the suffering of others that inspire courage. This certainly took place in the imprisonment of Paul. The Holy Spirit inspired courage in those who heard about his imprisonment to go out and preach Christ. They did this trusting in the Lord.
There's something in the testimonies and the stories of the suffering church that do inspire courage in our heart. Again a coursge that is only given by the Holy Spirit. A courage that cries out that we want to be used in the things of Christ.
I have seen this in my own life watching the video documentary "Sheep Among Wolves". After watching that documentary several times, seeing the testimony of my brothers and sisters giving their life to the harvest. My heart cries out to live a life of such faith as they unto Christ and not a life of mediocrity. To live a life to reach others for Christ in the global harvest.
Dear saints let us pray this day that the persecuted will have boldness to make Christ known. Let us also pray that they will be our example that we will make Christ known.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/6/25 6:07 | |
| Re: Sunday Morning, June 26, 2016 | | . 6. Pray that our persecuted brothers and sisters will forgive and love their persecutors.
... But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... Matthew 5:44
... Lord do not hold this sin against them... Acts 7:60
... Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing... Luke 23:34
The church in Toronto Canada was packed out. For many had come to hear a man who had been persecuted by the Communists. The time was the 1970s and we were at the height of the Cold War. Many thought that they would hear a rousing anti-communist message. As the time drew near for the man to speak. The church grew quiet.
The man was escorted up to the front of the church. The podium had been moved and a chair or a stool had been placed there for his comfort. He was in his stocking feet. The man apologized. For he said the Communists had beat his feet and he had suffered damage as a result of the beatings. Thus he could not stand for long oeriods of time. The church was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Many who were in the presence of this man found themselves weeping. Not for the man himself. But the fragrance of Jesus was clearly seen in this man.
Then the man started weeping. Tears were streaming from his eyes. He kept repeating the words, " I did not love them enough. I did not love them enough." When someone gently asked him brother who are you talking about? Richard Wurmbrand replied, "The communist, I did not love them enough."
Another way we are encouraged to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters is that they will forgive and love their persecutors. The story above shows a man had been horribly persecuted by the Communists. His body had suffered the brand marks of Jesus. And yet the Holy Spirit worked in this man's heart to have a love for his enemies. Clearly Richard Wurmbrand, our brother in Christ, was following the steps of his Master. The One who said, "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing."
If anyone lived out Matthew 5:44, Jesus did. The greatest injustice ever done in human history on the face of this planet was done to the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet as he hung half naked and humiliated on the cross for our sins, He said, "Father forgive them, but they do not know what they are doing."
Several days ago we saw how our sister Liena, instructed her children to forgive their persecutors, the Jihadists, who would surely take their lives. Far from being a fanciful reenactment in a YouTube video. This actually happened. Back in late summer of last year, a ministry team had been captured by ISIS. The sisters in the team were horribly violated by the the jihadists. Yet they told their enemies I forgive you. Jesus forgives you. Only to enrage those to horribly violate and kill these precious saints. Yet in the end the enemy lost. Just as he lost at the cross.
It has been said that the most powerful words uttered at the cross were, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." For these words broke the power of Satan at the cross.
Today let us pray that our persecuted brothers and sisters will forgive their persecutors. Let us pray that our persecuted brothers and sisters will even love their enemies. But let us also pray that we will forgive those who have wronged us. And we will forgive those who are our enemies.
Jesus left us the example to forgive and love, even our enemies. By His Holy Spirit living in us we can also do the same.
From the shadow of His cross. |
| 2016/6/26 6:41 | |
| Re: Sunday Evening, June 26, 2016 | | . ... But love your enemies and do good... Luke 6:35
... Love does no wrong to a neighbor, therefore love is the fulfillment of the law... Romans 13:10
Dirk Willem was a leader among the early anabaptists. The anabaptists were followers of Jesus Christ in the 16th Century. They believed that only those who made a conscious decision to follow Jesus were to be baptized. Many of them were converted out of Catholic background. As such many adults were rebaptized as they confessed their faith in Jesus. Thus rejecting their infant baptism . Consequently they became known as rebaptizers or anabaptists. Because of their rejection of infant baptism the anabaptists where persecuted horribly by the Catholics and the Protestants.
Dirk Willem lived in the Netherlands. His evangelical activity and secret house church meetings brought him to the attention of the Catholic authorities. Consequently he was arrested and imprisoned. Realizing that he would face a certain death. He fashioned together an escape rope of old rags and was able to escape from his prison cell.
As he landed on the ground. A guard discovered his escape and started chasing him. Dirk ran across a frozen pond of thin ice. The heavier guard gave chase to him. As Dirk was making good his escape he heard the ice breaking. The guard fell through the ice. The guard began to cry for help. Thus Dirk had a decision to make. Run for his own safety. Or go back and help the guard. And be arrested again.
