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Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK


Quote: Those who espouse "sinless perfection" generally have a different definition of sin than i do, and the scripture does.

First of all let me I espouse entire sanctification...

Quote: Usually they will say that their "bad acts" are not sin because they have been "cleansrd"

Holiness or entire sanctification (in the sense in which we shall use the terms) is the absence of all sin.

It is also the presence of all the graces of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, Gal 5:22-23 unmixed with any carnal or contrary affection.

The holy soul is free from all sin Rom 6:22 and “filled with all the fullness of God.” Eph 3:19.

Colin Murray

 2013/5/11 7:49Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Quote: "The holy soul is free from all sin Rom 6:22 and “filled with all the fullness of God.” Eph 3:19."

Yes, but there is still the flesh. The gnostics were saying their indulgence of the lusts of the flesh didn't matter because their "spirit" was pure and the flesh didn't matter.

But the bible says that keeping our flesh pure DOES matter.


 2013/5/11 8:07Profile


I have listened to this message again and still gripped by the need for more holiness in ny life. Again I would commend this message and urge all to listen to it.

I am reminded of 2 Tim. 1:9 that says God has saved us and called us to a holy life. God grant that my life be more full of his holiness.

Praise God for this beautiful message of holiness from a beautiful vessel of holiness from God.


 2013/5/11 8:30

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK


Quote: The New Testament does not support sinless perfection.

Okay just so it’s clear I support Entire Sanctification 1 Thess 5:23

In my studying I do see some error that attached itself to the holiness movement, it seems that error got in from some that practiced mysticism and that is why I come out so strongly against contemplative prayer and don’t use the term sinless perfection.

Does the scripture support Entire Sanctification, let me say when God first introduced me to the “the second blessing”, I could not see it in scripture, but know I see it all through scripture...

Here is a definition of Entire Sanctification…

Sanctification, that work of God’s grace by which we are renewed after the image of God, set apart for his service, and enabled to die unto sin and live unto righteousness. Sanctification is either of nature, whereby we are renewed after the image of God, in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness, (Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:19) or of practice, whereby we die unto sin, have its power destroyed in us, cease from the love and practice of it, hate it as abominable, and live unto righteousness, loving and studying good works.

Quote: And the experience of Christ filled believers does not confirm it.

Here are what some well-known men of God have to say…
John Fletcher says: “It is the pure love of God and man shed abroad in a faithful believer’s heart by the Holy Ghost given unto him, to cleanse him, and to keep him clean, from all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and to enable him to ‘fulfill the law of Christ,’ according to the talents he is intrusted with, and the circumstances in which he is

Adam Clarke says: “What, then, is this complete sanctification? It is the cleansing of the blood, that has not been cleansed; it is washing the soul of a true believer from the remains of sin.”

Watson’s Theological Institutes: “By which can only be meant our complete deliverance from all spiritual pollution, all inward depravation of the heart, as well as that which, expressing itself outwardly by the indulgence of the senses, is called ‘filthiness of the flesh.’ “

Bishop Foster says of the person entirely sanctified, that he is in “a state in which he will be entirely free from sin, properly so called, both inward and outward. The process of this work is in this order: beginning with pardon by which one aspect of sin, that is actual guilt, is wholly removed, and proceeding in regeneration, by which another kind of sin, that is depravity, is in part removed, terminating with entire sanctification, by which the remainder of the second kind, or depravity, is entirely removed.”

Jesse T. Peck in Central Idea: “In the merely justified state we are not entirely pure ... But in the work of entire sanctification, these impurities are all washed away, so that we are wholly saved from sin, from its inward pollution.”

Bishop Simpson says: “Christian Perfection is a term used by Methodists to denote a state of grace implying purity of heart, or a heart cleansed from all sin ... Sanctification is that act of the Holy Ghost whereby the justified man is made holy.”

Rev. Wm. McDonald says: “It is the removal from our moral natures, through faith in Christ. All sinful desires and tempers, all pride, anger, envy, unbelief, and love of the world; and the possession in these purified natures of the unmixed graces of faith, humility, resignation (longsuffering), patience, meekness, self-denial, and love.”

Quote: Indeed the person who is getting closer to Jesus becomes even more aware of their sinfulness. But then that person is ever driven closer to the cross to be cleansed by Christ.

I agree with you 100% many who claim entire sanctification say that they came to a point of “crisis” an awareness of there own sinfulness and inability to deal with it, this crisis is the point where a surrender and submission to Christ comes in a new and deeper way and leads to cleansing and sanctification..

Colin Murray

 2013/5/11 8:50Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


I just finished listening to this message that was posted last week.....I don't see how anyone could not be challenged to reach higher in our Christian walk after hearing this. I don't want to comment to the debate going on as I feel in some ways it detracts from the purity and simplicity of the message. Let us all desire increasing holiness in our lives. Thank you so much for posting this!

 2013/5/14 21:47Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


"I just finished listening to this message that was posted last week.....I don't see how anyone could not be challenged to reach higher in our Christian walk after hearing this. I don't want to comment to the debate going on as I feel in some ways it detracts from the purity and simplicity of the message. Let us all desire increasing holiness in our lives. Thank you so much for posting this!"



Sandra Miller

 2013/5/14 21:53Profile


That is why I opened up the other thread to discuss the issues raised previously on this thread. Felt this thread should focus mire in Nancy DeMoss's message of holiness.

I have listened to this messsve twice. Need to listen to it again. Very challenged for more holiness in ny life.


 2013/5/14 22:28


Once again I listened to this heart stirring message by a humble servant of God. This sister exhorts us to pursue more holiness in our lives because God is holy.

The message is convicting but at the same time encouraging. If anyone has not listened to this stirring message by Nancy Leigh DeMoss I would encourage you to do so. After listening to this message, if not during it, you will find yourself worshipping the thrive holy God. Also you will find yourself wanting to be holy to please him who is holy.


 2013/5/26 9:55


As I listened to tbis message I was reminded of the story of the bride who did not get herself ready for the wedding. A very apt parable for the church in the west that is far from being pure and ready for the coming of her Lord.

Very sobering but sad. God may we be more holy as unto Jesus.


 2013/5/26 10:00


Again another thought echoed in Nancy's message. She gave a quote by Andrew Murray when he said revival will come when sd stop using prayer asa ssubstitute for holiness.


 2013/5/26 10:05

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