Poster | Thread | jujashan4 Member

Joined: 2009/1/11 Posts: 77
| Re: one body of Christ | | Thanks Blaine - that's a good quote. We who are his are all his body in the world.
_________________ Andrew Wales
| 2016/10/19 8:10 | Profile |
| Re: Wed. AM...10/19/16 | | "Don’t ever give up in freedom what we would never have given up in persecution! That is our witness to the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!"
Nik Ripken, The Insanity of God: A True Story of Faith Resurrected like
-bbs- |
| 2016/10/19 8:38 | |
| Re: Thursday AM, 10/20/16 | | ...Don't ever give up Jesus in freedom as you would never give Him up in persecution...
My thoughtful reflection of Nik Ripkin's quote posted yestetday.
-bbs- |
| 2016/10/20 7:38 | |
| Re: Saturday AM. 12/10/16 | | Matthew 5:11-12
Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great, but in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. ________
This morning I woke up early thinking and troubled about our brother, Andrew Bronsun in Turkey. I struggled to understand the "why" of his imprisonment. Unusual I would ask that question since I lead a conference call that prays for the persecuted. Why would I even be reflecting on that question.
Yet Jesus cried out on the cross "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?" In His dark night of the soul Jesus cried out to His Father. In their dark night of the soul the persecuted cry out to their Father. Perhaps crying out that same question "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken us?"
Of course we know that God did not forsake His Son on the cross. And we know that God has not forsaken the persecuted brothers and sisters. And God has not forsaken Andrew Brunson. But it is understandable that in our humanity we would cry out Why God? Even Job posed this question to God. As I recall. God never gave an answer to Job. But God reminded him that He was sovereign.
A Chinese brother testified that in the midst of his persecutions and imprisonment he would ask Him "why". He said the Lord never gave him no answer. It was only when the brothers said Lord I accept what you give me. Then the brother said he had incredible piece.
It was only when I began to reflect upon the passages in Matthew quoted above that I had some degree of peace regarding our brother Andrew. Then I was able to enter into the mind of Christ and pray His heart for our dear brother. I prayed that in the midstt of his trial our brother Andrew, would have incredible joy. That he would have crazy joy that can only come from Jesus.
Such a prayer can only be worked out by the Holy Spirit. Such joy can only come from the Holy Spirit. Thus I pray our brother will know the Holy Spirit of Jesus in a more intimate way then he has ever known Him. This is the path of the cross. We are reminded that Jesus endured the cross who for the joy set before him.
I pray our brother will rejoice. Knowing that he has a great reward waiting for him in heaven. Of course my heart is crying out for his release. But as a dear sister reminds me it is eternity that we look toward. I pray our brother does look toward eternity. And realize that ultimately he will rule and reign with Jesus.
I also pray for his dear wife Norine. I am sure that she is asking and crying out these same questions to God of "why". That is certainly understandable. And yes I pray that her husband will be returned to her. But I also pray that our sister will know peace by laying her husband on the altar.
Brothers and sisters please join me in praying for the Brunson's. Please pray that Andrew will know incredible joy in the midst of his trial. Please pray that Norine will know incredible piece by laying her husband on the altar.
For this is truly from the foot of his cross.
-bbs- .......
| 2016/12/10 4:23 | |
| Re: Sunday AM, 12/11/16 | | Matthew 26:38
...Then He said to tbem, "My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death, reImain here and keep watch with Me."...
The above verse is taken out of the account of Jesus being in the Garden of Gethsemane. In a few hours Jesus would go and hang on the cross for our sins. This would be the greatest trial that our Lord would face.
Here we have no less than the Son of God asking 3 of his closest friends to come and keep watch with him. Keeping watch...To pray with Him... Not to pray "for" Him. But to pray "with" Him.
Why would the Son of God need people to pray with Him. After all this is Jesus. The Word incarnate. The One who can drive out demons. The One who could raise the dead. The One who could heal the blind. The One who could walk on water and calm storms. Why would Jesus need people to pray with Him?
As I ponder this question I must admit I do not come up with a ready answer. But some thoughts do come to mind. Jesus was also the Son of Man. Jesus also had a humanity. Jesus was also a man. Jesus was about to take up His cross and faces His greatest trial. Thus Jesus needed people to pray with Him. The greatest tragedy is the disciples missed the high honor being invited to pray with Jesus. They fell asleep on their watch.
Last night we had a brother on our prayer call. He is a local pastor here who works with Open Doors as a volunteer. I asked him what are the prayer requests of the persecuted from the field. This brother's answer will surprise you. He said the persecuted ask that we not pray "for: them. But that we pray "with: them.
The brother went on to share about a pastor from Pakistan he knows. He asked the Pakistani Pastor how can we "for" you. The Pakistani Pastor replied in three words...MORE SOULS SAVED...
