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Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413

 Preparing the heart for the war to come

Hi All

Over the last 3 months my study and attention has been on the gay marriage rulings in America and the devastation this will bring our different nations. To my surprise their has been at least 4 prominent Dr's in the media standing up for the principles of Christ in America. These men are devoted to the Lord, able to be logical in debates with Love but are firm in their stance.

Watching these men standup and be counted really blessed my heart and reassured me that God is in control and that no matter how well the enemy thinks he is winning, God has his people in all areas of our society spreading the light of the gospel. The biggest thing that God has been preparing me for is that Christian's will be persecuted in all aspects of ministry. those with solid foundations in scripture will be able to stand where as those that have some weaker foundations in Christ will be in dread when their faith is put to the test.

This has helped me to really look at all aspects of thoughts and testing every thought that i have against the scriptures and would it stand during a fiery trial.

karl rashleigh

 2015/8/16 8:10Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482

 Re: Preparing the heart for the war to come

I, too, was encouraged. I think I know, but which 4 prominent doctors??

 2015/8/16 10:16Profile

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


Hi Mama27

Dr Ben Carson
Dr Conway
these 2 are the most spoken at the moment. the other 2 i will post up when i find them again. I'm not very good at remembering names. i will post them up when they come up again. :)

karl rashleigh

 2015/8/16 18:44Profile

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


Dr Ben Carson is for eliminating the religious exemptions for vaccinations.

Christians should not support any politician whom is openly for eliminating any already established religious exemption.

By eliminating the religious exemption on vaccines the legislative road will already be paved for a manditory chip implant.

One should also research Carson with the issue of fetal tissue research.
Carson defends his research on aborted fetuses :

 2015/8/16 22:10Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


I would urge believers to be careful about quickly believing the narrative manufactured by the media. They certainly aren't for portraying Christians in a positive, truthful or accurate light. Moreover, the media pundits aren't necessarily tasked with getting people to vote for their favorite candidates if they can simply get people to refrain from voting for the candidates that they oppose.

During college, I listened to a guest lecturer from the Clinton Administration who admitted that their goal in 1992 was not to get Christians to vote for Bill Clinton (because they knew that most would not) but to either get them to vote for Ross Perot or refrain from voting altogether. Thus, they manufactured phony scandals involving President George H. W. Bush and solicited the media's help in "getting the stories out there."

As for vaccinations: I feel very strongly that vaccines work and I reject much of the "natural" or "holistic" health claims against their efficacy or dangers. However, I still think that individuals should have a right to reject them -- even if I think that they are largely incorrect with many of their motives.

If I had to choose between a man like Dr. Ben Carson, an opposing candidate who celebrates abortion, homosexual marriage and all types of immorality legislated upon society or choosing no one (which, by default, favors the immorality-celebrating candidate), I would think that Dr. Carson would make a better chief executive than choosing to not vote and insure the election of the opposition candidate.

Of course, this is only my prayerful and studious opinion.


 2015/8/17 0:01Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753


More Republicans back gay marriage than is commonly believed. It was not so long in the past that over 50 prominent Republicans signed a endorsement of this type of marriage. It's futile at his point to be looking for Republicans to rescue us but I realize we know and believe that.

David Winter

 2015/8/17 7:28Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: Preparing the heart for the war to come

There is absolutely no difference between Republicans and Democrats, maybe a little theology but the exact same corporations endorse and support both parties. And they've both read "Machiavelli"!!! God is our only hope, not the voting booth.

One more thing, Christians need to get their eyes off of the legalization of gay marriage and it's devastation. That is just a DISTRACTION of the enemy and that distraction leaves God's people in the "poor, poor, pitiful, woo is me, I've tried to serve you God but they won't let me," mentality."

I believe that God is still saying today, "Get up, look to the fields for they are white, ready for a harvest, there is still 7000 that haven't bowed their knees to baal. Are you going to sit here or go find them?"

I personally believe that this will be God's finest hour!


 2015/8/17 8:05Profile


by Lysa on 2015/8/17 8:05:28

There is absolutely no difference between Republicans and Democrats, maybe a little theology but the exact same corporations endorse and support both parties. And they've both read "Machiavelli"!!! God is our only hope, not the voting booth.

One more thing, Christians need to get their eyes off of the legalization of gay marriage and it's devastation. That is just a DISTRACTION of the enemy and that distraction leaves God's people in the "poor, poor, pitiful, woo is me, I've tried to serve you God but they won't let me," mentality."

I believe that God is still saying today, "Get up, look to the fields for they are white, ready for a harvest, there is still 7000 that haven't bowed their knees to baal. Are you going to sit here or go find them?"

I personally believe that this will be God's finest hour!

You are absolutely right, Lysa. No difference between them. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church because of Jesus Christ, not politics or Peter or anything or anyone else.

Chris, is and proudpapa are right that people should have the right to reject vaccinations. My next door neighbor's son wanted to play football on his school team but he had to have a vaccination. He was 13 years old. After his vaccination he became very sick and then completely autistic (we used to call it retarded). He is 27 now and cannot function without the the help of his mother.

If we don't have the right to reject physically invasive procedures then we won't have the right to reject the chip. They are using vaccinations to condition the sheeple to receive whatever is determined.

 2015/8/17 8:17

Joined: 2011/8/23
Posts: 1727
Tennessee, but my home's in Alabama


"Did we in our own strength confide,
Our striving would be losing.
Were not the right Man on our side,
The Man of God's own choosing.
Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is He!
Lord Saboath His Name,
And age to age the same.
And He must win the battle."

We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness.... .

There is no deliverer, no advocate, no rescuer among any field of candidates.


 2015/8/17 8:18Profile


The marriage of politics and religion a good reason to avoid both. I see that the Romish pope is going to address the Congress. First time ever.

The Cunning Genius of the Vatican Papal System

 2015/8/17 9:02

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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