Poster | Thread |
| Re: Wednesday, June 8. 2016 | | " Our prayers can go where we cannot... there are no borders, no prison walls, no doors that are closed to us when we pray."
---Brother Andrew---
A dear sister who escaped from North Korea was asked how did she endure the prison. Hiw did she endure the death camps. Her simple response was, "I felt the prayers of the saints."
The heart cry of our persecuted brothers and sisters would be along with that of the Apostle Paul,
... Remember my imprisonment... Colossians 4:18
This day may we remember those in chains. May we remember those in the shadow of the cross. May they feel our prayers this day.
| 2016/6/8 4:59 | |
| Re: Thursday, June 9, 2016 | | Duplicate poat.
| 2016/6/8 22:31 | |
| Re: Thursday, June 9, 2016 | | Our persecuted brothers and sisters have a different understanding of living in persecution. They understand what it is to lay all down for Jesus. The following story is true. This is transcribed from a video from Voice of the Martyrs.
What Does it Mean to be a Christian in Syria?
We were praying for revival believing God would do a big work in Syria. Then the war came. Now the terrorists started attacking Christian homes, churches, and even our children. Their goal is to empty Syria of its Christians. We hate the spirit of Islam that is destroying our country. But we love our Muslim Neighbors. They come to us and say in the name of our god, terrorists rape and kill. Where is God? We tell them about Jesus. And many are coming to know Him. Still others say we are like living in hell.
Liena's Prayer
One day while I was praying. I asked God. What He would have me do to be His witness. But He only asked me, will you give me your life? As I prayed, I understood he wanted all of me. And I said yes. If the time came. I was willing to die for Jesus.
The next day while I was praying I asked God God again what he would have me do. This time he asked me. Are you willing to give me your husband's life? It is not easy to be ready to die. My husband and I prayed about this together. We said yes to God.
The third day was the most difficult. On this day God asked me if I was willing to give up my children's lives. The terrorists know who we are. That we share Jesus with Muslims. It is not safe for our family. My husband and I prayed and fasted. And together we agreed God gave us our precious children. He has the freedom to take them back.
When we agreed to put our children on the altar. I knew I had to tell them the truth. I told them that it was possible men with swords may come through our door. Men who don't know Jesus. They may say bad things to us and try to force us to convert to Islam. But no matter what they say. We should not answer them. We should only tell them that Jesus loves them. That we forgive them. I told them that we might see some blood and have some pain. But it would only be for a little while. That we should just close our eyes. And that when we open them we will be with Jesus.
Am I a good mother to have to tell my children such things? I also told them that as God wants us to be safe that we will be safe. That he is in control. Even during the bloodshed. During the killing. He is carrying hour future.
This is what it means to be a Christian in Syria.
Or is this what it means to be a Christian?
It is my understanding this family refused offers for asylum in Europe. After fasting and praying they believed God had called them to stay and be a witness for Jesus in Syria. I do not know if the family is still alive. They may be with Jesus. The video was posted by Voice of the Martyrs two years ago.
The video can be viewed on YouTube under Leina's Prayer. The video contains graphic content in that there are reenactments of atrocities by Johadists. Thus the video may not be suitable for younger minds. However the video is far more powerful than the text above.
This story has been resonating in my heart all afternoon. I am questioning whether I know what it means to be a Christian in my comfortable American lifestyle. God grant that I may lay it all down as this precious family did.
"No man is a fool to give up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
... Jim Elliot, Martyred Missionary, Attempting to Reach Others for Christ...
May we keep this family and others like them in our thoughts and prayers.
| 2016/6/8 22:31 | |
| Re: | | Blaine, Yeah, I actually played that video (among others from VOM, Open Doors, etc.) for our fellowship about 6 months or so ago when I shared from the Word & testimonies on the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. God Bless, Jeff |
| 2016/6/9 0:47 | |
| Re: Friday, June 10, 2016 | | "When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die."
--- Dietrich Bonhoeffer---
Our sister Liena asked God what He would have her do to be a witness for Him. In essence she was asking God what He would have her do to be a "martyr" for Him. I do not know if this was the original intent of her prayer. But both she and her dear husband had to work out laying everything down for the Lord Jesus Christ. Even their own lives. Even that of one another. And that of their precious children.
In the Greek the word "martyr" means witness. Both words can be used interchangeably in the New Testament.
In Acts 1:8 Jesus tells his disciples that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. Though the disciples did not realize it at the time. Jesus was giving them a prophetic declaration that they would be His martyrs in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. History has borne that all of the Apostles save one died a violet martyr's death. They did this testifying of the Lord Jesus Christ. They died being a witness of Him.
For the last two thousand years the believing Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has shed her blood. This blood has been the seed of many coming to faith in the Lord Jesus. Tertullian writes that the blood of the martyr is the seed of the church. Jesus taught that unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains alone. But if it dies it bears much fruit.
The year 2015 saw many martyrs enter into the presence of Christ. Some even on the shores of America. Last year in February we were gripped by 21 believers in the Lord Jesus Christ shedding their blood on the shores of Libya.
Last summer, 12 members of a ministry team were horribly martyred by ISIS. A father had to endure the pain and agony of watching his 12 year old son having his fingernail tips cut off. Then being horribly beaten and later martyred. All to get the father to renounce his faith in Christ. Two sisters were taken to another location and horribly violated. All the while the sisters were praying for their persecutors to know Jesus. All the while the sisters were telling the persecutors we forgive you. All of this made the persecuted even more angry. All the members of the ministry team were eventually martyred not having denied their faith in Jesus. All of them confessing His name in the end.
That day when 21 believers died. They died with the name of Jesus on their lips. That day the enemy was defeated and Jesus got the victory.
That day when 12 members of a ministry team were martyred. Satan was defeated. And Jesus got the victory.
