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Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179

 Re: a-servant

The tobacco industry's propanda was still shaping the minds of consumers and non-consumers alike, they had their audience under tight mind control for quite a while, and the naysayers where obviously 'haunted by demons'.

The problem with this wireless technology is that it actually can be used for mind control. I have read of a case where a specific frequency was broadcast over an entire community to determine how many would be affected. There is a specific frequency that cases depression, fear, apathy etc.

There have been three instances that I observed where my husband has been influenced by his cell phone. One time it was confusion - he could not understand what I was trying to tell him (above and beyond the normal male/female thing). Another time he was acting like a zombie (totally unresponsive to what was happening around him). And the third time it was road rage. All three times these things came upon him suddenly, and all three times the problem immediately dissipated when the phone was removed.

As for me, I do not have a cell phone. Before all this started, the LORD made it clear that He did not want me to have one. Additionally, he would not let me use the cordless phone that I had (it turns out that these are even worse than cell phones because you have both the antenna and the receiver in the house with you). When I am hit with high frequency levels it makes it extremely hard think. It also causes my dog, who is usually at my feet, great distress.

 2014/5/26 15:16Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Heartsong wrote:Well, we do have satellites beaming down plenty of pornographic images that entangle more than a few Christians. And the men that propagate these images are clearly filled with demons.

That is a very good point. I may not understand all the things you have shared through this thread but I do agree that we are overly saturated with information, images, entertainment, coming at us all the time and much of it is not good for us spiritually.

God bless

 2014/5/26 15:23Profile

Joined: 2008/4/12
Posts: 1306
Hampshire, UK


"And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heartwas only evil continually." Genesis 6:5

So in Noah's day did they have cell phones, satelites, radio waves and even electricity? What was their excuse?


 2014/5/26 16:27Profile

Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego

 Re: regarding electricity

Heartsong has not gathered much sympathy here, and I wonder if we are confusing the difference between sin and radiation sensitivity?

Paul told his readers that they were free to eat pretty much anything that was received with thanksgiving, and dismissed the refusal to eat meat offered to idols as unnecessary. EXCEPT that if one's hosts were to tell you that the meat had been offered to an idol, that knowledge changed the moral dynamics. That meat was not to be eaten, but only for conscience sake. It was important not to carelessly damage the sensibilities of someone for whom this was a major issue.

So likewise, to be in Heartsong's presence I would feel morally compelled to refrain from using my cell phone or i-pad, or doing anything else that might exacerbate her radiologic symptoms or display a callousness toward a precious sister.

Just as the use of alcohol in Christian venues changes according to the region in which you find yourself, so it is with any practice which might weaken or damage another Christian. Part of becoming all things to all men, mature Christians moderate their behavior and appetites in deference to others- this should be no burden as it should be a pleasure to be a demonstration of Christ wherever we are.

So the use of a cell phone is not in itself a sin, but knowingly using one in Heartsong's close vicinity is!

Christ's honor always trumps my inconvenience!

Tom Cameron

 2014/5/26 21:17Profile

 Re: Tin foil hats!!!

if I had ever thought, this thread would careen so wildly, I NEVER would have made the original post, which was a posting from brother "Jason A's" youtube channel.

This dear brother "collects" newscasts of "signs of the age". I realize there are very disturbing and frightening trends gathering strength, seemingly to zero in, on each and every of us, and those we love.

but like everything that spews forth from the maw of the devil, and the spirit of anti-christs, who have come into the world, its a lie.

God loves us, All Powerful, All Knowing, Full of Grace, Mercy, Tenderness, and FAITHFULLNESS. THE LORD and Messiah Jesus are Holy and Pure, the Righteousness of Righteousness, Omnipotent, and He has blessed us with His Holy Spirit to live IN us.

Yes, sometimes we fear while in these jars of clay, but we are NOT GIVEN......TO...a spirit of fear. Like The Psalmist testified, in Truth, we can hide under the Wings of God.

