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 Re: Continuing Today's Post

... Now Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord went to the high priest, and asked for letters from him to the synagogues at Damascus so that if he found any belonging to the way, both men and women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem...Acts 9:1-2

... So then, I thought to myself that I had to do many things hostile to the name of Jesus of Nazareth. So this is just what I did in Jerusalem; not only did I lock up many of the saints in prison, having received authority from the chief priests, but also when they were being put to death I cast my vote against them. And as I punish them often in all the synagogues, I tried to force them to blaspheme; and being seriously enraged st that. I kept pursuing them even too foreign cities...Acts 27:9-12

... As he was traveling, it happened that he was approaching Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him; and he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul Saul why are you persecuting me?" And he said, "Who are you Lord?" And He said. "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting,"...Acts 9:4-5

There is a prophetic spiritual sense in which the robe of Jesus is dipped in the blood of His martyrs. When Saul was persecuting the believers in Christ. He thought he was persecuting a cult that was hostile to Judaism. But when Jesus met him on the road to Damascus. Saul realized he was persecuting Jesus Himself.

The persecuted church is the bride of Christ. Down through the centuries Jesus has been intimately and spiritually linked to His persevuted bride. Thus when saints are persecuted by Islamic extremists or those in North Korea or Eritrea, those who persecute the saints are persecuting Jesus.

This is why I believe that His robe dipped in blood can very well be the blood of His martyrs.

....... Of Those Persecuted.......

 2016/6/18 9:10

 Re: Saturday Evening, June 18, 2016

Brother Andrew remarked that Foxes Book of Martyrs is not filled with accounts of people who sat in the church pew and died of a heart attack.

.......Of Those Persrcuted.......

 2016/6/18 18:07

 Re: Sunday Morning, June 19, 2016

... So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and SAT DOWN at the right hand of God...Mark 16:19

... When he had made purification of sins, He SAT DOWN at the right hand of the Majesty on high...Hebrews 1:3

... who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has SAT DOWN at the right hand of the throne of God...Hebrews 12:3

... but being full of the Holy Spirit, he gazed intently into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus STANDING at the right hand of God; and he said, "Behold I see the heavens opened up and the son of man STANDING at the right hand of God."...Acts 7:54-55

...CAPS are for emphasis and highlight only...

When we think of Jesus Christ and His kingly rule we think of him sitting at the right hand of the throne of God. Indeed in the passages out of Mark and Hebrews Jesus is declared to be sitting at the right hand of the throne of God. He did this by virtue of the fact that not only is he the Son of God and God himself. But also that he had conquered death. He will continue to sit at the right hand of the throne of God until His enemies are made his footstool. And even when we behold Him in heaven he will still be sitting at the right hand of the throne of God. At least that is my insight.

But we see one instance in the book of Acts where Stephen sees Jesus STANDING at the right hand of God. As far as I can tell this is the only instance in which Jesus is standing. And one cannot help but wonder why is Jesus standing as Stephen was about to be martyred?

To stand in the presence of someone is considered a sign of respect. For example, when the President of the United States walks into a room, people will stand in respect for the President. Though they may not like the guy himself. It is the office that they stand in respect of.

I grew up in the south where I was taught that when a woman came into the room I was to stand out of respect for her when meeting her. Also when I am on the bus and a lady came on the bus and the bus was crowded. I was taught to be polite and standing in respect of her and offer her my seat. Granted these old southern traits have now died out.

It was said when King George of England heard Handel's Messiah that he was so moved he stood during the Hallelujah Chorus. This was so unusual that the king never stood in the presence of anyone. But sat reflecting his royal authority. Yet he said that he recognised a greater sovereign above even Himself. This is where the tradition of standing during Handel's Messiah comes from. Or so tradition tells us.

In the Old Testament when the law was read the people stood out of respect for the reading of the word. Some churches are starting to return to this practice. Sgain standing is a sign of respect. A sign of respect for God and His word.

I share the above to offer this insight. Is it possible that Jesus was standing out of respect for the martyrdom that Stephen would undergo? Is it possible that Jesus was standing out of respect for the first martyr of the church?

Brothers and sisters simply my insight.

....... Of Those Persecuted.......

 2016/6/19 9:30

 Re: Saturday Evening, June 19. 2016

... Other seed fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it, and yielded no crop...Mark 4:7

... And others are the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns, these are the ones who have heard the word, but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desire for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful...Mark 4:18-19

Pastor Samuel Lamb, one of the early house church leaders in the Chinese church made a profound remark. He said, " We in China know who our enemy is. But do you in America know who your enemy is." By this the brother was referring to the fact that the Chinese church knew their enemy were the communist. For to follow Christ in China during the time of the Communist takeover certainly meant death. And to this day could mean torture and imprisonment.

But he speaks to the church in America. Do we in America know who our enemy is? No it is not Barack Obama or the liberal humanist. Our enemy is far more subtle. Our enemy is materialism. This is the enemy that has seeped into the American Church. This is the enemy that renders the word ineffective in our midst. I believe it was Joseph Tson who made this statement,

... Take 100 Christians and put them in a persecuted nation, 90 will stand. Take 100 Christians and put them in America, 10 will stand...

