Poster | Thread | drifter Member

Joined: 2005/6/6 Posts: 1025 Campbell River, B.C.
| Re: | | Quote: "There is actually something going on that is even more sinister than weather manipulation. There is a tsunami of sorts going on in our very homes. Technology has advanced to point that it is not difficult for someone outside of our homes to manipulate everything electronically within our homes - creating a tsunami of electromagnetic waves that are very harmful to our health. Our entire bodies run on tiny electromagnetic pulses sent to and from our brains, different parts of our bodies react to different frequencies. There are certain frequencies that are very destructive.
Of course, our cell phones are designed to send and receive radio frequencies. Actually, everything wireless is designed to send and receive frequencies. It is not a difficult thing for someone that has the know how to send a specific frequency through your cell phone, and you would not even know it because audible frequencies occupy a very small range of the frequency spectrum. There is a reason why our brains are "fuzzy," and we have trouble remembering things. There is a reason why so many of us are sick and dying."
I know this kind of stuff goes on, but I think it's best not to mention it to most people because they have their heads stuck in the sand and they won't listen. People fear what they can't understand. And it's also probably a good idea not to get too concerned with this kind of thing or you'll end up wearing a tinfoil hat. Jesus is able to keep you safe from this stuff.
I have memory issues but I think a lot of it is because I was a drug addict for years and my brains are probably like scrambled eggs now. _________________ Nigel Holland
| 2014/5/21 17:15 | Profile | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: | | Dear drifter,
Well, the LORD is the only One that I know of that can unscramble eggs. But - if we continually do things to scramble them again, well, there you have it - more scrambled eggs.
The LORD blessed me, after my initial post, with a website that I have found to be most helpful. It contains enough information that the LORD had already given me for me to say that I highly recommend it to anyone that is interested in knowing what is being put upon us, and things that can be done to minimize the damage. However, I do not know anything about the patches or the machine that is mentioned.
The LORD has been keeping me safe as I have been totally inundated with harmful radiation. Four cell towers were erected within a half mile of my house, and a wind turbine was erected just two miles from my house. At one point, my whole house was resonating. The LORD had me to stand against the turbine and wireless companies - to bring forth truth to any that would hear. Gas lines were moved, electrical lines were installed, transformers were installed, trees were cut down, trains and sewer lines were used - chemicals were sprayed over my house, phone lines were manipulated, cars with "on-star" were parked around my house as I moved from room to room to avoid the new onslaught. At one point, about 50 flags were installed along the front of my property. And then there were all the things that were happening inside my house . . . it was crazy. And the LORD kept me through it all, and continues to protect me in my new location. When I first moved in to both my temporary, and current location, there were no problems. But slowly they mount as more and more things are tried. It is amazing what the enemy can come up with - but then it is even more amazing how the LORD can just walk us out of these situations if we will trust HIM. I must say, it is a lot easier to trust Him when we have no other choice.
Here is the name of the website: best-emf-health com.
God bless you! |
| 2014/5/21 19:55 | Profile | ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | QUOTE: ______________________________________________________________
are that these storms of such magnitude and destruction can be like God's finger (not saying they ARE) to scrape back all the things that we forge attachment to and dependence on. They can unveil our own helplessness that is the real us minus God. It is in these storms that Christ is magnified by His people greatly as they point to Him. ______________________________________________________________
QUOTE: ___________________________________________________________ I was in Tuscaloosa and saw the decimation first hand. Never will forget it. ____________________________________________________________
I saw this, too, but several weeks later. The helplessness that overwhelms my soul in unlike anything else I have ever seen. The destruction in Louisville is exactly like what I saw in Tuscaloosa. Massive - huge piles of torn, broken trees piles line MS HY14 going into town from the east plus all the houses destroyed...
Most helpless feeling...
I did not hear the story of the boy but that is encouraging in face of such massive wreckage.
There is one heart warming thing and that is the vast out-pouring of assistance that has come into the community from across the nation.
_________________ Sandra Miller
| 2014/5/21 20:15 | Profile | ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | TMK,
We have family and friends who suffered damage in the tornado you mentioned. Even though it happened almost 50 years ago, people still talk about it. Thanks for giving me the heads-up on that book...will need to see if I can get a copy.
God bless.
Sandra _________________ Sandra Miller
| 2014/5/21 20:18 | Profile | Sidewalk Member

Joined: 2011/11/11 Posts: 719 San Diego
| Re: | | Did you ever try to grow plants next to your wireless modem in your house? Doesn't go well. Can't be good for your brain either, methinks.
_________________ Tom Cameron
| 2014/5/21 20:50 | Profile | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: Sidewalk | | "Did you ever try to grow plants next to your wireless modem in your house? Doesn't go well. Can't be good for your brain either, methinks."
The radio frequencies turn the leaves of plants yellow. One day I was working in the backyard, pulling weeds. They turned the A/C on at the house to the North and to the South (my little rental house was sandwiched in between) I was working in the area where the waves of the two units met. Suddenly sweat just started pouring off of me (this was not the first time such a thing happened). When I moved to a different area of the yard, the sweating stopped. Later, when I resumed pulling weeds, I had no problem with sweating - until they turned the A/C units on again. They seem to have ways to know where I am at, both outside and inside. One of the ways is voice recognition of some sort, because when I talk or sing things happen around me. There is a change. Also when the dog barks, she will suddenly stop what she is doing and start vigorously scratching herself.
Back to the leaves. A day or so after working in the yard, I noticed some of the leaves on the trees around my yard had turned yellow - just the sides of the trees that faced my yard. There were a variety of tree types, but all of them near the area where I had been working had some yellow leaves. The same thing is happening to the trees, and bushes, and vines that surround the house where I am now living.
"Magnesium is found in the green pigments in the leaves of all plants in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is an organic molecule of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and in the middle there is an atom of magnesium, and it is chlorophyll which captures the sunlight and transfers it eventually to cause the reaction of carbon dioxide and water to make all the sugars an other things in the plant. If that didn't happen none of us would be alive, because we all rely either directly or indirectly on plants to give us the energy to live." Magnesium - Periodic Table of Videos
"And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass,..." Genesis 1:11a |
| 2014/5/22 5:55 | Profile | TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | This is getting more and more woo woo every minute.
Is this the Art Bell forum or Sermonindex? _________________ Todd
| 2014/5/22 6:14 | Profile | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: | | TMK, This is the testimony that the LORD had given me. If you have a problem with it, talk to Him. You will be held accountable to God for any, and all, that you turn away from truth. I have been born from above, and am filled with the Holy Spirit. If you are calling me a liar, you are calling Him a liar. And as we all know, all liars are of the devil. |
| 2014/5/22 15:14 | Profile | TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | DUPLICATE POST DELETED _________________ Todd
| 2014/5/22 15:46 | Profile | TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | DUPLICATE POST DELETED _________________ Todd
| 2014/5/22 15:48 | Profile |