When you go thru the Holy Word of The Psalms, you'll keep seeing four words, attributes, used again and again:

"Steadfast love and Faithless"....THIS is our Father God...our Jesus, so that when you feel the world, the flesh and devil, vexing you, assailing you....just ponder those attributes:

"Steadfast Love and Faithfulness"...if you have to.....over and over again...not like some goofy new age mantra, banish THAT thought, but as the Reality of a Loving Merciful God....Who is YOUR Father, Holy and Majestic, who Joy it is to display in all seeking souls....US....His Steadfast Love and Faithfulness.

and in final loving exhortation and ANY comfort I can bring to the "table", bury this precious portion of Hebrews in your hearts, you redeemed of Christ;

"Therefore, holy brothers,[a] you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession," Hebrews 3:1

Consider Jesus...when in fear, reach for His Hand.

 2014/5/26 21:51

Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego


Relax, Neil, and thank you for your always gracious thoughts!

"Had I known the thread would careen wildly..." I love that, yes it is like a top-heavy lorry without brakes on a mountain road, but maybe that's what keeps it always interesting, drawing out the postings we would never see if it only produced yawns!

Tin foil hats? Hey, whatever works! Some people have been known to hear radio broadcasts in their metal tooth fillings!

Wonder if the beer commercials make them thirsty??

Tom Cameron

 2014/5/26 22:03Profile

Joined: 2008/5/3
Posts: 435


Quote:"The problem with this wireless technology is that it actually can be used for mind control."

I know, but this is one or two step too far for this discussion. We are still on the floor to establish that waves can influence body cells. That seems like fiction to most here.

Additionally the whole cell towers project is an official essential to completely map any area in any city in the world to identify your location at any time. Comes pretty handy in the upcoming cashless society and the 'new order' of total control. The additional benefit that you can communicate with it is just an appetizer, thats not the main function of the towers.

"As for me, I do not have a cell phone. Before all this started, the LORD made it clear that He did not want me to have one. "

ditto, it's really as simple as that. My sensitivity for it came first, THEN i read about it, wondering whats going on.

When God does not give you a sensitivity for fire, you will walk into it, and most likely get burned, while you happily discuss the imaginary reality of fire in the life of 'tin foil' people.

In an attempt to get off this electricity-does-work-on-bodycells talk, I just discovered what the original topic was here, it's actually "strange weather around the world". Hey did you know that not only planet earth is heating up at the moment, ALL planets in our solar system are heating up right now. Something the "climate change" people will not tell you. But a private investigator has, listen to his recent radio interviews and dont forget to put on your tin foils hahaha:

interesting in one regard: Once you can establish that ALL planets including the sun are heating up, the source of influence is not what we do on planet earth, pretty simple.

 2014/5/26 22:33Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


"Heartsong has not gathered much sympathy here..."

I think she has gathered a ton... quite frankly more than i would have imagined..

There is s time for sympathy and a time for being honest with someone.

I would recommend strongly that greg or one of the other moderators lock this thread.

Like i said earlier this is not the Art Bell forum.


 2014/5/26 22:37Profile


I would recommend strongly that greg or one of the other moderators lock this thread.

I second that motion and as the original poster, hope that carries a little weight.

 2014/5/26 22:52

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


So the use of a cell phone is not in itself a sin, but knowingly using one in Heartsong's close vicinity is!

Dear Sidewalk,
I do appreciate your kind words, but it is not as simple as that. The cell towers, which the phones utilize, are killing people.

MaryJane, this is not something that is easily understood. The LORD has given this to me piece by piece, and often I have had to be taken through things more than a few times in order to "get it." Additionally, I still have missing pieces as some things are not easy to swallow.

if I had ever thought, this thread would careen so wildly, I NEVER would have made the original post, which was a posting from brother "Jason A's" youtube channel.

HezWelling, dear brother, if you feel that I have stolen your thread, let me know and I will bow out. It seemed to me that what you posted opened the door for me to bring forth some of the things that the LORD has had on my heart for some time. The technology for weather manipulation, and what has been happening to me are one, and the same.

 2014/5/26 23:00Profile

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