Poster | Thread |
| Re: Mark | | Is this the same Mark as Awakened?
Perhaps our persecution to some degree may be self-inflicted. But I do believe there is a remnant faith bride that God is calling forth even in this nation. Otherwise we need to rethink Revelation 7:9-10
.......After hese things I looked, and behold a great multitude which no one could count, from every NATION and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes with palm branches were in their hands and they cry out with a loud voice, saying "Salvation to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb.".......
Brother I do believe that God is calling forth a remnant out of America. And because of that called out remnant persecution will come upon them because they fallow the Lamb wherever He goes.
Simply my thoughts brother
Caps are for emphasis only. |
| 2016/3/27 13:15 | |
| Re: marcmc vs awakened | | no brother Blaine, marcmc is not me:-) We have different last names and my name is spelled with a k. But I really do love what brother marc has to say, thats for sure:-) |
| 2016/3/27 13:24 | |
| Re: | | Our persecution can be self inflicted for godly or ungodly reasons. Ungodly, when the Church departs from the gospel, viewing their enemies as flesh and blood and then leaning on the arm of the flesh to subdue their enemies, all in Jesus name.
1 Peter 4:12-16 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters. Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.
| 2016/3/27 13:30 | | Fatherschild Member
Joined: 2016/3/14 Posts: 37 Ontario
| Re: Was Paul Washer Wrong??? | | I hope it’s ok to poke my heart in here and share that I believe God’s Word referenced by the brethren in this thread reveals a distinction between God’s wrath upon the earth and the persecution of his saints in tribulation. I believe Paul Washer’s message signals correctly that we shall, as always has been the case, endure persecution as followers of Christ in this world which is not our home (John:16, Deut.:29-31). God tells us that tribulation works patience, which works experience, and then hope (Romans:5,12 and 2Thess:1). I am encouraged in Christ that He will see His Body through the persecution and tribulation that is on the doorstep in the west that so many of our dear brethren now suffer so greatly in this world. He alone will keep our eyes fixed upon Him in that day through His Holy Spirit for we are more than conquerers through Him (Romans:8).
Yesterday I was led to this sermon by Charles Wesley titled "The Cause and Cure of Earthquakes". It is a hard word and a good word (link below). I appreciate this thread because it helps to bring balance to my understanding regarding the distinction between God’s judgement/wrath and persecution/tribulation. God bless and keep every member of His body here.
_________________ Lois
| 2016/3/27 13:48 | Profile |
| Re: | | Bro Blane writes........
"Brother I do believe that God is calling forth a remnant out of America. And because of that called out remnant persecution will come upon them because they fallow the Lamb wherever He goes."
And Fatherschild writes..........
"I am encouraged in Christ that He will see His Body through the persecution and tribulation that is on the doorstep in the west that so many of our dear brethren now suffer so greatly in this world. He alone will keep our eyes fixed upon Him in that day through His Holy Spirit for we are more than conquerers through Him"
I say amen to those sentiments. The Bible tells us that the righteous are as bold as lions and that boldness is a direct result of the Baptism in The Holy Spirit where we see Peter transformed form one who had denied the name of Jesus to save his own skin to one who boldly proclaimed the truth of Jesus to a crowd who were quite capable of ripping him to shreds.
The Holy Spirit enables us to be bold when we have to be. Those who are fearful or try to promote fear when others speak of things to come should look to the Spirit of God to dispel their fears, He will do it. We are told that perfect love casts out all fear. We are also told that we have not been given a spirit of fear but a Spirit of love and of power and of a sound mind. This Spirit of course comes more fully to us when we are faced with fearful situations because we know that God will never leave us nor forsake us and when the enemy comes in like a flood then God Himself raise up a standard in us and over us and that is why we can say with certainty, despite what those who try to promote fear in the children of God say, that we shall be and are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus and all of this is to His glory...............bro Frank
| 2016/3/27 14:27 | | Fatherschild Member
Joined: 2016/3/14 Posts: 37 Ontario
| Re: | | Amen brother Frank and may God quicken that boldness and soundness of mind in the very depths of our beings in Him today. _________________ Lois
| 2016/3/27 15:15 | Profile |
| Re: | | If it's self inflicted, then it's really not persecution, but chastisement. Neither is the wrath of God. One is the attack of Satn (which God still uses) & the other is discipline from a loving Father who knows what we need to correct us. |
| 2016/3/28 1:25 | |
| Re: really? | | Prophecy is not just "proclamation". That's the half step away from "prophecy is just preaching" that cessationist a like John MacArthur try to spin to explain away all the passages of scripture in the NT concerning prophecy. When Agabus prophesied, it was foretelling a future famine (some historians think it was as much as 10 years in advance). And prophecy is explained in the epistle/letter of 1 Corinthains too. If by proclamation you mean, "proclaiming things only God would otherwise know by the Spirit", then yes that happens too, but predictive prophecy is in the NT also as I already said. The Prophetic gift is the seeing by the eye & spirit of God that which others do not see. It is insight that is God's insight. Sometimes into a person like a word of knowledge or discernment (like Paul turning around & telling that sorcerer they had a demon & casting it out) & sometimes it's future predictive (like Agabus signifying by the spirit a great famine coming to Jerusalem). |
| 2016/3/28 1:32 | | brothagary Member
Joined: 2011/10/23 Posts: 2556
| Re: | | But also in Hebrews we see chastisement ,come in the form of pesacution .... |
| 2016/3/28 4:14 | Profile |
| Re: | | by jeffmar1130 wrote,
"If it's self inflicted, then it's really not persecution, but chastisement. Neither is the wrath of God. One is the attack of Satn (which God still uses) & the other is discipline from a loving Father who knows what we need to correct us."
The phase of self inflicted persecution the Church in NA is in and which will increase is the result of several mistakes.
Not for profit statues - This is why the Church and believers are broke and in debt. Worldliness - Primarily interested in a long peaceful life here and now. Atheism - No coherent responses to the new Athieism. Islam - Uneducated responses to their errors and doctrine allowing it to gain the footing here that it did in Europe due to the same ignorance. Church growth movement - too many negatives to even list Division - Believers focusing on differences instead of unity Gadgets - Insane infatuation with likes, views and posting pictures of your supper. Lack of Wisdom - Your neighbors, boss and coworkers should be asking your advice on marriage, money, kids etc all the time. God will do it - Sitting on our hands waiting for God to do who knows what, who knows how, who knows when. Timidity - Thinking that bold fearlessness is unchristian. The Gospel of nice. No originality - An endless line of "me too" ideas. When anything looks successful half the churches in the country do the same thing.
This is a simple partial list which ultimately has left the Church with very little purpose outside our buildings. We abandoned the marketplace for the suburbs and tried to get the world to come and join us, and for years they just laughed but now they just want us gone. We are little more than a noisy nuisance. It's not God or Satan its us.
| 2016/3/28 6:38 | |