Earlier today I was speaking with a sister. We were talking about the persecuted church. She made this profound statement,

... The persecuted have nothing but Jesus. We in America have everything but Jesus...

A few nights ago we had a brother from Pakistan on our call. This brother shared with us how they had very little in terms of the world's goods. But this brother shared that they had Jesus and had seen His power working in their midst.

I remember hearing a story about a humble monk. This monk had journeyed to Rome to see a friend who was a cardinal. The cardinal was pretty high up in the Vatican. He invited the monk to come visit the Vatican. As the monk met the cardinal. The cardinal showed him all the papal treasures of Rome. Then the Cardinal said to the monk, "My brother no longer will the church have to say silver and gold have I none " To which the monk humbly replied, " But my brother can the church say in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."

Saints the following story is not an endorsement of Roman Catholicism. But only serves to illustrate a truth. I hear stories and read reports about how God is working in signs and wonders among the persecuted brethren who have nothing but Jesus. We in America have everything but Jesus. The persecuted can say in the name of Jesus rise up and walk. Can the American church say the same thing?

....... Of Those Persecuted.......

 2016/6/19 19:02


I don't ever recall Richard Wurmbrand ever say the Communists were his enemy.

Pastor Lamb says communism is the enemy of the Chinese church? Because the Communists want to bring death to Christians?

Ask yourself who wants to bring death to Christians in the West.

 2016/6/19 19:16

 Re: Monday Morning, June 20, 2016

... But whatever things were gain to me, these things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ... Philippians 3:7-8

..."The persecuted have nothing but Jesus, we have everything but Jesus."...A dear Christian sister in the forum.

The above statement made by our sister has been resonating in my heart. She has captured the spirit of our persecuted brothers and sisters. Much like the Apostle Paul the persecuted have lost everything. But in the process of losing everything they have gained Jesus. Much like the Apostle Paul the persevuted who have had a radical encounter with Jesus will lay down everything to follow Him. Much like the Apostle Paul the persecuted will follow Jesus even to death.

I think the following words in that beautiful worship song by Fernando Ortega captures the heart and soul of our persecuted brothers and sisters and their desire for Jesus. For sure this would be their prayer. May this be our prayer.

In the morning when I rise.
In the morning when I rise.
In the morning when I rise.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world. But give me Jesus.

As we think of our brothers and sisters in the darkness of a prison cell or a death camp. I believe these following words by our brother Fernando Ortega would reflect their heart.

And when I am alone.
And when I am alone.
And when I am alone.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world. But give me Jesus.

And then perhaps when faced with their martyrdom. Again these words by our brother Fernando Ortega would be the prayer of the persecuted.

And when I come to die.
Oh and when I come to die.
And when I come to die.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world.
You can have all this world.
You can have all this world. But give me Jesus.

I will be ever reminded that 21 followers of Jesus died on the shores of Lybia. All 21 of them died with one name on their lips. They died speaking the name of Jesus Christ. This has been the testimony of the persecuted church for the last two thousand years. Always they died with the name of Jesus Christ on their lips.

May the persecuted believers be our example and inspiration to have nothing but Jesus.

In the shadow of His cross.

....... Of Those Persecuted.......

 2016/6/20 7:24


I think our greatest enemy is exactly what the Word says:


Because men of faith can do all things through Christ and overcome in all things, but not if they are faithless.

Note that Paul is speaking to the BRETHREN!

Heb 3:12 Take heed, BRETHREN, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.

 2016/6/20 9:41

 Re:Why I retitled this thread

This hread was initially meant to draw attention to the persecuted church. To act as their voice in this forum. Initially I had thought to just simply post quotations that would draw attention to our persecuted brothers and sisters. This is why it was placed in the devotional section. It really was not meant to be a discussion or a debate thread. But simply to share the truth of the reality of persecution in the lives of our persecuted brothers and sisters.

But as I have shared things in the last month about our persecuted brethren in this thread. Their life, there crucified life, is speaking to my heart. Also we all are in the shadow of His cross. We all are called to pick up a cross and follow Jesus. Not just the persecuted believers. But all of us are called to live crucified lives for the Lord Jesus Christ.

... Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple...Luke 14:23

...When Christ calls a man, He bids him come snd die... Dietrich Bonhoeffer

... In the Shadow of His Cross...

 2016/6/20 10:44

 Re: Purpose of this thread

Lord willing, this thread will continue to be a voice of the persecuted in this forum. This thread will continue to reflect a devotional flavor. And this thrend will continue to spread the fragrance of the crucified lives of the persecuted. To speak into our hearts.

...In the Shadow of His Cross...

 2016/6/20 10:53


Blaine quotes......

"Take 100 Christians and put them in a persecuted nation, 90 will stand. Take 100 Christians and put them in America, 10 will stand..."

Interesting quote, made me think. If the 100 Christians the author was referring to were from the West to the persecuted lands of the world, I am sure the number that would stand would be much lower than 90. I do agree that if you took 100 Christians from the persecuted lands and introduced them to the materialism of the West perhaps only 10 would stand. Maybe 10 is the number both ways, i think it higher but I am not confident it would be much higher.........bro Frank

 2016/6/20 10:53

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