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 Are you ready? The foolish virigns dis-armed

HI saints, I want to talk about the great battle we find ourselves in. You might ask ” what battle?” There is a battle going on for the hearts and souls of professing Christians around the world and believe me, it is fierce. Now, we can look at countries like China and North Korea and so on and know that our brothers and sisters in those countries are engaged in a great battle, an ancient battle, a very familiar battle that saints down through the ages have engaged in. The martyrs from all of the previous centuries would look at these countries and recognize what is going on there, it would be very familiar to them. Yet the battle that I am talking about is the disarming of the saints in the west. 1 Peter 4:1-2 states……….

“Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.”

Now there is wide application in this verse and it certainly applies to each and every one of us wherever we live and whether we experience persecution or not. Yet, no matter where we live or under what conditions we live in, we are all called to ” arm,” ourselves with the fruits of suffering. Now this flies in the face of modern doctrines and teachings. Can you imagine prosperity preachers or word of faith preachers encouraging their followers to find spiritual strength through suffering? Yet this is exactly what the Scriptures teach. And so a vital part of readying ourselves for the coming of the Lord is to know how to react to suffering and persecution. This is why the modern doctrines I have already mentioned, and I will include here ” hyper grace,” are actually part of the great last time deception of the Church, designed not to arm but to dis-arm Gods servants. Now brothers and sisters, no one falls asleep in the midst of persecution, yet the church in the west has fallen into a great slumber, lulled to sleep by various doctrines that appeal to the very flesh we are here in the Scriptures called to deny, to resist.

Now what does it mean to ” be ready?” Can I suggest that God Himself is preparing His Bride? There is a living Word that God has laid on the hearts of His servants and that Word is the very thing that is preparing His people. He has laid this word on the hearts of His servants and has made it a fire in their bones, woe to them if they do not proclaim what the Lord is showing them, even if they lose everything in the process. It takes strength to walk headlong into hurricane winds. These winds are the corrupted culture and the false doctrines of our day. Saints with eyes to see what the Spirit is showing them are greatly dismayed at the disarming of the people. They can see the great storm of persecution that is coming and we as Gods people, must be fully armed, putting on the full armor of God if we are to stand in that evil day. And when they see the false doctrines of self and how to live your best life now and the particularly heinous doctrine that claims we have no need to humble ourselves before the living God and that a broken and a contrite spirit is no longer applicable, they weep. They tear their clothes so to speak because they know that this is part of the great end time deception of the enemy to dis-arm Gods people prior to the time when he will walk into human history and pour out a fury such as has never been seen before.

Now this Living word that God has put on the hearts of His saints is the Word of God itself. Firstly He tells us in Matt 25:10 that ” those who were ready went in with Him to the marriage and the door was shut.” You see saints, those who were ready, those who had heard the word, those who had armed themselves or in this case has filled their vessels with oil. Now we see in Rev 19:7 this same marriage and it tells us that the ” marriage of the Lamb is come and His wife has made herself ready.” So we know from Scriptures that there was five wise virgins and five foolish virgins. The foolish virgins are the virgins that were deceived, corrupted by the culture and the false doctrines that has dis-armed them, taken the oil out of their vessels so to speak.

How were they fooled? Well Satan, through the culture and through false doctrines merely appealed to the weakness of their flesh, a flesh that hates suffering and despises any denial of what it wants. The flesh wants to be indulged, and yet in the spirit, we as children of God, have been called to deny the flesh. Mat 16:24 ‘Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.’ Now remember, our strength lies in the Spirit of God who has instructed us not to walk in the flesh , or the indulgence thereof, but to deny the flesh and to take up our cross and walk in the Spirit. Now think of all the instructions by the living word we have been given and then look at that in the light of what these modern-day heresies teach.

Jas 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Now hyper grace teaching would deny our need to cleanse our hands or humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord. And why, because Satan is disarming a people as we speak. He knows that God resists the proud and the presumptuous. When there is such a great disaster unfolding throughout Christendom and a time is needed to weep rather than laugh, then the enemy has brought in ” holy laughter,” through charismania. Why? To dis-arm the people because if the people repented and turned to God then God would lift them up. Now Satan knows this so he teaches, through false doctrine, that if you are a professing Christian then there is no need to repent. Now is that Scriptural? Lets see what Jesus is saying to the churches just about 50 years after He was crucified Rev 3:19 ” As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.’ And so brothers and sisters, the promises are made to those who , according to Jesus, overcome. Part of overcoming is to receive the rebuke and the chastening and in this way we arm ourselves.

Heb 12:5 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons, “My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and He scourges every son whom He receives.” If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons, for what son is he whom the father does not chasten? But if you are without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then you are bastards and not sons.

The modern heresies cannot handle these Scriptures, for it is in direct contradiction of a demanding flesh, yet the Scriptures clearly say that we are called to endure hardships and sufferings, just as our Lord did and it also clearly states that if we do not, then we are disarmed, without oil, and are not sons. Brothers and sisters, please see the battle, pray that the Lord will give you eyes to see the great deception, the great disarming of the professing church in our day. We must be armed so that we can stand in that day. God arms, Satan disarms.