Remembering the teachings of Jesus about love for one's enemy. Dirk went back and helped the guard out of the water. The grateful guard was prepared to Dirk go. But the Burgermaster who stood on the shore reminded the guard of the oath that he had sworn to root out the Heretics. Despite the guard's pleas Dirk was rearrested. Eventually he was tried and condemned to burn at the stake. The brother was martyred in 1569.
This story is touching because here we see a follower of Jesus who truly did love his enemy. I wondered if the guard ever came to Christ because of Dirk's action. Only eternity will tell.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/6/26 20:13 | |
| Re: Monday, June 27, 2016 | | . 7. Pray that the ministry activities of our brothers and sisters in persecution remain undetected by authorities and others who wish to silence them.
... but his disciples took him by night and let him down through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a large basket...Acts 9:25
...And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod the Magi left for their own country by another way... Matthew 2:12
Those of us who have read God's Smuggler remember the prayer that brother Andrew prayed as he took Bibles into what was then the Iron Curtain nations. His prayer was, "Lord thou who made blind eyes to see make seeing eyes blind."
Another way for us to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters is to pray that they remain hidden from the authorities. For sure for their own protection. But also that they may continue to be a witness for Christ and accomplish His kingdom purposes in the nation that God has placed them.
The prayer by Brother Andrew is certainly a good prayer to pray. Lord thou who made blind eyes to see make seeing eyes blind.
Let us pray this for our brothers and sisters in persecution today.
From the shadow of His cross. |
| 2016/6/27 6:51 | |
| Re: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 | | . 8. Pray that our persecuted brothers and sisters will rsjoice in suffering.
... So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name... Acts 5:41
... who for the joy set before him endured the cross... Hebrews 12:2
I feel so shallow trying to keep this thread going. I do not feel worthy to speak of the persecuted in this forum since I myself have not experienced what they have. Indeed I do not even feel worthy to pray for these dear saints as they are laying down their lives for Jesus. So how on earth can I post something about joy in the midst of suffering. Yet I keep thinking somebody must say something about the persecuted Church. This is why this thread was birthed.
The early church considered it a joy to suffer for Jesus. This is something that only the Holy Spirit can birth in us as one of His fruit is joy. This is not some form of masochism where the believer finds perverse joy in suffering pain. But this is something that only the Holy Spirit can work in the believer's heart.
Jesus endured the cross. It was something that He could not work up on His own. But knowing that the Father was abiding in Him and that He was pleasing the Father, that Jesus endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him. And again I believe that was only through God the Father working through Him who was His Son.
Today there are many sons and daughters of Christ who are suffering in the restricted nations. There will be many who will die this day before the sun goes down. Ministries that work in persecution estimate every 5 minutes someone is martyred, lays down their life for the Lord Jesus Christ. But this day there are untold suffering in places such as North Korea and Eritrea, Somalia and China. Suffering in countless other nations. Let us pray this day that these precious saints will find joy in the Holy Spirit in the midst of their sufferings for Jesus.
But let us also pray that we too will find joy in the midst of our sufferings whatever they may be. We may not "yet" be shedding our blood for Jesus or suffering persecutions as brothers and sisters around the world are suffering. But some of us are suffering the loss of a job, rebellious children, a failed marriage, or perhaps an illness as one of my dear intercessors is suffering. Let us pray that even in the midst of these sufferings that the Holy Spirit will bring His fruit of joy.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/6/28 6:35 | |
| Re: Tuesday Evening, June 28, 2016 | | . ... Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and insult you, and scorn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man. Be glad in that day and leap for Joy for behold, your reward is great in heaven. For in the same way their fathers, used to treat the prophets...Luke 6:22-23
Richard Wurmbrandt read the above verses while he was in prison. Realizing he was not rejoicing in his sufferings. He began leaping for joy. One of the guards saw him and and cane into his cell to see if he was alright. Thinking Richard had lost his mind he told him to calm down. They gave him an extra loaf of bread and set him free the next day. At least I think that's how the story goes.
I cannot say that this will happen to all of our brothers and sisters who are in the midst of sufferings and particularly imprisonment. But there is the command of Jesus to be glad and leap for joy in the midst of persecution. To the world this would seem crazy. Even foolish. Yet Jesus says great in heaven is the reward of those who suffer persecution. Dear saints these are not the words of brother Blaine. But these are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Look at the text above.
But as we saw this morning. Joy in the midst of suffering can only come from the Holy Spirit. But for the saint who suffers and has the joy of the Spirit. He will truly overcome.
Brothers and sisters let us pray that our persecuted family have joy in the midst of their sufferings. Likewise let us pray that we will have joy in the midst of our sufferings. But the sufferings of this world will certainly bring great reward in heaven.
From the shadow of His cross.
| 2016/6/28 19:31 | |