This is one way that we can pray "with" our persecuted brothers and sisters. Their heart cry should be our heart cry. That in the midst of their trials and tribulations. More souls will be saved.
Brothers and sisters will we pray "with" our persecuted brothers and sisters? Will we cry out for the lost as they do? Will we cry out even for those who persecute the saints? Or will our legacy be that we fell asleep on our watch?
From the foot of His cross.
CAPS are for emphasis only.
| 2016/12/11 9:18 | |
| Re: Monday AM, 12/12/16 | | Matthew 26:39
....... And he went a little beyond them, and fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will but as you will.".......
One cannot really begin to plummet the depth of the above statement by Jesus in is agonizing prayer. We read another scripture that Jesus said it is written in your book that I delight to do your will. But in the verse above He is pleading that if it is possible the cup that God would have Him drink would pass from Him. But yet He surrendered completely to His Father to do His will which was to go to the cross for our sins.
Ultimately as Jesus surrendered to the will of God regarding the cross. It would be that He would be lifted up and would draw all men to Himself for salvation. For God's heart is ultimately for the salvation of men and women. Even if it be the death of His Son or those who follow him. The blood of the martyrs is truly the seed of the church. It was through the shed blood of Christ that men and women are saved. It is through the shed blood of the martyrs that they bear witness of the death of Christ and their death.
The early Anabaptists coined a term called "gellassenheit". This word meant total surrender to the will of God. These brothers and sisters accepted the will of God as seen in their persecution and martyrdom. Ultimately they saw the will of God as advancing the kingdom of God through their sufferings.
We see the same thing borne out by the persecuted church today in restricted nations. Brothers and sisters readily accept the cross of Jesus Christ. They accept the fact that they are sentenced to death. And in so doing. They are effective in reaching others for the Lord Jesus Christ. A ministry that is embedded deep in the persecuted church in restricted nations have this mindset. Their leaders have said that we desire to see others reached for the Lord Jesus even if it means our death.
Paul writes in 2nd Corinthians 4 11-12,
....... For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus sake, so that the life of Jesus Also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death Works in us but life in you.......
Brothers and sisters the persecuted are ready to lay down their lives for others so that they may come to Jesus. Can we at least sacrifice a few minutes and keep them in our prayers period for surely those who are willing to risk death for Jesus are worthy of our prayers.
From the foot of his cross.
-Bro Blaine- |
| 2016/12/12 11:03 | |
| Re: Thursday AM, 12/15/16 | | John 12:24-26
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone, but if it does, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there my servant will be also, if anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
Ephesians 3:13
Therefore I ask you not to lose heart at my tribulations on your behalf, for they are your glory.
There is a ministry in the Middle East that has this vision. Their desire is to reach souls for the Lord Jesus Christ among Islamic nations. Even if it means the death of their field workers. To our modern, worldly, self-centered, western ministry, fleshly mentality; such a statement would be considered foolish. Indeed the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing. But to thise who are being saved it is the power of God.
When we look at those in restricted nations who are at the foot of the cross. The vision to die so that others may be saved is New Testament reality. For they see this vision as reflected in the dying of the Lord Jesus Christ so that fruit would be born. That being the salvation of souls. Indeed the word "martyr" means witness in the Greek.
But again I can hear those crying say this is so foolish. So foolish to die. So foolish to give your life so that others may come to saving faith and life in the Lord Jesus. But then I would have to ask of the nay sayers. Was it foolish for the Son of God to die for us? And is it foolush that others would lay down their lives for the Lord Jesus Christ that others might come to salvation in Him?
.......For the word of the ross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.......
1Corithians 1:18
From the foot of the cross.
-bro blaine-
| 2016/12/15 7:46 | |
| Re: Sunday PM, 12/18/16 | | The 12 Faces of Persecution” are real accounts of persecuted Christians who are standing strong as they suffer for their faith.
It was 5 a.m. and Sattar’s family was fast asleep.
Suddenly, seven heavily armed Muslim militants broke down the front door, rushed inside and began looting the house. When Sattar tried to stop them, they overpowered him, knocked him to the ground and beat him.
One of the assailants stood on his neck, grabbed his daggar and was about to slit Sattar’s throat when other family members began screaming, alerting the neighbors. His attackers fled.
This was the most violent encounter, but certainly not the first time that Muslims in Sattar’s tiny village in Bangladesh had targeted this family and other Christ-followers in his neighborhood.
Renounce your faith...or else!
Two months earlier, Sattar and a group of persecuted Christians in the area filed a complaint with police that they were being targeted because of their faith. They were harassed at work, cut off from having business with others in the village and watched helplessly as their children were mistreated in school.
After the police stepped in, the hostile acts stopped — for a while. Then they picked up again, with Muslims insisting that Sattar and his fellow believers renounce their faith and seek forgiveness in the Mosque.
They refused.
