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learn Member

Joined: 2008/7/24 Posts: 613
| Re: | | Thanks davidkeel for sharing.
Mine is not forgiveness as far as I'm aware of and the spiritual warfare had nothing to do with forgiveness either.
All I know is I still don't understand where this is all leading me to. I just want this to end. _________________ geraldine
2012/9/15 10:32 | Profile |
Myst Member

Joined: 2012/7/22 Posts: 32
| Re: Please pray for me | | Hi Geraldine,
You mentioned to David:
"Guess because I got serious with God--that's when it started."
Whenever we turn to our Father, stepping our of our "normal Christianity", that invariably starts us on a path of discipline and growth.
Jesus spoke about it often, ie that we must die to self and more, Paul referred to the disciplining that we must face, and if you read both epistle of Peter, he discusses it at length.
With me it began with something I read by Kirkegaard. Essentially he said, "God does not use anything until he first makes nothing out of it." I thought about how the earth was first empty and void, and then He formed it into something He called good in all of its finished aspects.
At the time, I was deep into conventional Chrisitianity. When I saw the validity of Kierkegaard's comment, I had wanted more than anything, my Father to use me. I told Him that He could make nothing out of it to accomplish that. I knew that I would be in for a difficult time, but I had no idea of how difficult. The journey forward from that moment has been gutwrenching, and seemingly unbearable at times.
I never forgot my commitment to Him, however. And whenever things seemed to be getting better in my world, I recommitted to my process of growth. I thought it would be far better to "get it over with" than having to go through a series of periods of growth. I have suffered death and loss in my life, which had up to that time, been easy and pleasant.
In my most trying times, I still remember and thank my Father that He is still making something out of me, although I feel so crushed in the midst of this.
I am grateful to David that he asked you when it started, and you explained. You are a living testimony of how our Father will take us and make up into the kind of servants He needs in His harvest.
John, in his epistiles, and in his book of revelations spoke often about overcoming, and the rewards given to those who overcome.
In the coming darkness when our Father most needs those to reap His harvest, you will be among the harvesters. Just remember, NEVER GIVE UP. Ask for revelation as you are going through this. He will tell you how to overcome. Use that revelation to defeat our enemy. Do not forget what you have learned. Then you will be vitally important to rescue those who are lost in the world.
This is your destiny. This is what you chose when you committed yourself to your Father.
Thank Him for what He has given you. Live up to the name you have given yourself ---> LearnLearn. In both Greek and Hebrew, when the writers wanted to emphasize something, they would repeant the world twice. That is why you often read of Jesus saying, "Verily, verily."
The true knowledge of the Lord is essential right now. Do not waste your time of discipline / discipling. He is merely teaching you, and the lessons are very hard. Just learn and overcome. The great fruit from your sacrifice will come soon. _________________ Robert Sands
2012/9/15 17:55 | Profile |
Myst Member

Joined: 2012/7/22 Posts: 32
| Re: Please pray for me | | Oh, and remember the previous mention of synchronicity? This is a good example, when David comes on to mention something, and you recall the fact of how it all began:
"Guess because I got serious with God--that's when it started."
Your Father arranges things to be brought out by others to enable the truth to come up in an unusual or unexpected way. He is speaking to you like that now. Just watch for it to happen often. _________________ Robert Sands
2012/9/15 17:59 | Profile |
learn Member

Joined: 2008/7/24 Posts: 613
| Re: | | Myst, Thanks but I think you read too much into me 'getting serious with God'. My seriousness is not what you seem to think it is. I know you are trying to help but I beg you to not write anything more on that as it has been very difficult for me to even repy to you in this thread. I do sincerely thank you for your help but I need a break.
I may seek your advise in the future (I hope you don't mind) but at this point in time its just too difficult to do so. Thanks. _________________ geraldine
2012/9/18 5:02 | Profile |
davidkeel Member