1Petr 4:12 Beloved, do not be astonished at the fiery trial which is to try you, as though a strange thing happened to you, but rejoice according as you are partakers of Christ’s suffering, so that when His glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy. If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of God and of glory rests on you. Truly according to them, He is blasphemed, but according to you He is glorified.

God is raising up, making ready a people on whom the ” Spirit of God and of glory rests,” on. This is a people who have learned to rejoice that they too were counted worthy to be ” partakers of Christ’s sufferings.” Oh how this flies in the face of today’s heresies. And the purpose of it all? That God might be glorified on the earth. Do you want the Spirit of glory to rest upon you? Do you want to ready yourselves brothers and sisters? Then reject all self-serving religion. Reject every voice that would tell you that there is no need to ready yourself, no need to humble yourself, no need to repent and ask for forgiveness. Reject every voice that would encourage you to live your best life now, who would encourage you that God wants to enrich you with the treasures of this world, that you do not have to suffer, reject them all for in doing so you will counter the enemy who is disarming the people. You will stand strong in the armor of the Lord so that you may stand in that evil day. God is arraying His people for battle, He is calling and He is equipping. The time is drawing close brothers and sisters, be vigilant and do not be deceived.

The living word………………….

Joh 17:21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. And I have given them the glory which You have given Me, that they may be one, even as We are one. ( He is calling His children out, He is calling and preparing them and He desires one-ness and unity)

Eph 4:13 And this until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.( He is coming to saints who have the Spirit of glory on them, whose lives are dedicated to glorifying God)

Mal 3:1 Behold, I will send My messenger, and He will clear the way before Me. And Jehovah, whom you seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the Angel of the Covenant, in whom you delight. Behold, He comes, says Jehovah of Hosts. But who can endure the day of His coming? And who shall stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire, and like fuller’s soap. And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. And He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may be offerers of a food offering in righteousness to Jehovah. ( He is building a temple, not by human hands, we, His called out children are that temple, who can endure the day of His coming? Those whom He has readied)

 2013/8/26 13:47

Joined: 2010/10/26
Posts: 240

 Re: Are you ready? The foolish virigns dis-armed

God has spoken to me through this. Richly instructing. Thank you.

 2013/8/31 9:51Profile


"God has spoken to me through this" ......Amen! ...bro Frank

 2013/8/31 18:47

Joined: 2012/6/17
Posts: 5
Lynchburg VA

 Re: Are you ready? The foolish virigns dis-armed

This is very encouraging. This is very much along the lines of what God has been teaching me lately. Taking up the cross is a choice. By taking up the cross we take on the inconvenience, the suffering, the poverty, sacrifice and even death if need be to follow Christ. And we must love not the world and repent of every false way.

Thanks for taking the time to post this

James Burns

 2013/8/31 23:34Profile

Joined: 2011/3/8
Posts: 173

 Re: Are you ready? The foolish virigns dis-armed

Thank you Bro Frank for this very rich and timely exhortation!! God bless you!! Hope you wouldn't mind me sharing this with other saints around here?




 2013/9/1 7:50Profile

 Re: Are you ready? The foolish virigns dis-armed

Frank wrote

The foolish virgins are the virgins that were deceived, corrupted by the culture and the false doctrines that has dis-armed them, taken the oil out of their vessels so to speak.

The difference between the foolish and the wise virgins, was not that they were not prepared. On the contrary, they were well prepared, in fact too prepared. They had carried out all of the preparations of the wise ones, they brought their lamps, as they would not be allowed outside in the dark, once the bridegroom had arrived, to lead them to the banqueting hall, they waited but fell asleep, just like the wise virgins. They had calculated the time of waiting and filled their lamps with enough to last. But by making that calculation, they had shown their error - they depended on their own understanding or the flesh. No deception, corruption or false doctrine. They did what all men do naturally. They worked it out for themselves but they calculated wrongly. They were excluded because they got the timing wrong.

The wise virgins did not do this. They were not in the flesh, they were in the Spirit. They were unable to prepare further than to make sure that they had plenty of oil because they had crucified the flesh so they no longer were led by their own understanding. They did not try to guess when the bridegroom would come so they covered their options by bringing spare oil.

The parable shows the difference between those who walk in their own understanding, and those who walk by the Spirit, it has nothing to do with persecution

1 Peter 4:1-2 “Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.”

Living our lives in the flesh to the lusts of men (all desire not only sexual) can include even the way we obey the commandments. If we obey through our own understanding, then it is the flesh and the door to the banquet will be closed.

To be entirely led by the Spirit, flesh must be crucified, not denied.Those who have crucified the flesh will suffer persecution They do not have to wait until it comes. It happens immediately man enters into the life of the Spirit, when all hell breaks out on him from the enemy.

So the message is for foolish, must be, the persecution is ready to come in today, if you stop walking in the flesh. It is either persecution or a closed door. Decide today for you do not know when the bridegroom will arrive for YOU.

With Frank's message, there is the danger of delay. If we think that we have time to prepare, we will be deceived. It is natural for the mind of man to think that he has time and that he can look out for signs that some future happenings and act once he spots the signs of impending doom.