“They continue to stand firm in their faith in Jesus Christ,” one witness told us. Persecuted believers around the world often face harassment, torture and even threats of death simply for attending a church meeting or carrying a Bible — anything that would indicate they’re Christ followers.
Let us continue to keep our persecuted family in our orayers.
From the foot of His cross
Bro Blaine |
| 2016/12/18 15:41 | |
| Re: Monday AM, 12/19/16 | | The 12 Faces of Persecution series tells the real story of believers suffering for their faith.
She wouldn’t let tragedy define her
“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”
— Matthew 6:14
Little Sofia jumped when she heard the bullets explode in the air around her. And she ran as fast as she could.
Entering the house, she spotted her mother and father on the floor, both shot multiple times, lying in a pool of their own blood. Overwhelmed with fear and grief, she turned away.
How could this happen? the innocent 9-year-old wondered. After all, hadn’t her parents been pastors, working with poor people living along Colombia’s Arauca River?
True, but they were also formerly leaders in the National Liberation Army, a guerilla insurgency group. And insurgents are well-known for harshly punishing deserters, especially those who now publically acknowledge their allegiance to Christ.
Praying for a miracle
Shocked and heartbroken, she accompanied members of her parents’ church to the hospital praying for a miracle. It never came. Both her parents died.
Isn’t God supposed to listen to our prayers? she remembers thinking. Why didn’t He answer our prayers?
After their parents’ funeral, Sofia and her two brothers went to live with their grandparents. A short time later, she came to the Open Doors Children’s Center, a haven that provides protection, housing and education to children of persecuted Christians in Colombia.
Being surrounded 24-hours-a-day by loving Christians helped her to understand that despite evil all around her, the Lord still had a distinct purpose for her life: to share with other people about God’s love, despite the terrible things that sometimes happen.
Forgiving murderers
“God taught me to have more trust in Him,” she says. “Now I understand that many things can happen to me and God is always with me.”
Since forgiving the men who murdered her parents, Sofia has gone on to become an assistant counselor among the girls living at the Center. With evangelism training from the Open Doors staff, she has also started sharing her story, something that has proved to be remarkably healing.
“Sharing my testimony of suffering and forgiveness opens the door to introducing Christ’s love to those around me,” she says. “I try to make people understand that we do not have to turn away from God because of difficult circumstances.”
After her parents’ murder, Sofia could have let bitterness and unforgiveness take root in her heart. But she didn’t. Now, God has been able to use her to tell other children about his unconditional love. And it’s bringing many to faith in Christ, despite the difficult circumstances they’re growing up in.
Let us pray that Sofia's example will encourage other believers like her to forgive their enemies. Let us also pray that the example of Sofia will inspire us to forgive those who have wronged us. For in the end we all we all wronged Christ. And He forgave us.
Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ who was slain for us and forgive us our sins.
From the foot of his cross.
Bro Blaine
| 2016/12/19 7:44 | |
| Re: Tuessday AM, 12/20/16 | | #3...The 12 Faces of Persecution series tells the real story of believers suffering for their faith.
Even her own family is against her.
“But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.”
— 1 Peter 2:20
Azni doesn’t know who she can trust any more.
Her father? He kept her locked up for three months after finding an old, worn copy of the Old Testament in her bedroom.
Her mother? After telling Azni she wished she had never been born, her mother gave Azni’s brothers permission to “do whatever was needed” in order to remove this Christian influence from the family.
Azni’s own husband? He regularly beats her, calling her a curse.
Yet, somehow Azni has managed to keep her focus on God and continues sharing her Christian faith and passing out copies of the New Testament. This, despite the fact that she has been terribly mistreated by both family members and religious zealots in her hometown.
Accused of being filled with "evil spirits"
In Chechnya, where she lives, it is an unwritten law that people should not read the Bible. City officials recently took her copy of the New Testament, burned it and sent her to an Islamic medical center, where mullahs read the Quran to her over and over in a futile attempt to exorcise the “evil spirits.”
What was Azni doing all this time? Fasting and praying. A friend later said Azni told him that she felt God protecting her and experienced peace in her heart.
But how much can one woman be expected to endure?
Desperate to escape
Once, she escaped Chechnya with her children. But her family found them, kidnapped the children and brought them back home. Fearing she might never see her children again, she returned home and was promptly locked up — again!
Another time, she called her friends in another region to tell them of the threats against her life. What she didn’t know was that her phone had been tapped! Later, her brother called these believers back, furious with the Christian influence they had on his sister.
In a fit of rage, he threatened to ruin their lives if they did not leave Azni alone, complaining that “having a Christian in our family causes us many problems.”
Azni’s friends wouldn’t back down. But they haven’t been able to reach her — and fear the worst........
Please keep this dear sister in your prayers. Please remember our persecuted family in your prayers as they follow Jesus on the shadow of His cross.
From the foot of His cross.
Bro Blaine |
| 2016/12/20 5:59 | |