Joined: 2006/5/11 Posts: 519 West Sussex, England
| Re: | | Hi Geraldine, I am not sure what your problems are which you wanted to make people aware of. And none of us are able to understand your difficulties because of your request being so vague. You haven't really shared anything about what is going on either on this thread or when I emailed you. If you just want to tell your friends on Google then that's cool . But I thought you may have wanted some help. _________________ David Keel
2012/9/18 11:47 | Profile |
learn Member

Joined: 2008/7/24 Posts: 613
| Re: | | David, I have other threads elsewhere in this forum that explained a bit more although you will not get anywhere near the full picture as I was asking questions pertaining to certain parts of the spiritual warfare and/or I thought that it actually ended when it is still ongoing. This thread was started because I needed prayers--not because I was asking questions. Anyway, more of the details were actually shared through emails with certain people as I needed more specific help on how to deal with it.
At this point, 1 of my main goals is that I'm trying to concentrate on reading the bible because I think that's one of the major key to solving this.
I may in the future contact you if you don't mind. If I do so, I will send an email since I have your email address.
If you would like to pray for me, pray that I quickly learn what it is God is trying to teach me so that I can get out of this spiritual warfare. Thanks. _________________ geraldine
2012/9/18 12:17 | Profile |
davidkeel Member

Joined: 2006/5/11 Posts: 519 West Sussex, England
| Re: | | Hi Geraldine, I have already seen one of those other threads before I started posting on here. And because of this I was really trying to squeeze out of you how you are living out your walk with the Lord as a means of trying to help.
There are things mentioned by people on the thread which I read which aren't correct, especially the idea of forming a close walk with God through Bible reading and prayer. They in themselves won't do it.
I hope you find a close walk with God though Geraldine. Bless you.
_________________ David Keel
2012/9/18 13:41 | Profile |
table Member

Joined: 2012/9/18 Posts: 23
| Re: what you are going through | | Feel great sympathy for you and an anguish of heart because of what you are going through. I know you want deliverance from the Lord. If the struggle is too difficult then a deliverance minister you would trust or can be introduced to may help. There may be some darkness in the ancestral line which is holding you captive. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal this to his ministers or yourself when you ask Him. The enemy can stop you going to see someone through fear, unbelief and other barriers which may be influencing you. Confess these things or just go and seek a genuine Minister who deals in these things and pray for the right one. Occult stuff may be in the family lines somewhere, strongholds over families can be in place through sins and this may have affected you seeing as their seems to be no hope at times when in fact there is all the hope for you to consider. Don't be blinded!! Hope this helps and want the Lord to deliver and bless you |
2012/9/19 6:19 | Profile |
learn Member

Joined: 2008/7/24 Posts: 613
| Re: | | Thank you David for your kindness. My walk with God is fine.
Table, thanks but that's not what I need. Let's not go further with regards to the point that you brought up, ok. Thanks. _________________ geraldine
2012/9/20 8:36 | Profile |
learn Member

Joined: 2008/7/24 Posts: 613
| Re: | | Wanted to give an update/conclusion because its so often that when we ask for prayer requests, we may not come back and feedback what the conclusion is. Its also about giving praise to God amidst the pain/trials/sorrow. And also thanking those that have given advise and prayed for me. Also, for those that are battling whatever battles that they are in, be encourage that you too can come out of it.
I am now able to sleep at night without being woken up multiple times. Recovering--its a process-how long I do not know. Starting to praise God--something which was always lacking in my Christian walk. Still a long way to go.
Finally able to listen/sing a Christian song without fear of attack etc. Its only 1 song so far and still afraid of other songs, but I guess the fear will go away with time--LOL, I think it will take quite some time on that. I remember Approved's post--If God brings you to it, He will bring you through/out of it. Well, something like that.
This is the song that I've been singing.
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart.
Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks unto the Holy One Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son (repeat)
And now let the weak say, 'I am strong' Let the poor say, 'I am rich Because of what the Lord has done for us' (repeat)
Give thanks
[ Lyrics from: ]
Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer
_________________ geraldine
2012/11/10 18:47 | Profile |