Poster | Thread |
| Re: | | Glad you were helped and this thread can end early. :-) |
2015/10/19 23:56 | |
Lysa Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: | | Quote:
by Julius21
Glad you were helped and this thread can end early. :-)
:) But it won't... end early!! :) Or I should say, "We'll see!" _________________ Lisa
2015/10/20 5:18 | Profile |
| Re: | | Why do do Christians tithe, when Jews don't tithe today? It should be what ever you purpose in your heart to give. One of the reasons churches push the tithes is because they have a huge budget that needs to be met. |
2015/10/20 10:36 | |
| Re: | | Satan is the master of "reasonable alternatives", and he has a counterfeit for everything and anything that has to do with the heart.
Notice, that all of his "alternatives", replace Jesus with men and the heart with law, and of course he hides himself by working through religious men.
The Enemy replaces: Jesus with men. Holy Spirit with unholy spirit. Law of Liberty with legalism. Inward issues of the heart with external performance. Conviction with guilt, oppression.
2015/10/20 12:24 | |
proudpapa Member

Joined: 2012/5/13 Posts: 2936
| Re: Julius21 | | Are you saying that bringing ourself under obligation to give atleast 10% is legalism ? add : Of which I would agree
Would you agree that the right thing to do would be to make ourselves available for the Lord to place on our heart (a feeling) that would direct us to whom and for how much to give ?
Add: Would that mean that our Our availability would release God's ability to meet the needs of those whom he desired ? |
2015/10/20 15:59 | Profile |
JHerndon Member

Joined: 2010/8/1 Posts: 92 Bonifay,Fl
| Re: | | I personally believe that giving strictly 10% to the penny because that's what we feel is required can be legalistic. I believe we should give cheerfully and sacrificially. If we are giving 10% out of a fear of being sent to hell that doesn't sound cheerful. Also 10% to some might not be very sacrificial and 5% to others might be extremely sacrificial. In the book of Acts there is no set amount. They were giving everything they could give. _________________ Joshua Herndon
2015/10/20 16:06 | Profile |
| Re: | | Religion relentlessly drums into your mind to perform, perform, perform. All you think about is how far short you fall and that you must perform more, give more until you burn out, leave one organization and go to the next.
The spirit-filled Christian does not think of these things, he is too busy loving the Lord and loving others.
World of difference between the spiritual man and the fleshly man.
2015/10/20 16:11 | |
twayneb Member

Joined: 2009/4/5 Posts: 2256 Joplin, Missouri
| Re: | | I think this has been a great thread. I am in agreement. The tithe as a commandment went the way of the rest of the old covenant. It is not a New Covenant requirement, although giving is a vital (life giving) principle set forth. We should give cheerfully as we purpose in our heart. We should give sacrificially. Our faithfulness in giving is complemented by God's faithfulness in meeting our needs. I do think 10% is a good starting point. It is good to be disciplined in the matter of giving. But this is not a legalistic command. I give because I love the Lord, and because I love His body. I want to bless the body of Christ so she can be effectual in ministry in a world that uses money as the medium of exchange. I want to meet the needs of others. I want to express to God with my carnal things appreciation for His giving me all things that pertain unto life and Godliness. I want to demonstrate my faith in Him that He will meet all my needs. This should be the motivation for NT giving in my estimation. _________________ Travis
2015/10/20 16:33 | Profile |
| Re: | | 10% tithe "as a starting point" should be held privately by people and not preached publicly. There are people on Social Security (or less) that give in many, many ways that are not necessarily financial and when they hear "10% is a starting point", especially from their spiritual elders/pastor, they feel obligated. This can be religious coercion that talks them out of finances they need for themselves or others.
We should never put laws on each other that govern the provision that God is supplying to them. It is not for us to tell another person what to do with their possessions or time. |
2015/10/20 16:46 | |
JFW Member

Joined: 2011/10/21 Posts: 2009 Dothan, Alabama
| Re: | | I love to tithe, it is a very very enjoyable exercise of faith. Once I came to Christ everything I have became His, and I do believe I'll give an account to Him for how these resources/gifts were utilized to advance His kingdom. It's interesting as sometimes He tells me to comp a service to a client or to give a larger amount to the church and these often happen at a time when in the physical, my resources are low... tho when I submit to His will in faith rather than rationalize not obeying, His peace becomes ever more tangible and the bills I may have been concerning myself with always get met in a timely fashion. As I see it it's not only the resources that are His but the debts too and that gives me a great confidence in His abilities and makes me even more aware of just how intimately He cares for His children:) _________________ Fletcher
2015/10/20 17:12 | Profile |