This has been the testimony of the church down through the sges. The persecuted church is not a defeated church. But it is a victorious church. For it is a church that has overcome Satan because of the blood of the Lamb, because of the word of their testimony, and because they did not love their life even when faced with death.
At the end of Leina's prayer she says this is what it means to be a Christian in Syria. The video then asks a question of us. Is this what it means to be a Christian for us in other parts of the world? Are we called to take up our cross and to lay it down for Jesus? Are we called to be a martyr for Jesus?
Brother Blaine
| 2016/6/10 5:45 | |
| Re: Saturday, Jube 11, 2016 | | .. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves; we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed, perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always caring about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death Works in us, but life in you...2 Cor. 4: 7-11.
I heard a brother from a restricted nation say that it is easy to die for Christ in an instant. But the challenge for the persecuted church is to continually live for Christ. For the persecuted believer must die daily with the constant threat of persecution as a reality of his everyday life. Thus the persecuted believer must die to the expectations of saving his own life. Realizing that each day his life is in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. Each day could very well be his last day on earth.
This brother went on to remark that he must treat each day as if it were his last day on earth. Which given the nation he comes from cuuld very well be the case. Thus he tries to live each day reaching as many people for the Lord Jesus Christ as he can.
... For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain...Phil. 1:21
... I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,who loved me, and gave Himself up for me...Gal. 2:20
My brothers and sisters are we living each day as if it were our last day on earth?
Brother Blaine
| 2016/6/11 6:41 | | billy1980 Member

Joined: 2016/3/9 Posts: 312 Tennesse-
| Re: | | Brother Blain, thankyou for posting these truths. _________________ Billy Witt
| 2016/6/11 14:18 | Profile |
| Re: Bilky | | Brother you are most welcome. I pray this thread continues to be a blessing to you and to others who read it. Initially it was meant to be a collection of quotations and scriptures to draw awareness to the persecuted church. But as I started sharing on the thread I realized the persecuted were speaking to my heart. Thus I have tried to convey what they were saying to me here on this thread.
So anyway my brother you are most welcome and pray the thread will continue to be a blessing to you and others. But I do pray that it will draw attention to our persecuted brothers and sisters. And also raise more awareness and prayer on their behalf. But I also pray this thread will be their voice to us. And what they would say to us in the midst of their sufferings.
Brother I have no pipeline to the persecuted. Thus what I hear is how they speak to my heart in the midst of their sufferings. And in a sense I think that they are speaking to all of our hearts.
My brother much grace and blessing be upon you from Jesus. |
| 2016/6/11 19:17 | |
| Re: Sunday, Juky 11, 2016 | | ...So death works in us, but life on you...2 Corithinians 4:10
A brother once remarked to me that one hour spent in the presence of someone who has undergone persecution will expose the shallowness of our Western Christian faith. Recently I had the blessing of meeting a pastor from the front lines of a restricted nation. Being in his presence I have found this to be true. This simple man's faith put my Western-style Christianity to shame.
As we read about the persecuted in times past and present. Indeed on those rare occasions when we meet them. We find that our western style Christian faith is indeed put to shame because we have is a head knowledge of Jesus. But somehow very little heart knowledge of Him.
But I have found that there is another side of meeting a persecuted brother or sister. Or reading about such. We see in them a life. Like that which manifests the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Jesus Christ. There's something in there Christ centered lives that calls out to hungry hearts in the West. There is something in the lives of persecuted brothers and sisters that hungry hearts in the west long for. I believe what those hungry hearts are longing for is more of an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.
As death works in the lives of our persecuted brothers and sisters. As they lay down their lives for the Lord Jesus Christ and their fragrant aroma calls out to our hearts. Their fragrant aroma is speaking life to us that long for more than just the mediocrity of western-style Christianity. For those remnants saints that are seeking a deeper walk With Jesus. The heart knowledge of Jesus, the persecuted brothers and sisters have, calls out for us to have that same relationship with Him.
And indeed we can have that same relationship with Him. But it requires the same cost that our brothers and sisters in restricted nations pay. And the cost is a cross. Paul, and our persecuted brothers and sisters, would echo Philippians 3:10-11,
... that I may know him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, in order that I made it to the resurrection from the dead...
Paul wrote the above verse as he was in one of the Nero's jails in Rome. Yet even in the fellowship of the sufferings of Jesus. Paul cried out for more of Him. Our brothers and sisters in the midst of their sufferings cry out for more of Jesus. And something of their cries echo in our hearts that we want more of Jesus. We want more of Jesus as they want more Jesus. But to have more of Jesus will require us to pay a price. And that price will be to lay it all down for Him. But is He not worth counting all things as loss for the surpassing value to know Him.
The persecuted church thinks such. That in the midst of their sufferings they want more of Jesus. Indeed let that be the cry of our heart. To want more of Jesus. Even the price that we pay will be well worth it. For this is what our persecuted brothers and sisters are praying for us. This is what their sacrifice is speaking to us. Their prayers and sacrifice at the cross are speaking life into our hungry hearts.
Lord Jesus as our persecuted brothers and sisters cry out for more of You. Let that also be the cry of our hearts this day. Let us die to ourselves so that You may live in us. Let us die to the things of this world. So that Jesus will dwell in our hearts richly. For I ask this in your blessed name. Amen.
| 2016/6/12 6:44 | |
| Re: A Further Reflection... | | " The Lord does not call us to be masters of theology or doctrine but followers and disciples of Him."
...Brother Greg Gordon...
The above quote posted by brother Greg yesterday has really been resonating in my heart. It seems the more I camp in the fellowship of the persecuted brothers and sisters, the less important theology becomes.
Just a further thoughts for reflection.
| 2016/6/12 9:31 | |