Poster | Thread | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: a-servant | | Quote:
The site quoted twice already by TMK has also a forum. Read the appropriate sections to understand what the majority of the user base there believes.
Words are very powerful. Everything that we read, and hear, becomes a part of who we are. While we may not initially see the difference, eventually that which we have taken in will become a part of our heart and will manifest itself in our words.
It is similar to that which we choose to eat. We can not really see the difference at first, but it will eventually show up in the condition of our heart. It is best to avoid that which is known to be unhealthy.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God." - John 1:1-2
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh." - Luke 6:45
"The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words." - Proverbs 23:8
| 2014/5/24 14:26 | Profile | Sidewalk Member

Joined: 2011/11/11 Posts: 719 San Diego
| Re: Reluctant to weigh in here | | All the science is not in on this, but there is a notable population who are sensitive to various forms of radiation and radio transmissions. An expert I am not, but it is interesting that the little town of Green Bank West Virginia has become a haven for folks with the sensitivity- real or imagined.
Green Bank does not allow wireless technology, no wifi hotspots, no cell phones. I expect the local handbook has a complete guide to smoke signal interpretation, but I haven't checked that out.
I have no plans to move there, or prevent anyone else from doing so. _________________ Tom Cameron
| 2014/5/24 16:22 | Profile | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: Sidewalk | | Quote:
All the science is not in on this, but there is a notable population who are sensitive to various forms of radiation and radio transmissions.
Well, when it is happening to you, scientific opinion is of little consequence - other than it keeps those that could possibly help, from lending a hand to those that could really use the help. Actually, I think the scientific community is already aware of the dangers of the wrong kinds of electromagnetic radiation and wireless technology because cell towers, wind turbines, electrical substations and industrial plants are generally located in, or near, the less affluent areas of town. If these things were harmless this would not be the case. The LORD has laid it upon my heart time, and time again, that we who call ourselves His, have a responsibility to defend the poor. Additionally, if that which we do, or use, harms the poor - well, it is the same as justifying the wicked. |
| 2014/5/25 0:00 | Profile | PaulWest Member

Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
...because cell towers...are generally located in, or near, the less affluent areas of town.
Additionally, if that which we do, or use, harms the poor - well, it is the same as justifying the wicked.
Dear sister, is a Christian sinning when they make a cellphone call, in your estimation? _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2014/5/25 5:32 | Profile | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: | | Quote:
Dear sister, is a Christian sinning when they make a cellphone call, in your estimation?
Dear brother, you do not know how much I would rather not say this, for I know that almost everything around us is hinged upon wireless technology, and the accumulation of energy, but the answer is yes. The LORD has had me in tears over this often. I have asked Him, and I continue to ask Him, to tear down and uproot all of these things that are killing His children - both physically, and spiritually. To show His people the result of the choices that we are making.
He has not called us to convenience. He has called us to bear witness of His Son. We do not need cell phones, the internet, or even electricity to do this. I still have some of these things in my life, but only on a limited basis. The LORD has shown me that I do not need these things as I have had to power down my whole house to bring the frequencies down to a reasonable level. I continue to have to unplug my refrigerator at night, and as such, only store a limited number of things in it. I only turn my heat and air conditioner on enough to make the temperature in my house tolerable. The winter before last, in Iowa, I had to have the gas turned off because it was causing problems with the frequencies and there was no shut off valve in the house. I managed through the winter by using a small wood stove in the kitchen and a space heater in the bathroom. Blessedly, I am learning these things as they come along, but how could we manage if they were suddenly all ripped away at once? Only those with a deep faith in the LORD will be able to survive, and survive we must for it is then that the people will hear of the saving grace of our LORD Jesus Christ.
Forgive me for rambling about, but there is so much to tell that it is hard to know where to begin or end.
| 2014/5/25 15:41 | Profile | TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | 99% of the people would have no idea what you are talking about yet you seem to be suggesting this is a widespread issue.
You are condemning people for something that you believe affects you. I still believe that it is not truly affecting you and you need to seek counsel with a pastor. _________________ Todd
| 2014/5/25 20:11 | Profile | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: | | Quote:
99% of the people would have no idea what you are talking about
Well, I am praying that that will change so they will not have to go through what I have gone through. What is really distressing is to see mothers handing their cell phone to their children to appease them. Granted, they do not know the dangers - that radio frequency is particularly harmful to young developing brains and bodies - but the children just love the phones and most will throw a fit if they do not get them. But then, they are only wanting to mimic their parents which is what the LORD designed them to do. It is also distressing to see cell towers in school yards and amusement parks. The closer the phones and ipads are to the source (cell tower) the more damaging the signal. And then there is the grant money being used to upgrade the schools computers etc. to the latest technology... |
| 2014/5/26 0:22 | Profile | a-servant Member