But that is depending again on our own understanding. The message of scripture is TODAY. If we are not led by the Spirit in all things, and walking in holiness and purity of heart, NOW, we are in danger. Sleepers awake!

 2013/9/1 9:33


My sister writes........

"The difference between the foolish and the wise virgins, was not that they were not prepared."

The actul quote sister was about people either being ready and we are commended by Scripture to be ready.

"Mat_24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Mat_25:10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

Luk_12:40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

Rev_19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

Dear sister, I am going to have to stick with Scripture and not the opinions or doctrines of men. Some men have pre-concieved notions as to what the Scriptures say, and put a grid over it and attempt to make the Scriptures fall in line with their particular doctrine, this is a great mistake. The simple reading is that some were ready and some were not. Some went in and some did not. This should be a challenge to us,especially in this day of cheap grace.

Mar_8:34 And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

The Scriptures never contradict themselves. Here Jesus plainly tells His followers that they who would desire to follow after Him must deny themsleves and take up their crosses. This is plain enough language...........bro Frank

 2013/9/1 10:59

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


Quote krautfrau;"The parable shows the difference between those who walk in their own understanding, and those who walk by the Spirit, it has nothing to do with persecution "

Thank you.

That he could find a way to insert persecution into that parable was bizarre to say the least.

In fact the inversion is epic.

IT is the foolish that are locked out INTO PERSECUTION

 2013/9/1 12:03Profile


bro Frank

They were not in a position to leave with the bridegroom, that is true, but the point was why they were not ready. If we miss that point we have missed the warning and the way to be prepared. They were using their own understanding and that was the reason why they were not ready. The reason for the unreadiness was the difference between them - flesh v spirit.

deny himself

Self is not flesh.

 2013/9/1 12:25


That he could find a way to insert persecution into that parable was bizarre to say the least.

In fact the inversion is epic.

IT is the foolish that are locked out INTO PERSECUTION

I rather thought that Frank was speaking about believers in all places and in all times having a mind to suffer. The reference to the persecuted churches at the beginning of the article was by way of introduction and concluded with the reality which comes from persecution, namely suffering in the flesh takes away the desire to sin.

Then Frank said

“Now there is wide application in this verse and it certainly applies to each and every one of us wherever we live and whether we experience persecution or not. Yet, no matter where we live or under what conditions we live in, we are all called to ” arm,” ourselves with the fruits of suffering.”

I agree with what Frank has said here simply because the Scripture is itself very clear on this point. We can be certain of this by simply looking at what the difference was between the wise and the foolish virgins. Whatever “slept” means and whatever “lamp” means and “oil” as well as all the other components in this parable the only difference between these virgins is the quantity of oil. I take it that Krautfrau reads this to mean that the five foolish were not perfect and sinless as she teaches we must be to be even called a christian (see foot note quotation), and by deduction the five wise were wise because they were perfect in their lives and so are “worthy” of salvation. Now we have another twist by another who says that this parable has to do with an event preceding the great tribulation and that being foolish means precisely to suffer persecution. Of course I realise that it is a simple matter to ridicule my points but I know what you have meant to say, it is implicit in your words.

Words are very important we should be especially nervous of changing the simple meaning of Scripture. Alas a little leaven leavens the whole bread and even the little children can be led astray.

Frank did not say that a believer must be persecuted in order to become “wise” he simply said that all believers everywhere and in all places must follow the simple and clear Scriptural admonition by the Apostle to arm ourselves with a mind to suffer. The context given is a battle ground and the battle is fuelled by what Frank calls cheap grace and the combatants are believers in the WEst especially. Thus the danger being that believers in the West are by reason of taking the grace of God lightly thereby neglecting their service to Christ being more concerned with their own interests due chiefly to this attitude of not having a mind to suffer. Mind to suffer does not necessarily equate to persecution in this article, it is presented as a wise thing to do in the sense of the wise virgins. Whatever comes from this attitude is not precisely mentioned it is a presentation in the spirit with a view to allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts.

So to list the quote from Krautfrau as cited above……here we are then.

.............his failing was in not having entered into the fullness of the way of holiness which is in fact the start of the Christian life, and before then, like the early disciples, we have a measure of knowledge of Christ, and are believers indeed, but in fact not yet Christians ie little Christ`s. No matter how much we reassure ourselves with Bible verses, without the witness that we have the divine nature in its fullness then like many in the Holiness movement , we are preaching half a gospel whereas the full gospel for every man and not for a chosen few or those who only have a small measure is Christ within you the hope of glory - glorified today, otherwise as scripture clearly says that any man who sins is of the devil...........Posted on 05/02/2010 in another place at 4:27am.

I suppose that it is easy to see why Krautfrau sees the wise virgins as saved and the foolish as lost in this doctrine of devils.. In this quotation they are the only ones who are really saved and none other because “not having entered into the fullness of the way of holiness which is in fact the start of the Christian life, and before then, like the early disciples, we have a measure of knowledge of Christ, and are believers indeed, but in fact not yet Christians ie little Christ`s.” Being a “little Christ” must be very comforting.

 2013/9/1 12:59

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