I am enjoying the discussion, but perhaps the motive of the discussion has been lost due to all the different threads. Obviously there have been accusations (false I might add) of ulterior motives. I for one am fine with discussion for the sake of discussion- particularly topics that interest me. But perhaps it might be helpful to explain 1) why the proper view of Israel is important; 2) what are the consequences of being wrong; 3) are the consequences of being wrong dire. Personally I put very little importance on eschatology. It is interesting but I used to be much more interested when I was dispensational because I liked to make current events fit. Since I moved from that camp, I really place little importance on it. My motto is just Be Ready. So I am curious why you think a particular view of Israel matters in the long run.
I absolutely agree that we should be promoting love on both sides, FOR BOTH SIDES. There is much pain and loss that everyone has encountered and people are hurting. http://www.theparentscircle.org/Content.aspx?ID=60Here is a very touching film about Arab and Jewish parents who have lost family members, coming together to understand and reconcile with each other. Jesus is not even in the mix and they are coming together in love. How much more should the Church of Jesus Christ being sowing seeds of love over there instead of taking sides? http://www.theparentscircle.org/Article.aspx?ID=1259I would like to see the Church of Jesus Christ stop taking sides in this conflict and take the side of Jesus.
I would like to see the Church of Jesus Christ stop taking sides in this conflict and take the side of Jesus.
Arab and Jewish parents who have lost family members, coming together to understand and reconcile ...
I think we can, at least with you, ProudPapa, docs, roadsign, TMK and JFW. Crusader also has been civil and makrothumia actually posted one time and I think everyone missed his post, which was actually a good post. Doc: I think Heydave should also be included in any future conversations or discussions.
_________________David Winter
It's what we all want, Diane. I think we can all agree that a theology that favors one group of people to the detriment of another group is not a theology anyone here wants to embrace.http://littleguyintheeye.com/biblical-studies/end-times/zionism/
Yes we all want to keep bashing God's chosen people Israel in a civil and polite manner don't we?A soft kill , so silky smooth and so approachable. Yes you got it Juli
docs wrote: For Julius
by docs on 2015/11/3 18:45:10I think we can, at least with you, ProudPapa, docs, roadsign, TMK and JFW. Crusader also has been civil and makrothumia actually posted one time and I think everyone missed his post, which was actually a good post. Doc: I think Heydave should also be included in any future conversations or discussions.
Jesus Christ is LORD