Joined: 2008/5/3 Posts: 435
| Re: | | New study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures
Is the Brazilian study an isolated study?
quote: "Cell phone tower studies which examined the relationship between radiation exposure and cancer rates were conducted in the city of San Francisco in addition to cities in Austria, Germany, and Israel, dating as far back as the 1970s. All the studies shared similar findings: living within a certain proximity to a cell phone tower increased the risk of cancer anywhere from two to 121 times depending on what type of cancer was detected."
Of course that is not mainstream news, that would rock too many chairs of interest. And the status quo of compromised fact gathering of people that never research anything for themselves. Like they said in Germany in the 1930's: "It is not true, because it simply cannot be true."
This thread reminds me partially about the time when tobacco smoking was still socially accepted, and not an obvious health hazzard. The tobacco industry's propanda was still shaping the minds of consumers and non-consumers alike, they had their audience under tight mind control for quite a while, and the naysayers where obviously 'haunted by demons'. Until that day when the farce just collapsed on them via evidence that just piled up and eroded their self-serving fantasies.
All repeats itself, and most people still have no independant access to truth, they still swim with the mainstream and decided to spend part of their life to 'rescue the dissidents'. That's funny in a way, sad in other ways, and that feeling prevails, because the captives are still being held captive. |
| 2014/5/26 2:20 | Profile |
| Tin foil hats!!! | | This thread reminds me about a church I encountered back in the 80's in Australia. The pastor was a zealous young man but it seems he allowed a woman into leadership who had some unconventional ideas about radiation and "rays" that were affecting christians. I kid you not, this is a true story. As time went on he allowed this woman more and more access to him and shut almost everyone else out. Eventually she convinced him that the urges he was feeling were from "homosexual rays" or as we as kids in Australia would call them, "poofter rays". According to this woman these "rays" were beamed down from demons who lived on the moon. She said that the demons had the ability to weaponise lust into invisible radiation and direct it at christians to cause them to sin.
So guess what ended up happening? This little charismatic church which by the way was heavily into "intercessory prayer meetings", decided that the only way to protect themselves from these rays was to make tin-foil hats!!! Yep, thats where it ended up going. A small group of christians sitting around making aluminum foil hats so that their pastor and others would not become full fledged, flaming homosexuals.
As you can well imagine, this did not end well. The foil hats obviously did not work and the "demon aliens on the moon" were able to entice the pastor into homosexuality and he "came out"...tin hat and all!!!
And you thought this stuff only happened in America! |
| 2014/5/26 10:15 | | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: Tin foil hats!!! | | Quote:
According to this woman these "rays" were beamed down from demons who lived on the moon. She said that the demons had the ability to weaponise lust into invisible radiation and direct it at christians to cause them to sin.
Well, we do have satellites beaming down plenty of pornographic images that entangle more than a few Christians. And the men that propagate these images are clearly filled with demons.
While Satan can put a lustful thought in our mind, he can do a lot more damage if he has a good image to go along with it. Additionally, a feeling of lust can be raised up using a certain frequency, which I am sure the pornographic industry takes full advantage of.
Our whole bodies are run by tiny electromagnetic pulses sent to and from our brains. It is an amazing thing that the LORD has done. We are wonderfully made, but we are introducing outside forces that are very destructive to God's original design. |
| 2014/5/26 14:53 | Profile |