Poster | Thread | onemite Member

Joined: 2011/9/19 Posts: 168
| Re: | | John, I'm not a strong person. I can promise you that it is not that you are weaker than most. I pray that very soon you come to see that God is the strong One. Tony Evans is correct in saying we must use the Word of God- God is Truth and His Word is Truth too. It's not just true for some- it's true for all. The magic though, isn't in the words- it's in the faith in the One who spoke them to us. I tell myself, "faith comes by hearing- and hearing the Word of God." So even though I sometimes have no confidence in my faith in a Word I speak aloud, I say it anyway, because I say, "Lord, YOU SAY..." and "Holy Spirit, I ask you for increased faith to believe that is for me." Then He reminds me that while I was still sinning: not seeking Him or caring about knowing Him, that He died for ME... and He died for you. He is God. He is more than able to reach the weak and battered. For years I was kind of mad at Him for not making all the stuff that tormented my mind to just go away. I also thought that I wasn't strong enough to grab onto what He had for me, which now I can see that I really just did not believe that He could or would save me. It's a lie.I hope that you don't think like I did. I pray that you will recieve the love that God has for you. He's no respecter of persons. I am confident that what He did for me, He will do for you.
| 2015/10/2 14:05 | Profile |
| Re: | | Boy, that is so good onemite. I'm not strong, either. We have to learn to be dependent on His strength in our weaknesses and temptations or we will never have victory.
Our foe is much stronger than our flesh but Christ is stronger than our foe and flesh, put together.
It's not just that His death gave us the victory over sin and death, but daily, by His life, we will experience victory.
Greater is HE that is in You than HE that is in the world.
His ever present life is in us!
Rom_5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, MUCH MORE, being reconciled, WE SHALL BE SAVED BY HIS LIFE.
This Salvation is not in the future. His life is able to save us from sin, flesh and Satan, daily.
He (His life) is able to keep us "SAFE", each moment of every day. |
| 2015/10/2 17:52 | |
| Re: prayer | | Having some degree of confidence in oneself by doing or not doing certain things is an ongoing problem with many Christians. We look to the Holy Spirit as some kind of booster shot to empower or energize our human will. We expect Him to build up our supply of grit and determination, so we can stand up to temptation the next time it comes. We cry, "Make me strong, Lord! Give me an iron will, so I can withstand all sin." But God knows this would only make our flesh stronger, enabling it to boast. I want you to examine yourself: What has all your crying, grieving and questioning brought you? Do you now enjoy lasting freedom or do you occasionally go back to your sin? Are your times of repentance increasingly marked by more tears, louder crying and deeper despair - with no sign of deliverance from bondage? If the Old Covenant had truly done its work in you, you would already be "dead." You would not have any tears left, any strength to cry out, any confidence in your flesh whatsoever. The truth is, most of our weeping, begging and striving comes from our continuing expectation that something good can rise up out of our human nature to offer the Lord. But that simply is never going to happen. We are always going to be too weak and frail in our flesh to produce holiness. Yes, we are commanded to be strong - but only in the power of God's might, and not our own. Please do not misunderstand me. I emphatically believe there is such a thing as godly sorrow over sin. Such sorrow produces true repentance. And I believe there are acceptable tears that flow from the hearts of those who grieve over wounding Christ. If you have never prayed from this place of repentance, you might want to do so now. Lord, I confess my inability to obey Your commandments. I acknowledge my utter helplessness to deliver myself from sin's dominion. In all my strivings to get free, I have failed again and again. So now I come to You as "dead" - in full surrender. I confess my need to be delivered from my sin - and I admit I cannot do it on my own. Oh, Lord, Your Old Covenant has accomplished in me two important things. First, I know in my heart that I want to be free. I truly want You to crush sin's dominion over me. I don't want to excuse my sin anymore, and I don't want to be given over to it. My heart's desire is to be holy and blameless before You. Whatever it takes, Father, I want to be delivered. I want to live wholly dependent on Your power. Second, I have abandoned all hope of ever getting free by my own strength. I realize my only hope of freedom from slavery rests in Your power. I come to You now by faith, Lord, casting myself into Your hands. Show me the blessings and provisions of Your New Covenant. I need a new revelation, a new arrangement. The old one has only brought me to despair. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. |
| 2015/10/3 7:07 | |
| Re: | | thank you guys. Still seeking Him about this all. |
| 2015/10/24 17:28 | |
| Re: | | Guys i have been having some progress the last week or so with my relationship with the lord and felt closer to him. But i seem to be getting physically oppressed by the enemy still but at times i am confused on whether or not it is from god or the enemy. Believing the lies of the enemy has been one big struggles and diserning gods voice from him. I still keep thinking god is going to punish me for my sins or my wrong thoughts. It is a real struggle. I need your prayers. I am fighting a daily battle. Please if you could keep in your prayers. Thank you so much |
| 2015/11/8 20:53 | |
| Re: | | Also i have been thinking about moving to another church home. I have found a church that i really enjoy the teaching and worship. But i am unsure if i should leave my current church where the lord has used me to help with the youth but some of the teaching i think is not helping me grow. So if you could pray for me and my wife who is not attending church but if she does start going i want sound teaching that can affect her to being saved. |
| 2015/11/8 21:00 | |
| Re: | | Hey guys I decided to stay at my church. I think the Lord is showing me that i am being overly critical in my life and looking at others too much and their wrongs and not my own. Also at the time I had just started my new job at Dollar Tree Warehouse and working overnights and have been lacking sleep so I been struggling a lot and thinking the wrong way when i am tired. I have been very depressed because i have been working 6 days a week and not getting a lot of sleep. I stopped working at walmart in October when I got this job, I do miss the work and people. |
| 2015/12/6 3:17 | | dohzman Member

Joined: 2004/10/13 Posts: 2132
| Brother John | | I just wanted you to know that I will stand with you in prayer and I am asking The Lord who Loved on the cross, died and rose again from the grave, the Same God who lives everyday to pray for you and covers you with His robe of Righteousness, who sings songs of rejoicing over you, will give you peace and help you to find contentment in the little things of life, that as a gardener lifts up the petals of a plant that the rain has caused to get soiled from the dirt of the ground, that the same Lord will lift you up and wash your feet and give you liberty to simply praise Him and enjoy His presence the same way He enjoys your presence. That as you wait on the Lord even for a few minutes here and there that moment by moment Your strength would be renewed like the eagles and you would mount up and allow His breath to lift you higher into His presence. May He help you to have a farmers prospective and not be driven day by day but to find comfort in the moment as you live with eternity in your heart as a full citizen of Heaven, safe with your name written in the palm of His hand.. You are going to be alright brother, Jesus is a very present help in a time of need. God Bless _________________ D.Miller
| 2015/12/6 13:51 | Profile |